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Psychic TV

One would tend to think that after choosing to leave your day job and go work for an elite international company that then claims intellectual rights to your dreams – all of them! – that you would be so happy to be free of them, and back at your old job, that you would work very hard to make people happy.

Well, the first thing that Allison does in this episode is collapse onto her kitchen floor. Her husband says “No problem, I’ll take the kids to school, you just get yourself to work.” So she goes to work – a crime scene – gets no visions, and then proceeds to collapse into a coma!

She’s at the hospital, and they won’t let her husband see her. Then they put her in a room, and tell him to go home. Oh – wait – he needs to leave contact numbers first! How to explain a coma to the kids. “Mom’s fine, they are just keeping her overnight.” As hey pull into the driveway, they notice a grown man in hospital garb, with an IV pole, sanding in their front yard. (The best scene in the whole movie was the man with the IV pole walking out the front door of the hospital as the husband comes charging in!)

Husband gets out, instructing oldest daughter to lock the doors. Husband talks hospital patient into leaving, after he determines that the man will not allow him to call anyone for help. Segue to after dinner – son sees man across the street. Husband goes out to talk to the man. The man informs him that he is really his wife – in a man’s body. Man ends up staying with husband and kids. Kids are terrified of him!

Man (now sans IV pole) makes pea pod costume for youngest child for a play. Then he decides to take a bath with a zillion candles and bubble bath. (Allison is in his physical... Read More

Post by Lilith at 5/12/2009 4:16:23 PM

I just got done watching two episodes of the Medium. I am only going to talk about one of them right now – it is the second part of the last show that I talked about, where Allison quit her job with the DA and began working for an ultra-elite company. A series of murders that she had been getting dreams about carried over into that new job. In fact, the suspect was the owner’s son, and Allison was told (a) that her dreams were proprietary material for his company, and (b) that if she attempted to take dream material to the police, or to anyone else, or involve his son in any way, she and her family would lose everything they had and ever thought about having.

The company owner then proceeds to place his son in a rehab in Mexico. The son is truly a maniac – a no holds barred devil with no ethical or moral fiber to him. It gets better – Allison sees that the son is not taking his meds. She tells her boss this, who then tells the father. The father goes to Mexico – where the son kills him – in a most gruesome fashion.

Allison’s boss then tries to put a terrorist plot scenario out to the board (and the public), so that she can become head of the company. Shades of the old nighttime soap opera Dallas! She also makes the same threats to Allison that the company owner had made about sharing her dreams, ruining her life, etc.

Sooooo … Allison gets back from Mexico (yes, her boss made her fly to Mexico!), and immediately goes to talk to her previous boss, the DA. She has had another dream – in which she sees that her boss knew that the owner’s son was going to kill him.

Segue to Allison’s daughter, who is having her own issues with precognitive dreams. She sees her substitute... Read More

Post by Lilith at 5/12/2009 5:11:15 AM

This Monday's Medium (starring Patricia Arquette as Allison) was absolutely stunning. As a reader, I appreciate the storyline, which emphasizes the fact that the gift that Allison carries with her (the gift of second sight) is not always a gift that enhances life. In fact, it is one that has to be worked with to be accepted.

In this particular storyline, Allison's teen age daughter is seeing images of a deceased classmate - disturbing images that come unbidden, which lead her to accepting the gift of pills that one of her classmates is taking for anxiety. Her daughter does not want to talk to her (or her father ... or anyone) about the images that she is seeing. She take the anxiety pills so that the images do not continue to come to her, and so that she can do well on her PSAT's (college enterance tests).

In the end, her classmate's father calls her father with the news about the sharing of the anxiety pills. This leads to a family discussion about taking pills, about the images that she is seeing, and about seeing a doctor about the process she is going through with the visions. Allison wants her daughter to have an easier time accepting her gift that she did, but the daughter is not all that sure she wants to tell a doctor anything.

Meanwhile, Allison is offered a high paid - extremely high paid! - job with a company that already employs a psychic to help with the evolution and marketing of their products. Allsion is offered money beyond her wildest dreams - is picked up in a limo on her first day at work, and is given a new, upscale wardrobe. The downside? She will... Read More

Post by Lilith at 5/5/2009 4:29:50 PM
