Psychic Insight for July - Monday, June 20, 2011 |

Psychic Blogs


Here we are:  July and its festivities are here.  This month is about looking to what we were doing in the past that worked for us.  When I do these insights I pull two cards from my deck I created, called the Words to the Wise Oracle.  It’s not a tarot deck but a deck for inspiration.  A gentle nudge in the right direction for our focus.  The card for this month was Eastern Influence and it talks about thinking back between 3 to 5 years (give or take )  in our lives to something we were doing at that time that helped us in someway.  It normally is some kind of “habit” or almost “ceremony” you did that centered you and gave you clarity.  Could have been an author you were reading consistently.  Perhaps you used to make time to go for a walk every morning before going to work. Maybe you are returning to similar career or home you had then, but something that healed you or got you through is important to you now.  Somehow, it will help you with your life today and this card encourages you to blend these two realities together and you will gain a better balance.  It doesn’t mean for you to try and duplicate the past:  but it does suggest there was something about that “way” that worked for you and by re-visiting it you will find a key to bringing some sense of soundness to your present situation. This rarely means returning to person or ex lover though, but would suggest more,  to examine what you learned from that situation and how you managed to come through it.




Post by Shanon Lhoure at 6/20/2011 8:21:34 AM
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Post by anankhan at 8/30/2012 6:54:19 AM
