Lilith’s World – Welcome to 2009! < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Welcome to 2009!

31 December 2008

“I walk confidently into the New Year, knowing that it holds great promise.”

On December 31st we usher out the old year, and on January 1st we welcome in the New Year. This is more than a time to party – it is a time to take stock of 2008, and define clearly our goals for 2009.

The year 2009 is an 11/2 year (2+0+0+9=11, 1+1=2). The number 11 is termed a Master number, and represents a year of expansion. Good news, after the recent financial debacles that we have been experiencing! This can refer to things that we have already begun, but it can also refer to things that we begin in the year 2009. One word of caution for this New Year is to pace yourself – with expansion comes intent and effort. Make sure that you pace your activities so that you have some personal down time, and do not become overwhelmed, or physically exhausted.

We are going to set new precedent for 2009 – instead of making a list of New Year’s resolutions that we know will fall by the wayside, we are going to make a list of personal goals for 2009, along with steps that we can take to achieve those goals. We are going to separate our goals into what might be termed life categories: health, career, family, finances, personal, and spiritual. In each category we are going to ask ourselves a series of questions that will allow us to define our goals.
  • Health: How do I feel about myself? Do I connect with the person that I see in the mirror? Do I take the time to talk to my body, and see what it has to say? What physical symptoms am I experiencing? Am I overeating? Why am I doing this? Am I not eating enough? Why am I doing this? Am I getting enough sleep? The key here is not to gain weight, or lose weight, or exercise more. It is not to drink more water, or get more sleep. It is not to do a massive change of diet. The key to setting goals for your health is to bring into alignment your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves. To make a true connection with yourself, and to listen to what your body has to say. Bodies change over time – listen to what your changing needs are. Be true to yourself.
  • Career: Ask yourself one question – What is my passion? What brings me my greatest joy? When you are working in a field that you are passionate about, and when your work brings you joy, the rest follows. Promotions, money, benefits – these are the small things. What are you passionate about? Follow that passion!
  • Family: How do I feel about my family? How do they feel about me? What are my expectations? What are their expectations? Do I have a good connection with my family? Are there any specific situations/individuals that I need to step away from for my own good? What can I do to foster better communications with and within my family? How can I encourage family members (remember that family includes biological family, partner/spouse, friends, and your “business” family) to support each other better? How can I encourage common goals?
  • Finances: Where am I financially? How do I feel about my finances? How do I relate to my finances? Do I have realistic financial goals? Who do I know – or what resources do I have – that can help me set financial goals for 2009? This is a very important category, because our finances can be a burden, and can affect us on all levels: financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • Personal: Do I take the time to create time for myself? Do I set sacred space so that others understand and respect my boundaries? Am I following my passions? Am I taking care of my health? Do I make myself an important person in my life? Do I take the time to do things that give me joy?
  • Spiritual: How do I connect with Spirit? Do I allow Spirit to shine through me? Do I communicate easily with Spirit? Am I able to see Spirit in all that is around me? In what ways do I honor spirit? How can I better honor Spirit?

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are going to visit the Tarot, and speak with both the Fool and the Magician. The Fool tells us: “Enjoy your entry into the New Year. Dream the biggest dreams that you can dream, follow the opportunities that cross your path, and allow your life to expand in magical ways.” The Magician tells us: “Know in your heart that you have the skills and abilities to manifest your dreams.”

Next week we will be going through our list of questions and setting goals for 2009.

Wishing each of you a Joyous Holiday Season! Remember that our readers are here to help answer your questions, and to help you handle the stress of the holiday season. 

Best Wishes,

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