WANT & NEED - Sunday, August 11, 2013 | PsychicPower.com

Psychic Blogs

Occasionally in my interactions with clients I am asked by someone why I do not tell them what they want to hear.  This is a very good question.   

When a psychic tells you something other than what you were hoping to hear it may mean that what you are hearing offers you more hope than what you had thought you would hear.  

Perhaps a better understanding of the World of Spirit will be useful to us all.  

The World of Spirit is NOT a grocery store where one goes up and down the aisles looking for what one wants amongst the many offerings.  That's not to say that we don't have choices in life but ...  
the World of Spirit is all about

what CHOOSES US!   

We walk into this physical experience with many options but not endless options.  Each of us has a purpose here that is always changing, back and forth between past, present and future.  We have a destiny over which we have some control, hopefully choosing good over evil actions that bring help rather than hurt to others.

What will happen to me?  What do those who have passed on want me to know?  How can I use the doors open to me to my advantage? These are all helpful questions to one who walks to the World of Spirit seeking answers.  

It's rather like standing at an airport or train station knowing that someone will be arriving but not knowing who it will be or why they are coming to visit. 

The World of Spirit is full of adventure and oftentimes surprises.  Being prepared for these adventures is very important to make the reading you seek the very best for you.   

Believe it or not psychics will OFTEN seek the assistance of another psychic to read their own lives.  Doing surgery on yourself is indeed difficult if not impossible.  We also recognize the value of going to a person whom we trust to FIX OUR LIVES.  

One day when seeking the assistance of someone who had impeccable accuracy in a specific area of dream interpretation, I was told that I would be "moving" soon.  This is not something I had seen myself nor did I want to hear it and it had nothing to do with the dream I had initially called about but it was something I needed to know.  I was grateful to my colleague for bringing this to my attention.  

As it turns out, our landlord sent us a letter a few days later telling all the tenants that the building he had owned for 25 years was to be sold but that most likely we would be retained as tenants.  Since this was brought to my attention I paid closer attention to the details I myself have been receiving and am happy that I was prepared for this to happen as it set my mind at greater ease. 

OPEN, OPEN, OPEN...remain open.  When you feel compelled to call a psychic, remember it is because your OWN SPIRIT is telling you to do so.  We are simply the vessels who have been chosen to walk with you to the world where these mysteries are kept...we are happy to assist you in your LIFE WALK.  

It is always AN HONOR to serve YOU ! 

It is a JOY to see you succeed!  

With Love, Your Friend, MARIE ~
Post by Marie at 8/11/2013 5:47:22 PM
Comments:Add Comment
Well said , and very well written!
Post by Natalia at 8/20/2013 7:27:32 PM
