The Ages and the correspondent Astrological Sign - Thursday, December 17, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

We have always had changing of AGES...And with this comes a changing of values, beliefs, structure..etc.....And we must embrace the changing of the times.

             THE AGE OF LEO (circa 10,00 B.C. ~~to~~ 8,000 B.C.)
This age is characterized by the energy and creativity of human beings learning how to use their environment...Men and women lived in caves and learned to refine highly finished and polished stone implements.. The Sun, ruler of Leo... was of paramount importance to Neolithic ,New Stone Age man, or The Age of Stone. for during this era human beings acquired a limited ability to raise food (agriculture) rather than merely hunt and gather it...According to astrologers..cave paintings from this age (man's first written history)..shows a marked Leo influence...
``````````   THE AGE of CANCER (circa 8,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 6,000 B.C.)
 It was during this Age that human beings abandoned their caves and formed fixed dwellings aboveground, the Cancerian influence to make a home.....Mankind learned to spin and weave and make pottery... They began to grow varied crops and to domesticate animals..Moon worship and fertility rites abounded during this era. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is the sign of domesticity...fertility... and motherhood.

 ````````````` THE AGE of GEMINI (circa 6,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 4,000 B.C.) This Age is marked by the development of writing (Gemini is the sign of communication)..Mankind expanded its intellectual capacities by beginning to record and to store information... The invention of the wheel made rudimentary commerce and travel possible (both ruled by Gemini)...

. ````````````THE AGE of TAURUS (circa 4,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 2,000 B.C.) The great Egyptian civilization...with its emphasis on cultivation of land and new technology of building (the pyramids).. echoes the influence of earthy Taurus... Both the esthetic nature of Taurus and its solidity are reflected in the beautiful art and architecture of this Age....  
``````````    THE AGE of ARIES (circa 2,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 1 B.C.)
This era is known as the Iron Age..when mankind learned to fashion weapons from iron..(Aries rules the metal iron)..The Age is also characterized by its militancy and aggressive spirit..During this era ..Assyria and the Greek city-states rose to power...and Alexander the Great conquered the world...!!...In the latter part of the Age..militaristic Rome became the MOST powerful empire ever known.!!!

``````         THE AGE of PISCES (circa A.D 1 ~~to~~ A.D. 2,000)
The enormous influence of Christianity changed the world during this era.. (Pisces is the sign of spiritual knowledge)...The fish (symbol of Pisces) is also the symbol of Christianity...Drawings of fish was used as secret signs between early Christians... Christ called his apostles "fishers of men"...This Age is marked by sacrifice and struggles, qualities associated with Pisces..
NEXT will be the Age of Aquarius~ What will the Age of Aquarius be like ? For clues..we MUST look at the sign of Aquarius..
Aquarius is the sign of brotherly love and humanitarianism... In the coming era .. astrologers expect that the concept of individual nations will fade and that mankind will join together as one people rather than be separated into nationalities...Thus. in the Age of Aquarius....we MAY reach at last the long held ideal of world peace...!! Predictions are that there will be a great emphasis on the common man..and that special privilege for people of higher birth or wealth will become an antique notion.!!...The aristocrat of the future will be the person of learning and achievement. Aquarius is the sign of scientific knowledge and invention...and rules air waves..It is impossible to imagine what mind-boggling inventions will take place in the next 2,000 years...but astrologers predict incredible journeys through space will definitely be one of them...Not just travel in our own galaxy..but to the universe beyond.. There will be space arks that can transport multitudes of colonies..and interstellar travel.. The achievement of travel to the stars will indeed be remarkable when one considers that Pluto...our outer most only five light-minutes distance from us...While the nearest STAR not counting our 4.3 light YEARS away..!!!
Aquarius is a mental sign..and the future should be marked by yet unthinkable intellectual achievements..There will be concern for the environment..and the discovery of new technology to solve the problems of dwindling supplies of energy and resources on Earth..The power of atomic energy..electronics...aviations..all Aquarian inventions...will be harnessed for the greatest possible use..Aquarius is a practical sign..The purpose of knowledge is to make use of it....not simply for the sake of knowing..
Astrologers have a special place in their hearts for Aquarius...because it is the sign associated with astrology.. We have already seen an upsurge of interest in astrology at the dawning of the Aquarian Age..As someone once remarked.."Astrology is the religion of the new generation"...In the coming Age of Aquarius..Astrology will no longer be thought of as superstitious...arcane...or secret knowledge possessed by only a few..It will be a respected scientific inquiry....available to everyone..!! Halleluiah… Perhaps it is wishful thinking to say that in the Age of Aquarius , mankind will achieve universal harmony...but after all ...Aquarius is the sign of hopes and wishes..Astrologers hope that in the Aquarian Age, we will build on past knowledge to discover new truths...Aquarius is the truth seeker..
Uranus...ruler of Aquarius is called the planet of the future, for within its domain lie modern science....inventions..electricity....and humanitarian movements... Uranus is the planet of the power of will....and of unconscious purpose...we can build a WONDERFUL NEW WORLD  or we can lose all that we have.
 It is up to the new Aquarians to make the best of this Golden Age.
Psychic Queen Isis    
Post by Queen Isis at 12/17/2009 5:21:17 PM
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