Astrological Outlook - March 22 < Featured Column |

Astrological Outlook - March 22 - 29

White Owl
22 March 2010

Last week with the New Moon we felt great promise for the future, but the remainder of the week bought us up a bit short as Mercury the mind planet came under the heavy hand of the existing Saturn- Pluto square. Hopes weren’t exactly dashed, but they were certainly doused. From the cold water of realism we learned what must be accomplished to actually bring those powerful New Moon dreams into tangible manifestation.

This week, we start with the power of the Spring Equinox behind us, for the Sun shall have entered Aries on this past Saturday at 1:32 pm EDT. This means that we have turned a corner in the wheel of the year. We will now register fewer emotionally-based uncertainties, which were tied to the watery energy of Pisces and the last stages of the astrological year wheel. Instead, we feel stronger inner power from the fire of Aries and the renewal of the astrological year wheel. For almost all of us, this means that we will register more distinct urges to straight-ahead forward progress. We will know what to do and how to do it. Many doubts shall have been cleared away.

Monday the 22nd carries us along this path, providing constructive activities and useful information. At last we will begin to see that our recent diligent efforts are beginning to pay off, especially around 10 pm EDT Monday night.

However, on Tuesday we must ride a horse of a different color for a little while. Moods may temporarily dip and enthusiasm wane as today’s Moon in Cancer interacts with Saturn and Pluto. We may feel the sting of isolation or maybe even misunderstanding and criticism. Try to find out if there is any basis for it all and be prepared to ride it out. This is not the day to ask favors or seek support. Others are too much under the burden of their own concerns.

On Wednesday, the atmosphere lightens some, but still we find vexations all around. Most of these are small annoyances not to be taken with dead seriousness. Poor manner and lack of consideration may be sadly in evidence around 3 pm EDT. Try to let these pass without engaging in the same.

Thursday sees a shift of feeling as the Moon enters Leo and conjoins with Mars early in the morning. This will get everyone going in a more positive direction even with a head of steam, but the Sun squares Pluto this evening and so we had all better watch out for ego conflicts with others. Pretty much everyone will be on a set course of action today, determined to reach important goals. Tunnel vision is likely as a result. Be ready to step aside if you happen to encounter a steam-roller of this type headed in your direction tonight.

Friday is much nicer. There’s still this big push toward major intentions and goals, but now the way is more open and everyone seems to have a better sense of humor about the whole human condition.

And guess what? Romance (yes, even that!) enters the picture late on Friday night and early on Saturday am. Then during the day, Saturday shifts to the care and deeding of household duties, with evidence of progress in this direction showing up around 4 pm EDT.

Sunday brings us nearer to the Full Moon, which takes place on Monday the 29th at 10:25 pm EDT. Therefore on Sunday, expect all current trends to intensify and heat right up to a boil. Relationships and contractual agreements will be emphasized, as the Full Moon is to take place in the sign of Libra. As a result, those looking for love are likely to find it this weekend. Those already in love and looking to join up households are also likely to find progress in that direction. For all, the energies of this weekend bring light to the ways in which interactions with significant others contribute to making manifest those important New Moon dreams and intentions. Collaboration, team work, and cooperation are needed. This important truth shall be brought strongly to our attention Sunday the 28th and Monday the 29th.

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