Full Moon in Pisces - Thursday, September 19, 2013 | PsychicPower.com

Psychic Blogs

   Today finds us with a full moon diving deep into the infinitely emotional waters of Pisces.  This is a time of introspection and evaluation.  A wonderful time to rest and retreat. This is a wonderful time for self care and nurturing.  Meditation can prove especially insightful at this time.  A big message that I feel comes with this full moon, is to fully accept emotions as they come up and release them to the light to be transmuted into something useful.  This is a time of intense emotional upheaval for some and the energy feels very heavy.  Know that feeling these feelings is just part of the process.  Delaying taking a look at these emotions as they arise will just hold us back.  If we want to move forward it is a time to look deep within and deal with that we usually hide from. We must learn to make peace with that part of ourselves and love it back to the light.  Taking part fully in this process of emotional purging, will open the doors for clean, fresh new beginnings in the future.  
Post by Kali at 9/19/2013 11:29:09 AM
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