Decision Making - Monday, August 16, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

Self-confidence and decision making – the two seem to go hand in hand. Making and implementing decisions is the backbone for creating the life that we want. What tools do we have at our disposal to make this a more streamlined, effective process?

  1. When we make a decision we should spend the necessary time to get all the facts, look at the pros and cons of all of our alternatives, and be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences.
  2. Once we have made a decision, we need to implement it. If we second guess ourselves, or allow the opinions of other people to sway us, we lose our authenticity (and our self-respect).
  3. Once we have implemented a decision, we need to commit to it. Second guessing ourselves will get us nowhere.
  4. There is a difference between getting a decision right (which is a value judgment), and doing the right thing (which is living according to our own personal code of ethics). Bottom line – do the right thing!
  5. In making a decision, weigh what is going to be the most effective. There are many factors in looking for a “best” decision, and most of them are very ephemeral. The factors that indicate how effective a decision will be are much more easily defined.
  6. Go against popular thought and consider yourself first when making your decisions. This is not an ego issue, it has to do with authenticity. When you make your decisions according to your beliefs, you are acting in an authentic manner.
  7. Remember when you make decisions in any area of your life that you need to balance work/family/personal time and goals. The primary focus will fluctuate with personal needs/issues, but there always needs to be a balance.
  8. Make your own decisions, and take responsibility for them.
  9. When it becomes apparent that a decision is not working, review the issue and make another decision. If oyu let the situation go on, it will only get worse.
  10. Future decisions are based on past decisions. Make the best decisions that you can, with the information available to you, and know that you can always make another decision when something does not work out.
Post by Bonnie at 8/16/2010 4:02:00 AM
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Post by Endorie at 8/18/2010 2:00:25 PM
Endorie -

LOL Thank you so much! I am glad that you enjoyed this blog. :)

Post by Bonnie at 8/23/2010 10:25:01 PM
Yes, indeed great blog...actually Bonnie I enjoy reading your blogs but just as I told Leo it's difficult for me to say no...I am a bit indecisive. Yes, I know I have a lot to work on.
Post by Ken at 8/25/2010 3:24:31 PM
Ken -

No to worry - we all have a lot to work on. We move one step at a time, and allow both wisdom and change to cme to us. :)

Post by Bonnie at 8/29/2010 2:11:50 AM
