INSIGHT FOR MAY - Tuesday, May 1, 2012 |

Psychic Blogs

Welcome to the May insight. This May is a month of new beginnings. Not only is summer officially here but this month is also showing itself to be a time of creative genius if we can just trust in ourselves as we may trust in others.

This month is showing that we often limit our “genius” by our own view of ourselves. We put way too much power on the head of our intellect and nowhere near enough on the ability that we all of have, of intuition and inner knowing.

We have all at some time been working on project and had a sense or a fleeting impression that we should “try something different.” Change the color, the style the focus of our project but then our intellect slams the door closed with “ no this is how we have always done it, this is how it must be done,” or “ why would you do that, it makes no sense, stay with what you know, “ and that “sense or impression” doesn't get it's day in court so to speak, it just gets shut down and we do our “creative” project the same way we always have. It really isn't even creative anymore, it is posing as creative because there are some new aspects but they are being crammed into a tried and true formula created by your mind.

And then, the dreaded thing happens! The “computer” loses your file before you can save it; a whole piece of the project is gone. The store has stopped carrying the color you were going to use; you have to change your whole color scheme: need I go on??

Your intellect goes in to “woe is me” mode as now it has to start over again. Here is a way to perhaps avoid this scenario.

This month, when you get the sense to try something different, entertain the idea for a second. Mention it to someone and let them consider it. Resist, fight even, the habit of giving into the intellect and letting it have full control over your creative project or idea.

This month, trust that something greater is at work and perhaps that idea that you had is actually a spark of brilliance or divine intervention. Be open to the idea that you are as capable as anyone else on the planet to have a great idea; a new idea or an idea that is something different for you.

Our minds our wonderful beings but if they are allowed to run the show in every area of our lives they become arrogant and limited.

This month learn to stand up to your intellect when it tries to shut down a new thought or idea. This month trust yourself and your connection to your own unconscious that is tapped in to everything. That is the part of you that has no limits and no structured shape. It can morph into anything that you want to apply it to but you have to trust it and give it its day in court.

This month, should you make a mistake that “seemingly” undermines something you thought was on track, consider for a moment the possibility that

Shanon Lhoure x1119

Post by Shanon Lhoure at 5/1/2012 3:16:09 PM
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