Setting Goals - Monday, July 6, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

Setting goals is the foundation for creating the future that we want – and it is not as easy as it sounds. At least, for me it isn’t. I end up with way too many goals, and they are scattered all over the place! I have learned over time that I need to break my life down into different areas, and then form goals within those areas. You may break things down a bit differently, but I use the broad categories of career, finances, home, family and personal.

Setting and achieving goals acts as a wonderful motivator. Each small success allows us to think bigger, to dream bigger, and to expand our world in an orderly fashion. We do this by setting clearly defined, realistic goals. I like to look at the big picture of what I want to do, and then write down the smaller goals that will allow me to achieve the bigger ones.

Once I have the smaller goals lined up, I write down the steps that I need to take to achieve each goal. I give myself a realistic time period to achieve each goal in. I review my progress along the way, fine tuning as I go. If my goal has not been achieved within the set time period, I look at three things – (1) whether the goal that I am working on fits into the broader picture of my life, (2) whether I can rethink the steps that I am taking to achieve my goal, and (3) whether the goal is currently serving me well.

I have found that my overall goals have changed through time. I left one career field (that required very specific goals), and went into a completely non-related field. Then I found that I wanted to add something else into the mix – while not completely walking away from the second career field.

Developing my goals, and learning to be flexible with them, has allowed me to grow as a person, and to grow spiritually. What goals are you seeking? Are they connected with your passions in life? Do they serve you well? Don’t be afraid of change! Set new goals, dream new dreams!

Post by Bonnie at 7/6/2009 11:02:01 AM
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