Psychic Insight for November - Friday, November 5, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

WORDS TO THE WISE for November

Hold on to your hat for November.  There are going to be some days during this month when you feel you like are doing nothing but either “putting out fires” or “trying stop the leak that could bring down the damn,”  while at the same time  trying to juggle three other things.  What will compound this hectic and somewhat stressful time is the fact that you will feel like you have no help and you just can’t catch a break or your timing is totally off.  Your saving grace is going to be “stick with what you know.”  This isn’t the month to try that new recipe, or wear the new shoes, or take the shorter route to somewhere:  this month has that definite look of a time when “what can go wrong, will,” so make your life easier in November and cut back on the stress by going with what works, even if it is not exactly what you were planning.  Trust me, if you just go with what you know during this month you won’t get bogged down and overwhelmed when those hectic days hit and you will have set yourself up to be in a better place, both emotionally and time wise, to deal with them.

Have a great November,

Shanon Lhoure

x 1119

Post by Shanon Lhoure at 11/5/2010 8:53:34 AM
Comments:Add Comment
Awesome insight Shanon
Post by Endorie at 11/8/2010 6:08:56 PM
