psychic advisor Bonnie avatar
Ext. 1212

Price: $5.99
About Bonnie

Bonnie is a very experienced Tarot reader, as well as an intuitive guide and dream analyst. She also uses a bit of astrology, numerology and works with angels and guides.  Bonnie allows her readings to find their own way, so that the level of the reading leaves her client feeling empowered, and ready to make a positive difference in their life.  


In her readings, Bonnie feels she is being given the opportunity to positively impact another.  She honors her client by paying close attention to them, and to their needs. Sometimes the questions that are asked by the client are not necessarily the ones that need to be asked. Sometimes the Tarot answers the question that needs to be answered, after which all other questions can be asked.  


Bonnie has studied the Tarot extensively.  She is a certified Tarot Grand Master, Reiki Master, and a teacher of Reiki.  She has served in various capacities with the American Tarot Association and the American Board For Tarot Certification.  She uses the skills she has learned from her extensive experience, along with the strong intuition which she inherited from the women in her family, to provide insightful guidance to her clients.  Bonnie also works as a writer, having  been published in two Tarot anthologies, having written two books on the Tarot with Schiffer Publishing, and has an extensive body of Tarot book and deck reviews, interviews and articles which have been published online.


Bonnie also has a variety of professional experience, all of which helps her guide her clients in a balanced and professional manner.  She has a B.A. in psychology, and served in the military for over ten years.  After serving for twenty-five years in the medical technology field, Bonnie felt that it was time to use her skills to help people in a different way.  After encountering so many people who had been willing to share their wisdom, she decided she would like to do the same.  She began offering readings, with her focus on empowering her clients and helping them heal.  Her intention is to gift them with tools that they can use to make a positive difference in their own lives.


Bonnie’s reading style is to nurture and empower her clients – to help them see their options.  Her focus is on her clients, and on their questions and their issues. It is the client's time to ask whatever they want, and to gain as much clarity as they are ready to accept. Bonnie sees herself as a “middleman”, using the images and symbols in the Tarot to bring through the wisdom that her clients need to hear. She will help them to word their questions so that they receive the most in-depth answers possible.  


Her view is that each reading reflects that specific moment in time. What is seen in that reading will go in a certain direction, were her client to take no action. Bonnie sees a reading as a multi-faceted process: (1) form the question, (2) ask the question, (3) get as much clarity as possible, (4) define the client’s options, (5) look at the pros and cons for each option and (5) give the client tools that they can work with to take whatever action they have decided to take to move their life forward, in a positive direction.


Bonnie empowers her clients with tools to empower themselves.  These tools are whatever the client feels most comfortable with, including dream work, connecting with with guides and angels, affirmations, meditation, ritual, visualization, automatic writing and journaling. Each tool has a process, and each tool offers benefits to the person using it.  Overall, Bonnie feels that our world is only as big as we make it.  If we dream the big dreams, we will achieve the big success!  Ultimately, we need to follow our passion, and be true to ourselves.  

Favorite Quote

“The only journey is the journey within.”  - Rainer Maria Rilke

Learn more about Bonnie


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Praise for Bonnie

Reviews are a great way to find the advisor that's right for you. Here's what Bonnie's happy clients have to say.


I had a reading with Bonnie about a year ago, and another one recently. Both times she has been spot on! I am wondering why I have not reached out to her more?! (I think she's usually on at times other than when I would be likely to call.) I am definitely putting her on my list of favorites and planning to call back soon. She was able to connect to my situation right away, was very accurate and easy to talk with. Very intelligent and evolved. Thank you!

- A.


Loved the reading! Super accurate.

- Sol

"Very impressed"

This was my first reading with Bonnie and it was a great reading, what put it over the too was when she said he told her he was planning for "our" future. He had never said this before but less than a week after the reading used those exact words. Will definitely call back

- Mistressleia

"ZOMG! How do you do it?!?"

Bonnie I just want to let you know you're one of the BEST on this site. I don't know how you do it. Honestly, I don't but it was like you had a movie script read it to me then the next day I acted it out. You were right...he did contact me this week it was yesterday. You were right he did want to talk about the disagreement....I followed your advice and it helped to keep what would've been a disastrous conversation to say on track. You were right he isn't the type to verbally commit and he didn't. I kept an open mind and listened to what he had to say like you advised. Although he didn't verbally commit I know we have turned the corner to moving towards something more meaningful, consistent, and mutually satisfying for both of us. Thanks Bonnie!!!! :o))))

- all4hope


Spot on as usual. Thanks Bonnie.

- all4hope

"I should have listened"

I should have listened to you. You told me that now wasn't the right time to contact him because he was still angry and basically in a punishing mindset. I didn't listen and opened up a can of hurt for myself as a result. I will listen to your insights and recommended actions going forward. Thanks Bonnie.

- all4hope

"Amazingly Spot On"

I didn't contact him until another couple of weeks. But you were right he was missing me just as much and was very happy to hear from me. More times than not whatever you tell me comes to pass. I appreciate you and your gift. Thanks Bonnie!

- all4hope

"The real thing!"

Bonnie you're truly gifted and I understand him better and better with each reading. Thanks again!

- all4hope

"Thanks "

Thanks for helping me to keep my cool. Without your insights I would have totally reacted in a self-sabotaging way. Thanks Bonnie! =o)

- all4hope

"Insights on Point"

I followed Bonnie's recommendation and it definitely worked to move my relationship forward. Thanks Bonnie.

- all4hope

"Quick and Spot On"

Bonnie said that he didn't mean something that he had said and contacted me when she said. Bonnie is one of three of my go to readers on this site.

- all4hope

"Very Consistent and Accurate"

Bonnie's reading was spot on as usual

- all4hope

"Quick and Accurate"

Every reading I've had with Bonnie has panned out and her time lines are pretty accurate too. Thanks Bonnie!

- all4hope


This was my second reading with Bonnie and, like before, she was dead-on with her accuracy. She connected to my situation quickly and was able to describe the current situation and provided great insight on what was happening behind the scenes. I am excited about what Bonnie sees for me in the future as well as the timeline of when things will move forward. I will definitely be calling Bonnie in the future for updates!

- Linda5925


It was wonderful talking with Bonnie. She was very patient, answered all of my questions in detail and was non-judmental. She was funny and made me laugh, too, which is definitely a plus. It was great news about the housing prospects and about my future with "D". I look forward to everything unfolding just as you said it would. Thank you so much for your insight and wisdom. I really appreciate it!

- Linda5925

"Bonnie is KIND, SENSITIVE and so much more!"

I am in total agreement with Sue. Bonnie is absolutely fabulous. I think lilswtmiss must be getting her advisors confused...the person she described is just not Bonnie!

- Peanut Butter


The last feedback about Bonnie is so not true. I've been talking to Bonnie for a couple of years and she's been spot on about every man I've dated (a few). Working my way to find the one. Her wisdom and insight are priceless. Bonnie tells you how it is. But she's gentle and kind and gives you some message from the person you want to talk about. Its enlightening. She's so cool.

- sue t

"Right again"

Called four different readers. Three said the answer would be "yes". That was the answer I wanted. Bonnie said the answer would be "no". That was the answer I didn't want. Well...Bonnie was right. The answer was a big fat "no". At least I was prepared. Thanks Bonnie!

- hope54


kind and understanding

- hope54


she told me she think i should fight for my kids father she was nice and accurate

- jodine


this was originally here