Ext. 1117

Price: $3.29
Nancy has been a legal assistant, teacher, camp counselor, fund raising chairman and a youth leader for Boy Scouts and Camp Fire for 10 years.

She was born a humanitarian and loves helping people. The self gratification she receives is when she knows she has made a difference in helping someone. The psychic work she has done for more than 15 years is a strong drive within her. She wants you to be the best you can be. She will give you the guidance needed so you can realize or see yourself from your greatest potential.

Although her responses to you might seem blunt, because you called to get answers she believes the best approach is to get right to the point. She will not evade or beat around your question.

Nanci says, “The past is etched in stone. The present melts in with the future. The guidance I give, when you hang up is up to you. Only you can make it 100%"  Her accuracy in time frames is excellent.

Why don’t you see for yourself and give her a call.


7/27/2024 10:44:27 AM UTC
Time available

Praise for Nanci

Reviews are a great way to find the advisor that's right for you. Here's what Nanci's happy clients have to say.


I talk to many of the psychics, all are very good but to me Nanci is the best.

- builderbob


Nanci is one of the most understanding people that I have ever spoken to on this network. She listens to what you have to say. Thanks, as always

- builderbob


You gave me the answers that I was confused about. I know that I am the only one that can make the final decisions. However, once again you enlightened me to know what direction I need to go in.

- builderbob


Thank you, as always.

- builderbob


As always the best

- builderbob


Nanci has a real gift and someone that is insightful. It is always a pleasure. Thanks again...

- builderbob


I have been talking to Nanci for a long time now. I always enjoy speaking to her and if you are looking for someone that gets right to the point and tells you the truth give her a try.

- builderbob


Thank you

- builderbob


I have spoken to several psychics and Nanci is still in your top, proof is in her accuracy and how did she know that?

- builderbob


I don't know why people say things like they do. I feel Nanci is nice (blunt and to the point) but very nice. I will always return to her for advice. I would not want someone to tell me what ever I wanted to hear and be angry later about it.

- builderbob


When it comes down to timeframes, Nanci is very accurate in the time that things should happen. Sometimes you have to be a little patient but it always hits right on.

- builderbob


Thanks again Nance

- builderbob


If you are looking for honesty and direction, Nanci is always on point. I feel very comfortable and reassured after speaking to her.

- builderbob


Nanci has been reading for me around three years now. I feel very good about the advise she gives. She is one of the best.

- builderbob


Nanci was very rude and got very angree when I did not agree with what she told me. She basically told me to shave it and go talk to another psychic and not waste her time. She just wanted me to ask her questions and she just talked down to me. She is suposed to be a psychic so she should be able to give you a reading. I was not expecting a Q & A session. I will definately be asking psychic power fo my money back. If this is psychic poewer's top advisor, then I do not know what the rest are? But I can tell you this I tried another one, while she was nice,,she flat out told me she could not give me acurate reading unless I told her what time I was born. Does psychic power just employe anyone.

- tina1


Nanci was okay. I don't think we had much of a conection.


"Horrible psychic!"

Do not speak to this psychic! She does not know what she is talking about and she does not focus well on her readings!

- DillanStar2013

"Wonderful reading"

She did a wonderful job, she described the guy I was seeing to a tee; which give me a lot of peace. Everything was correct and accurate. She also give me a time frame for when I will meet a new guy, which I am praying is my soul mate, will come into my life. I will keep you posted! Great reading.

- SweetSoul05


Seemed very negative and rude, def wont be calling her back.

- Mmorales

"Just Okay"

Nanci was nice and she read my situation pretty well. I would have rated higher, but I felt like she was holding back information and reluctant to share the whole prediction with me. For example she eluded to some possibilities down the road that other readers have talked about in great detail, but when I asked her to elaborate, she never did. It seemed as though she wouldn't go into more detail because she had her own views about my situation.

- Linda5925


this was originally here