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A dream that came true

#1 Posted on
11/7/2009 2:13:36 AM
by KGB9000
I had dreamed my spouse was talking to the neighbor. It was weird because when I woke up the dream came true. What could this mean?
#2 Posted on
11/12/2009 4:05:36 AM
by Daniella
I see this as a literal dream (as opposed to a symbolic dream). It was a continuation of daytime experiences. Since you do know that you were being advisedof what was going to happen before it actually happened, I would look at what significance it has for you;
#3 Posted on
2/14/2011 1:27:48 PM
by Robyen33
I didn't learn to swim until I was around 12 and my brothers mercilessly teased me about my floaties. I had a dream we were all going to see who could swim the fastest to the other end of the pool. In my dream everything was as it was during the day. Pool same size, brothers still annoying. My brothers wouldn't let me have my floaties and was daring me to get them from him. I dreamed I dove into the pool at the deep end and just swam all the way to where he was at the shallows. The very next day we all went to the pool and other than how my brothers were teasing me everything in my dream came true and ever since then I have been able to connect with what might happen more on intuition than through vision. I also like reading what tarot has to say about stuff and most of the time predicted the outcome of situations happening. I have two words of advice for those how share this intrest, Make sure you prepared to hear what you may not want to hear and Most of all remember if you do not like how your possible future might become you have the free will to change the things you don't like. If you want happiness then stop and ask yourself how you want your life to be and then do it. As with most spiritual discoveries, you must believe in the power of the mind. If you want it bad enough you will find away to get it. Karma always has a way of keeping us in line.
#4 Posted on
11/13/2015 12:19:39 AM
by mikuiloveyou
i dreamt that my bff would soon neglect me at camp and it actually happed
