Astrological Outlook - April 19 - 25 - Radical Departures? |

Astrological Outlook - April 19 - 25 - Radical Departures?

White Owl
19 April 2010

This week we are feeling the full effect of the Saturn-Uranus opposition, which has been with us off and on for a year and a half now. This combination sparks radical departures from previous norms and patterns for individuals, large organizations, and nations. These radical departures from the previous norm can represent improvements, or they can be extreme measures which go too far in one direction or the other. Everything is in the nature of an experiment at this time as a result.

However, with sensitivity and wisdom, the energy of this particular astrological combination can be used to liberate oneself from all kinds of obstacles and impediments.

Why is this so? First, it is so because all astrological influences operate at the level of abstract energies. These energies then become thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs, then finally physical actions taken by persons, nations, and nature. Though the individual person does not have complete and total control over all things, there is much that can be done for the good in the personal sphere by making meaningful choices under the present Saturn-Uranus opposition. This is true no matter what the astrological configurations and influences may be. That said, it helps to know the nature of these influences, though, so that informed choices for personal adaptation may be made.

And this leads to the second reason why it is true that just now, in late April 2010, an individual can use the present astrological energies to his or her advantage by breaking through previous obstacles and impediments.

The Saturn-Uranus combination involves two types of energy that are in some ways quite opposed to one another. Saturn stands for the weight of time and tradition, for inertia, for that which is permanent and lasting (or which appears to be so), and for rules and regulations that create boundaries beyond which one may not pass without severe consequences. By contrast, Uranus stands for rebellion, independence, modern attitudes, the future, sudden forward motion, and the vision of an ideal society not so bound by rules and regulations. It could be said that, in a nutshell, Saturn stands for the obstacle, and Uranus for the explosive power that can reduce it to harmless pulverized dust.

When these two rather opposite archetypes interact, obviously a great deal of tension arises. This tension may be released in the form of disruptive acts of nature, such as earthquakes or other tumultuous events, or it may be released in the form of great shifts of consciousness in the human community. In the individual, the tension may be released in the form of a tremendous alteration of priorities and methods. Different goals may emerge, or there may appear very different methods for reaching long cherished objectives. Whatever the case, dead stoppage is not an option under this combination. Something has got to give way in one direction or another. In all likelihood, whatever has served its purpose will be thrown aside. If a thing or a process is outdated, ineffective, or irrelevant, under the present influence, it will be discarded for a more flexible or better suited method. Relationships of all kinds will be affected, whether these are personal, business, or community. Where the parties involved do not share basic values, this fact will be painfully highlighted at present. As a result, many organizations will undergo personnel changes in late April 2010, and many personal relationships will be closely re-evaluated.

The point of maximum power for all this is due to take place on Monday, April 26, at 7:27 PM EST. However, this is such a profound influence that it will condition events throughout April and May. The week at hand leads right into the exact opposition of the two planets, which is to say, the point in time at which their respective orbits place them on opposite sides of the Earth. The same arrangement occurred on November 4, 2008, February 5, 2009, and September 15, 2009. Readers might study these dates and a two-month period centered on each of them to see how they have been personally impacted so far. For many, the week of April 19 - 25 will be yet another chapter in the same trend or process which began in the fall of 2008.

But do bear this in mind. Given the astrological tension in the air, it makes sense to consider this a week of caution. Caution is particularly advisable during the weekend, when retrograde Mercury makes a square to Mars, adding to the already potent Saturn-Uranus configuration. Further, the Moon is currently waxing, leading to Full Phase next week, which means that all things in nature and life are on the increase. Therefore, take no non-essential risks this weekend. In fact, let that statement hold for the whole week. No wild adventures just now.

Instead, let this week be a time of meaningful thought about basic interests and priorities. Let this week and the energy of this time be used for positive self-change. Diet and wellness should be part of the picture, as Saturn is now in Virgo again, telling us all that we should be square and honest with ourselves about what we consume and whether or not it is of the best character for our health. Now is an excellent time, in fact, yes this very week, to use the power of Uranus to break old habits that do no good and only serve to hold us trapped in results we don’t want. Yes, this can be a week of liberation from what holds us back (symbolized by Saturn), especially if we use the energies at hand to face up to facts and do what’s necessary for improvement. If we let that truth be part of our liberation this week, the changes of April and May 2010 under the Saturn-Uranus opposition will be positive in the long run.

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