Lilith’s World – Tying Up Loose Ends < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Tying Up Loose Ends

17 December 2008

“My decisions, and my actions, reflect my acceptance of myself.”

Welcome to Lilith’s world. On December 19th the Moon goes into its fourth quarter, in Virgo. Fourth quarter moon’s indicate the ending of each month’s moon cycle. This week is a time to tie up loose ends, to bring things to a close, and to get ready for the New Moon. This part of the lunar cycle is a very active one, filled with movement, an requiring us to make decisions about the things that we are involved in. Allow your creativity to soar here!

I find it interesting that in a time when the world seems to be moving at warp speed, we are starting to see ideas presented on TV that would not have been there, except in a “science fiction” capacity, in the recent past. One show of note is “Paranormal State”, on A&E. Based on real life stories, the half hour series follows members of the Penn State University Club “Paranormal Research Society” (PRS), as they search for the truth behind real life paranormal activity.

I was amazed with the episode that I watched of this show – it dealt with a twenty-six year old girl, and the issue of possession. It was quite a ways into the show before it was determined that the girl herself was possessed, and not the house she and her parents were living in. There was an exorcism, and it seemed to work, but the shows end notes indicated that some time after the exorcism the entity did come back to possess the girl.

What I found interesting was the thought process of the students involved, and the people that they called in to help them. If you want to see how a paranormal event is investigated, I recommend this show.

From the paranormal to the all too normal – how are you doing during this high pressure holiday season? Are you trying to create the perfect holiday for yourself and your family? Are you trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations, and putting yourself last? Are you nowhere near meeting any of your (perhaps self imposed) deadlines?

Take a deep breath. Now take another deep breath. Go ahead … take one more deep breath for good measure. Take a small time out, and go make yourself a cup of chamomile tea. Give yourself the gift of time and spend a few minutes slowly sipping your tea. Feel the tension slowly leave your body. Move around a little bit – move your head, your shoulders, your arms and your legs. Feel yourself coming back into balance.

Go and get a pen and paper. Find a quiet place, and sit down. Make a list of all the things that you have started, and still have to finish. Add to this list the things that you haven’t even started. Go through your list quickly, and see what you can delegate to other people. Then commit to doing this!

With your new list, go through and see what things really need to be done, and what things are being done because of someone else’s expectations. Release as many of these things as you possibly can.

Go through your list again, and check off what things are important to you, and which are not. Release those which are not important to you. You do not have to be all things to all people!

Now you should have a list that you can deal with. Mark the items in order of priority, and assign approximate days and times to do them. When it comes to shopping, map out a path that will save you time, and try to do as much as you can on each trip.

The intent with this process is for you to live an authentic life – that your decisions, and your actions, are based on your own belief systems, and your own better good.  

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are going to visit an Angel oracle. The Archangel Michael has this to say: “I walk with you at all times. I am here to help you release your fears, and to give you courage.”

Next week we will be discussing the Winter Solstice, and its role in our life.

Wishing you a week filled with hopes and dreams, joy and peace! Our readers are here 24/7 to help you determine what you need to release, and how to release it.

Best Wishes,

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