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Featured Columns - Lilith

13 May 2009
This week we are going to be talking about how to get the most from your reading. The operative words are “your reading”. The reading has been requested by you, and should be all about you, your questions and your needs. This does not, however, mean that the reader is there to (a) tell you what you want to hear (your friends will do that for you), or (b) fix your life for you (any fix that lasts has to begin internally).   More»
6 May 2009
This week we are going to be looking at how our thoughts create our reality. When we think negative thoughts, we tend to draw an equally negative reality to us. When we think positive thoughts, we tend to draw an equally positive reality to us. Why is this?   More»
22 April 2009
This week we are going to be looking at the role forgiveness plays in our life. Sometimes the hurt comes from the outside – from the words or actions of another person (or group of people). Sometimes the hurt comes from the inside – we say or do something that we know is wrong, and we cannot let go of punishing ourselves.   More»
15 April 2009
This week we are going to be looking at the actions that we can take to support the energy seeds that we planted in our life last week. We divided our life into segments, and noted what supported us, what wasn’t working, and what was functioning as an obstacle to achieving our goals. We then defined action steps that we could take to achieve those goals.   More»
8 April 2009
It is very important to know where you are both in the cycle of your own life, and in the cycle of nature. This week we are going to be talking about the cycle of spring, which is one of fertility and planting the seeds of change in your life for the coming year.   More»
1 April 2009
How many psychic phenomenon from last week did you recognize in your life? Probably quite a few – you just didn’t know what to call them. This week we are going to continue talking about psychic phenomenon – what it is, and how it appears in our life, starting with intuition. Intuition is that gut feeling that tells us something that we have no basis for knowing.   More»
18 March 2009
This week we are going to be talking about psychic phenomenon – what it is, and how it appears in our life. One example is that of channeling.   More»
11 March 2009
This week we are going to talk about color, and how color can empower our lives. The purpose behind empowering ourselves is to take responsibility for our lives – for the decisions that we make, and the actions that we take. In doing this, we free ourselves from our own self-imposed limitations, and take charge of our own destiny.   More»
4 March 2009
This week we are going to be talking about using crystals for healing. We all have the ability to heal – ourselves, and others. We can work in different ways with our crystal allies – one way is to work strictly with the crystals, one way is to go into meditation with specific crystals (or crystal groups), while another way is to add crystals into whatever other type of healing work we are doing.   More»
25 February 2009
This week we are going to be talking about crystals, and how they can act as an allie, and a tool of empowerment. A loose definition of a crystal is a mineral whose structure is arranged in a geometrically precise pattern of atoms held together by shared electrons. Crystals hold a vibrational energy pattern that is strong and consistent, which makes them excellent tools of empowerment and very easy to work with.   More»
