The Polarity Acuarius-Leo - Thursday, December 17, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

The polarity of Aquarius - Leo
This is the era of peace, of unity, of love. The polarity of Aquarius, Leo, floods us with its complementary characteristics. The celestial throne of the Sun, Leo, encourages, ennobles, enriches, and enlightens us for the growth of our hearts, the growth of our inner beings. Together with Aquarius, Leo promotes the integration of our creative soul with our unity with all humanity. We realize that we must first be something in and of ourselves to be something for others.

The generous Leo will bring food for the hungry, wherever they are in the planet. Not only for the ones that can afford it. This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all religious regimes and free the minds of ignorance and delusion forever. Once enlightened, each human being will begin his or her individual journey within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans awakening seekers of Truth and the Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and nations in the process. 
In this new millennium there will be no more falsehoods, but spiritual living and third-eye vision. The Human Family is truly entering the Age of mystic revelations and the mind's true liberation which is broadly known as spiritualism. Because of the principle of polarity, each Great Age emphasizes not only the sign normally associated with it, but also the sign opposite it.
The Piscean Age, for example, emphasized both Pisces and Virgo - a zodiacal axis that (as anyone with these signs amplified in their chart knows) can lean toward a more dutiful and pleasure-denying approach to life. Over the last two millennia, this gave rise to (among other things) a world religion championing the virtues of sacrifice, as embodied in the grim image of a man hanging on a cross. During this age, people commonly believed that there was something inherently virtuous in suffering itself and that it was somehow unspiritual to experience pleasure.  In Islam, too, we see the spirit of abstinence regarding sex and alcohol - but qualified by the promise of great pleasures in the afterlife!
In the Aquarius/Leo Age, we can expect a vastly different value system, where the pursuit of personal pleasure is not only acceptable; it could even become an end in itself. That great shift of archetypal values is coming!! Clearly, something powerful is opening up within the collective psyche that would allow for the emergence of some truly unique cultural expressions. Leo, which symbolically draws things to a central point (like the ruler of a country or the heart within the human body) with Aquarius giving “oxygen “to all; will distribute the SUN energy to many centers and hubs, this could be a synonym of: creative globalization, universal love, global creativity, no international borders, one unique language, no color skins, no religions, a more peaceful or beautiful civilization itself.  

Psychic Queen Isis    
Post by Queen Isis at 12/17/2009 4:30:55 PM
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