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Accepting Truth

#1 Posted on
9/9/2013 7:32:26 PM
by Lauren
When in a reading there is information that does not include what you want to hear but perhaps what you need to hear this should be taken to heart. Many times questions are asked in several ways by the client to obtain an answer they are hoping to hear. When a reader is being truly ethical the reader will hold fast to his or her answer and will not waiver. He/she is being guided to convey the messages without judgement and in love and light. Listen, digest and then with an open mind and heart look beyond the "what you want to hear" and be willing consider the messages meant only for you and your growth and well-being. Blessings
#2 Posted on
9/12/2013 11:12:10 AM
by Peanut B
I agree wholeheartedly. I know a few people who keep bouncing from reader to reader hoping to confirm what they believe to be true and when they are told differently they are upset even to the point of rating the reader unfairly. As someone who has received great advice from readers, I find that really upsetting. My advice to all would be - as difficult as it is, try to put your emotions aside, be open and above all be fair.
