Psychic Insight for March from Shanon Lhoure - Thursday, February 24, 2011 |

Psychic Blogs


for March

Hang in there!  At some point winter will end.  But many of us are waiting for something that will never come and that is the “perfect time” to do something.  The right time to start that book,  the right time to talk to that person, start a diet, leave that relationship,  get off the couch and start exercising.  Do any of us really want to count the wasted moments and years of our lives, putting things off for the “right time,” like there is some outside force controlling us and we are just waiting for that force to provide us with this right time.  People: it doesn’t exist.  The right time is not a future date.  The right time is the moment you decide that you are sick of “not having” and are ready “to have” and that you deserve it.  The “right time” comes when we realize that being happy or successful is not something we get in line for and all the more deserving people go first. No!  The “right time” is not an external occurrence, it is an internal occurrence.  The “right time” is the moment you are ready to accept love and appreciation from the universe, or God or the divine, which ever from it might take for you.  The “right time” is not rated on a merit system.  It is not governed by how much time you have but how much time you are willing to make for you in your own life.  The “right time” is letting go of all the shortcomings and obligations in your life put on you by PEOPLE and start honoring the responsibility you have to the “magic” that created you and start making time for you to be happy.  To feel joy and regain your curiosity.  To trust the process of doing something just to experience doing it and not let the weight of accomplishing it weight you down to where it will never be the “right time.”


Post by Shanon Lhoure at 2/24/2011 1:13:58 PM
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You are so right. But right not it seems as if winter will never end. So much snow, so much cold I am over it already. I am so ready for spring. Really ready to spring into action as it were....
Post by Pat at 2/28/2011 3:48:47 PM
all my life i put others happiness before mine now everyone has a happy family and i am alone time to focus on me its my right time! you are very wise!!!
Post by Ostara1839 at 3/23/2011 4:06:42 PM
