Psychic Insight for December - Wednesday, November 30, 2011 |

Psychic Blogs

As we head towards the end of the year there is often mixed feelings for all of us. Many of us look to the year that’s passed as an omen of what is to come while others see it as a springboard into an exciting adventure that lies ahead, while others may feel nothing. December is calling upon us to have courage as we move into a new year. To shake off the dustings of anything that may be haunting us from this past year and truly let this be a NEW year. And though we may look to our physical world to inspire us or drive us, it can often be the thing that deflates us or misleads us. This December the guidance is to not allow yourself to be swallowed up by the collective. As many are struggling with what seems the same situation it can create the illusions that there is no way out and we are all destined to share the same fate or we are all waiting on the same “miracle” for something to change. But the month of December is about remembering that you are unique. Your life path is unique. And though you may feel swallowed up by the whole, you can still create your own outcome. You can still have a different path if you have the courage to stand up to “mass thought” and look for what you can do differently that is unique to what you bring to the table. This December is reminding us to not lose our identity as you go into the New Year, but instead have the courage to perhaps revisit ideas and people that before seemed hopeless. To realize, within disaster there is opportunity, but only for those that have maintained a true sense of themselves.
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 11/30/2011 2:14:32 PM
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