Lillith's World - Empower Yourself! < Featured Column |

Lillith's World - Empower Yourself!

3 December 2008

"I am in charge of me."

Welcome to Lilith’s world! In this column we will be discussing anything and everything that helps us to understand our world a little better, to understand ourselves a little better, to resolve our past, and make the “here and now” a more pleasant place to live. We will be discussing divination, oracles of all types, TV shows, the cycles of the moon, astrology, Runes … and whatever else comes to mind!
The first thing that I want to note for this week is that on December 5th the moon goes into its second quarter, under the sign of Pisces. What does this mean? During a second quarter moon we need to look at what changes we need to make to “grow” the seeds that we set into play during the previous New Moon. Look at what you are working on, and what actions you can take to reinforce the intentions that you set at the New Moon.

December is, of course, the last month of the calendar year, and it is a month of celebration, in one way or another, for most religions. What memories does December conjure up for you? If they are good ones, then take actions that will nourish them. If they are sad or difficult memories, than take steps to resolve whatever is bringing about the difficulty, and release it willingly.

December can be a month when we are overwhelmed with things to do, parties and family gatherings to attend, gifts to buy and wrap, baking, cooking, and decorating. Take the time to sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, and make a list of all the things that you have to do. Then mark off the things that you actually like to do. Go over your list of things that are left – the things that you do not like to do, and note who you are doing them for. Are you doing them because you truly need to do them, or because someone else expects you to do them?

You do not have to live up to the expectations of others. Make the decision not to do something for the sole reason that it is expected of you. Then let whoever needs to know that you are not going to be doing whatever it is that they expect of you. Explain to them that you are prioritizing things this year, so that you can get as much accomplished as possible, and still enjoy the holidays yourself. If they don’t accept that – well, that is their issue. In your mind, you will know that this was the right thing to do.

As you put up your decorations, do your baking, cooking, and Christmas shopping, make a conscious effort to act from your heart. If you find your nerves getting frayed, take a small time out. A few deep breaths will bring things back into perspective, and the joy into your life.

Listen to seasonal music that is meaningful to you. Light a scented candle, and give yourself some space. Choose to be happy, choose to be in charge of your own life. Remember, our readers are here 24/7 to help you take control of your own life!

Next week we will be taking a look at clutter, and at the projects that you have been working on throughout the year – where they are, where you want them to be, and how you can bring them into alignment with your current goals.

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week our oracle is the Tarot, and the voice is that of the High Priestess. The High Priestess is a keeper of sacred wisdom, and is deeply connected with Grandmother Moon. Her sage advice is this: “Listen to your dreams, listen to those “Aha!” moments during the day when thoughts come to you full blown. Know that your answers lie within you, and that you have the ability to access them at any point in time.”

Wishing you a week filled with hopes and dreams, joy and peace!

Best Wishes,

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