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What Can Amplify My Ability

#1 Posted on
11/6/2012 8:26:14 PM
by GySgt.Belschner
I was wondering, is there something I can do or take to amplify my Ability, I've heard of crystles, And gemstones. What I'm looking for is like beladona, or some other homiopathic way. Let me know. GySgt. Belschner
#2 Posted on
6/24/2013 2:49:50 AM
by Daniel Wright
Quartz crystal. Plenty of that stuff around. It can be used to trap memories and predictions and readings.
#3 Posted on
3/4/2016 2:51:34 AM
by Archmagus22
Probably peyote, shrooms, etc. Anything that shifts ur consciousness to the point where nothing around u looks familiar. Or everything around u is totally trippy.
#4 Posted on
1/27/2017 4:51:48 PM
by Machina
You are the human avatar of an angel of the 10th ray. You don't need substances (or psychic aids such as crystals) to claim your ability to receive images & written instructions (automatic writing). It's time for all Indigos (10th ray) & Crystals (11th ray) to OWN their destined role as a new, advanced kind of spiritual healer/advisor. Here's all Indigos & Crystals need to do: Meditate daily, e.g., see DreamWork & Meditation by Tara Ward..... Oracle cards (not Tarot) daily, e.g., Enchanted Map oracle cards by Colette Baron Reid... Automatic writing, weekly on Sundays, see Morning Pages exercise in Cameron's first book in The Artist's Way series.
#5 Posted on
6/3/2019 2:58:49 AM
by SupremeMind
This will definitely amplify your psychic abilities goto
#6 Posted on
8/20/2021 10:09:54 PM
by BlueSand
Look for a meditation group, learn how to control your habillities, don't trust fanatics, don't accept "dogmas". There is no chosen one, but we all are chosen. Pychic habillities don't make people to be better than any one, psychic habillities makes you vulnerable to "Ego" and the biggest souls have no EGO. Be carefull.
