The Pisces Era - Thursday, December 17, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

 Ruled by emotional waters, The Pisces  Era is saying goodbye. (1 A.D. to 2000 A.D.)
The Water Element represents: Religions
Feelings and Emotions "The Age of Monotheism, Spirituality, and the Fish" Each Age creates its own “mood”. Bringing to the foreground certain archetypes, beliefs, paradigms and stimulates certain chakras within the human energy field with their corresponding thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

The energies of an age are an immensely powerful force shaping our lives in countless ways; the psychology of the people of that age, the form of religion and spirituality, the structure of society, and the very fabric of civilization.
Among the manifestations of the Piscean Age was the rise of a global religion centering primarily on symbols of water: baptism, walking on water, changing water into wine, and so forth. Indeed, for the student of astrological symbolism, Christianity offers a mother lode of correspondence in connection with Pisces. For example, Christian scripture speaks extensively of fishermen, wine, helping the downtrodden and outcasts of society, and the washing of feet …  all traditional symbols of Pisces. One of the defining miracles of Christ's ministry was the feeding of the multitude with two fishes and five loaves of bread. More subtly, the eating of fish on Friday by Catholics is linked by some to the fact that Friday is governed by Venus, the planet that is exalted in Pisces. Women were not recognized “In the Name of the Father of the son and the Holy Ghost “ They forgot to give a place to the mother. That’s why there is still sense of inferiority or inwardness for many women.
Pisces is intensely concerned with matters of faith. The pilgrims came to the New World, looking for “freedom of religion”. The Piscean Age was an era of religious intolerance, when large populations were expected to show unquestioning allegiance to a monolithic belief system, as exhibited in much of Christianity and Islam during this time, which is still remains of the Pisces Era. One of the more striking Piscean symbols found in Christianity is its central image.. the crucifixion…. Western culture has defined itself largely in terms of an image of a man nailed to a cross, tortured, and murdered in a most gruesome manner.
 On a negative level, the crucifixion expresses dark Piscean qualities such as self-pity, masochism, guilt, and martyrdom. These reflect the self-dissolving principle of water, but directed in a more destructive, self-abnegating way. In some respects, we might well call the Piscean Age the ultimate age of neurosis. For example, this was an era when many felt that suffering and guilt were somehow synonymous with spirituality.

Addictions the key symbol of the 12 th. House-Astrological Zodiac. For astrologers, one of the more negative symbols long associated with Pisces has been the addiction to alcohol, smoke and other intoxicants. In the case of Alcoholics Anonymous, we see an example of people coming together specifically to break free from their addiction to alcohol, nicely symbolizing the effort to undo our bondage to Piscean-Age consciousness, through the support of a nondenominational group (typical of Aquarius)   Emotional and rational thinking is today more present than ever because no one wants to change the “conservative” known place. We see also in many ways that instinctual emotional-reactions still run us, both individually and collectively, dominating our thinking and patterns. The Aquarian energies have in a brief 100 years changed our civilization into a scientific and Information-based society, and awakened in us the next step in the enfoldment of intelligence. We are still ruled by Piscean psychology, institutions and organizations. The big change may take another 100 years of “transformation”.  
Psychic Queen Isis
Post by Queen Isis at 12/17/2009 4:49:59 PM
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Wow!! i cant believe nobody has yet left a comment on this yet!
You hit the nail on the donkey with accuracy in this post !
This is very informative, & explains exactly why over the past 20 or so years, we have seen a massive culmination of Pisces attitudes & personalities within our species become highly charged & active right before Pisces hit Aquarius!
Since i was born within the 80's, myself & much of my generation were influenced by the ''Grunge scene''.. or similar themes (generally revolving around fantasy or oppression) throughout the 90's. The Grunge scene was heavily dominated by one of the most celebrated artist (artists=Pisces) of that era - Kurt Cobain, who has his Sun in Pisces. He committed suicide at 27 years of age, & was heavily addicted to drugs, namely heroin!

I was personally a relentless day dreamer, but not by my natal chart exactly, i was just a very intuitive kid, & could sense the positive energies of magical dreaminess in the air, but yet the equally negative energies that counterpart this which were COMPLETELY delusional & self destructive.. to say the least..
This was all around the world in every institution, (still is..!) all over the media, in every nook & cranny you could find of human existence & our creations. Not just on my front door step or in my neighborhood. Or of my own perceptions..

Because that's what Pisces is very capable of doing being the water sign that it is...OOZING & spraying everywhere!!! (metaphorically speaking here..) literally soaking everything in its path! Once your submerged in the ocean off Pisces..its very hard to stay afloat & not end up drowning..

Yep...its going to take a long time to dry off peoples..! So here is to the new era! Neptune has moved into its own of Pisces since Feb this year, for a very very long stay...then when its gone..KABANG........!!!!!!!
Expect some very radical advancements in our technology & civilizations from how we know them today.

As it was sung long ago..
''This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius..age of Aquarius'' - 5th Dimension

& may the force be with you all! :-)
Post by Anonymous at 8/14/2012 6:11:41 PM
