New Moon In Cancer - Wednesday, July 7, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

The New Moon appears in the sign of Cancer on Sunday, July 11th, 2010. On this day there will also be a total eclipse of the Sun. Part of the energy that a solar eclipse brings is that of letting go of things/people/issues that have been with us for some time, and are no longer serving us well. This, in turn, makes room for new beginnings. (Side note: Expect lots of energy for the FIFA World Cup on this day!)

The two signs that will feel this eclipse the most are individuals with Cancer or Capricorn rising, or those with Cancer or Capricorn as their Sun or Moon. Total renovation/transformation time here, people! Changes always begin within, but in this case they will be reflected with noticeable physical changes.

Both the internal and external changes within each of us will act as a catalyst for others to see us a bit differently, which means that we can expect changes in all levels of relationship – personal and professional. The changes in our relationships will then act as a catalyst for us to redefine what is important to us, what works for us, where our passions lie, and where we want to place our focus and commitment.

The changes that are coming with this solar eclipse will affect all areas of our life. Our reaction to them will be through our emotional self (Cancer). Because Cancer also relates to intuition and dreams, this is a time when messages that come to us in these areas will be of major importance. As with all eclipses, the caveat is “What is hidden will come to light.” The messages that come to you will bring into the light of day information that is important to the future that you are creating for yourself.

Post by Bonnie at 7/7/2010 3:42:50 AM
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