Major Arcana Key #13 - Death - Thursday, June 25, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

One of the most interesting, and the most misunderstood, cards in the Tarot is the Major Arcana card of Death (Key #13). It can indeed mean physical death, but the interpretation that most often applies is that of a symbolic death – a transformation. Death is the letting go of something that is no longer serving the Seeker well, so that room can be made for new ideas, and new energy. By not releasing what no longer serves us, we are in effect holding ourselves back from both personal and spiritual growth. This is very easy to do, as not accepting change keeps us in our comfort zone.

Wherever the Death card appears in a reading, is an area of life (or perhaps a time period of life) that the Seeker needs to pay close attention to. They are being asked to release old belief systems, old ways of looking at things, so that they can align themselves with their authentic self. We need to remember that we are continually evolving both as a species and as individuals – what served us well at one point in time may no longer serve us well as we assimilate new ideas, new ways of dealing with things, and new understandings.

The appearance of the Death card can be a highly emotional time, as it indicates that the Seeker is at a crossroads – that they are leaving the past behind, and moving into a new phase in their life.

When the cards are laid down for a reading, and the Death card comes up, this should be addressed immediately. If it is not, the Seeker will fixate on that card, and not hear a thing that is being said until that card is addressed! Reassure the Seeker that the card addresses a symbolic death, a letting go, a time of transformation, rather than a physical death. Ask them if they have any questions before you begin the reading. Remember, it is up to the reader to set the reading environment, and to make it a safe place for the Seeker to ask their questions and address their concerns.

The Knight in this card, dressed in black, represents the void, mystery and mourning – all things that we are generally in fear of. The white horse that he rides on represents instinct (and movement) – that sense of knowing when it is time to move on. The sip n the background is highly representative of Egyptian mythology, where individuals are ferried across the river Stix to the land of the dead. In the case of transformation, old ideas and habits are being ferried away. The white rose is the symbol of rebirth – connecting death with the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

In a reading, the card of Death is asking the Seeker to embrace the change that is happening in their life – to flow with it, and not be afraid of it. This change is a deep change, a change of lifestyle that affects not only the Seeker, but those around them.

Meditation on the card of Death allows the Seeker to become aware of why they are holding back, of what their fears may be, and where they are coming from. Acknowledging these fears is the first step in embracing change. It also allows the Seeker to become aware of any negativity in their life, and to address it in a positive fashion.

Questions to ask here are what the Seeker is trying to avoid, and why they are trying to avoid it. What is it that the Seeker is anxious about? What is it that they fear? Why do they fear releasing it? Where is this fear coming from?

Until the Seeker addressed these questions, they are binding themselves to their fears and anxieties. The harder they try to avoid them, the deeper they will become bound by them.

It is often difficult to know when to let go. Indeed, the process of letting go is a mini death, and acknowledgement of loss and a time of sorrow and grieving. Then we move on to the joy of the new that is coming in.

The need for change is also an indication of spiritual growth. We have faced certain challenges, overcome them, and are ready to move on to the next level. From this perspective, the Death card is really a personal tool of empowerment. As we free ourselves of the past, we expand our ability to see the new, and accept it into our lives.

© June 2009

Post by Lilith at 6/25/2009 11:23:41 AM
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