Astrological Outlook - March 29 - April 4 |

Astrological Outlook - March 29 - April 4

White Owl
29 March 2010

This week contains opportunities to build bridges of understanding and to repair relationships recently under stress or broken down entirely. However, these opportunities to make peace are laced around definite challenges in the department of human relations, so our progress this week must be cautious, sensitive, and carefully considered.

The high point of the lunar month takes place on Monday. The Full Moon is exact at 10:25 pm EDT that day. At any Full Moon, the Sun and the Moon are positioned precisely opposite each other in the zodiac. This month, the Full Moon happens with the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra. These two signs are very different, with Aries symbolizing the brave and self-reliant individual, and Libra standing for interdependence, cooperation, and teamwork. The tension between these two principles will be evident on Monday night. This arrangement can make for inner as well as outer conflict.

However, just a few hours before, the planets Venus and Neptune move into an exact sextile (or 60 degree relationship). This combination encourages kindness, sensitivity to another’s situation, gentleness, and even romantic sentiment.

All this taken together endows the beginning of the week with special significance, drawing together the themes of individuality, togetherness, and understanding. Those who have been wanting to make contact or to make peace with important others will find the way smoothed and the path made open. This is true also for business connections. Both love and cooperative business links are helped along on Monday, so job seekers as well as lovers should seize the moment. Best times for interactions of any kind on Monday are 11 am EDT and 5 pm EDT. Bear this in mind as well: the Moon has terrific motion in the zodiac on this day as it moves toward full. This translates into a rapid pace of developments, making Monday the time to ride a natural wave of power toward major objectives, right up until the Full Moon movement at 10:25 pm EDT.

On Tuesday the pace of events will begin to slow somewhat as the Moon, just past Full, now moves into waning phase. Even so, Tuesday will contain some of the Full Moon high and the positive feeling from the interaction of Venus and Neptune, making this also an opportune day for extending the hand of friendship, the olive branch of peace, and the word of understanding. Such overtures will be well received by others, especially if they serve to heal the misunderstandings of the past. Nothing new, however, should be initiated, for the Moon now wanes and all in nature moves toward closure. New initiatives must wait until April 14 if they are to succeed with the help of nature’s rhythms.

Wednesday again brings an atmosphere of enhanced willingness to view situations from the other person’s point of view. Agreements can be reached, especially if they settle matters related to the past. A more relaxed attitude will be seen generally today, especially as compared to the end of last week, when the Sun and Pluto were in square and making for troubled conditions in many areas of life. Trust, comfort, hope and understanding were in short supply then, but this week a better sense of connection prevails. This is particularly true for Wednesday from 5 pm EDT until midnight EDT. Now is the time to go back to prior conversations and get things straightened out. Now is also the time to make others see that you have their best interests at heart.

Thursday brings more quietude and peace than anyone has had in quite some time, with the Moon in reflective Scorpio trine to Jupiter in spiritual Pisces between 2 and 3 pm EDT. Here’s a great moment to take off for a bit of undisturbed contemplation in nature or some other pleasant environment, perhaps around a fountain, stream or pond. Intuitions are likely to unfold in this interval.

Hold on to that peaceful insight, for the next three days contain some of the trick for which this week stands out. Here is why: both of the planets most connected with romance and with human interactions get into a 90 degree arrangement (or square) at this time. It’s Venus and Mars, yes, the great archetypes of love and desire, and they are in conflict for three days running. The worst of it takes place late on Friday and early on Saturday. Frustrations, irritations, annoyances and the like are all too possible. Sharp words may fly between persons who ought to understand one another, but at this time, there are cross-purposes in action. Possessiveness and jealousy may arise, and probably with good reason. Best practice for keeping your karma clean would be to carefully avoid offending anyone these days. Just don’t give anyone any reasons to aim anger in your direction. And stand aside from altercations, for there are sure to be some late Friday and early Saturday. Disturbances of the peace may occur overnight and a general social tension may be evident.

Sunday sees a more settled atmosphere again as Venus moves away from her square to Mars and into a trine with Pluto. This general picture signifies that the serious disagreements of the past few days may point to the need for treading another path, the exact nature of that path being made more clear on Sunday night. At any rate, do not be terribly surprised if you or acquaintances around you experience a shift this weekend. Desires are on the change this weekend and that is for sure. Sunday night will show more clearly the way the compass points.

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