Lilith’s World - Setting Health Goals For 2009 < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World - Setting Health Goals For 2009

7 January 2009

“I see my goals clearly, and am completely comfortable taking action on them.”

We have talked a bit about 2009 being a year of expansion, and about releasing that which no longer serves us. Now we are in a good space to set new goals for 2009.

Before we do that I would like to talk for a moment about our chakra system.  We each have seven basic chakras, aligned along our spinal column. It is through these chakras that the energy that moves through our body is controlled. Energy move in two directions – up the spinal column, and down the spinal column. Through the interaction of the up and down movement, the energy centers gain a spinning motion.  

Each chakra is responsible for a separate function. If there is a problem with any one chakra, the chakras above and below it may be affected. If the problem is bad enough, the entire chakra system is affected.  The reason that I bring this up before discussing setting goals, and defining the initial steps to achieving them, is that to be able to think clearly, and act decisively, our chakra system needs to balanced.

I recently came across a DVD that is very easy to work with, and would be an excellent tool for anyone who wants to work with aligning their chakras. It is “The Illuminated Chakras”, by well known teacher/author Anodea Judith. More about the chakras can be seen on her site,   

Last week we broke our goals down into life categories (health, career, family, finances, personal, and spiritual). Please feel free to redefine your personal structure of categories to reflect your life, and your beliefs. In the weeks to follow, we will be taking each life category and looking at the best way to determine our goals for each category, along with the steps that we can take to achieve those goals.

We asked ourselves the following questions about our health:

  • How do I feel about myself? Do I connect with the person that I see in the mirror? Do I take the time to talk to my body, and see what it has to say? What physical symptoms am I experiencing? Am I overeating? Why am I doing this? Am I not eating enough? Why am I doing this? Am I getting enough sleep? The key here is not to gain weight, or lose weight, or exercise more. It is not to drink more water, or get more sleep. It is not to do a massive change of diet. The key to setting goals for your health is to bring into alignment your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves. To make a true connection with yourself, and to listen to what your body has to say. Bodies change over time – listen to what your changing needs are. Be true to yourself.

This week we are going to be setting goals in the area of health. Look over your answers to the above questions. This is the starting point to establishing your goals. Think about what you want to achieve, overall. Is it weight loss (or gain)? Is it having more energy?
Is it personal appearance (how you present yourself to yourself, and to others)?

Be specific when you set your goals. Specific – but realistic. You ae not gong to lose thirty pounds in thirty days. (If you do, by whatever means, I can just about guarantee that you will gain them back!) Set your weight loss goals over a time period. Say, two pounds a week. Follow your progress by weighing in once a week ( NOT once a day!). What steps can you take to encourage weight loss? You want these steps to be things that fit into your lifestyle, so that what you are making is a lifestyle change. One step could be to eat the foods that you like – but in smaller quantities. One step might be to balance your diet. One step might be to limit sugar or caffeine intake.

Make your steps reasonable, and allow them to fit into your lifestyle. Look at each goal, and think about what you are getting once you achieve that goal. What is your “payoff”? Is it better health? Is it higher self-esteem? Is it respect from other people?

When we are specific about our goals, and set down steps to achieve them, we can accomplish anything!   

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are going to visit the Sacred Path cards (by Jamie Sams & Linda Childers). We are stepping into the new year with Field of Plenty (ideas/needs manifested). This is a reminder that in this year of expansion, we need to pay attention to the ideas that come to us. It is through our ideas, through acting on our ideas, that we will manifest that which will meet our needs. By staying grounded and centered in the present we can manifest a future that is true to who and what we are.

Next week we will be setting goals and action steps in the area of career.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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