Ext. 1510

Price: $3.29
Since 1975, Terri has studied Tarot, Palmistry, Dream Interpretation and Astrology. She attended the University of Toledo’s Theater Arts Program where she was offered a position as psychic for the City of Toledo Festivity one Halloween. There after Terri did psychic readings for the theater cast parties and psychic fairs throughout Ohio.

She relocated to the Los Angeles area in 1990 where she established herself as a leader in the field of metaphysics. She worked for the Metaphysical Self Awareness Center in Burbank, Every Woman’s Village in Burbank, Queen of Cups coffee house in Venice, Café Bellisimo’s in Woodland Hills where she was a guest artist and did one person stage acts, Kenny Kingston’s Infomercial in1993 and gave readings at numerous Psychic fairs, private parties and restaurants throughout Los Angeles.

While living in the Los Angeles area she pet sat for many home owners while they traveled. Terri also assisted at the Blue Cross Pet Hospital where she established her ability to understand pets and their needs. She has done pet psychic readings for many pet owners, and at pet fairs as well. 

Terri has attended numerous workshops and seminars in the metaphysics including self healing and meditation, and continues to work as a metaphysician guidance counselor for psychic fairs and for her on line clients. 


2/14/2025 9:04:58 AM UTC
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Praise for Terri

Reviews are a great way to find the advisor that's right for you. Here's what Terri's happy clients have to say.


- presntandfuture


- presntandfuture


- presntandfuture


- presntandfuture


- presntandfuture


- happygilmore1970

"Very accurate"

Terri is nice but won't give you false hope. She didn't tell me exactly what I would have liked to hear but I was very surprised by her accuracy of a future event even though I was thinking "no way" at the time of my reading.

- Melissa


Terri described the current situation fairly well without my telling her everything so she is good with the present. My quibbles with her reading were that I had to point her in the right direction about a few matters; she asked too many questions, so I felt that she was fact fathering too much; spent too much time talking about one thing that was not that relevant to my questions, and was a bit vague in her answers to questions that I posed. She was though pleasant to speak with -- articulate and not hostile.

- Anonymous


- suzanne


- suzanne


Still hoping things will turn out like you stated. He did contact me...just like you said...so that's promising!

- suzanne


- Suzanne


- Suzanne


As always things seem to go the way you said. Thanks again Terri!

- Suzanne


Always good talking to Terri.

- suzanne


- Jamie15r


Always great 2 chat with u. You're always hit things on the nose! Thanks for helping

- suzanne


Wonderful as always Terri!

- Suzanne


Always feel better after talking to her. She still feels that everything is going to work out between me and my lover and that we will eventually be back together!

- Suzanne


- happygilmore1970


this was originally here