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Psychic Blogs

The lunar eclipse (in Capricorn) occurred this past Saturday, but the energy that this Grand Square brought with it is still strongly with us. While it will at times be disruptive, we can also use it to support us in personal transition and transformation – specifically in developing the qualities within ourselves that we acknowledge as necessary to take us into our future.

That quality might be in claiming our own wisdom – in developing the ability to listen to our inner wisdom, and act on it. A parallel with this is the ability to discern whether outside advice that we are receiving is true, or even if it holds any value or meaning for us if it is true.

That quality might be in accepting our creative nature, and our ability to manifest in our own lives. Here we are talking about having the self-confidence to “own” our own skills and abilities, as well as the courage to face our shadows and “dream the big dreams”.

The nature of this lunar eclipse also asks us to revisit people and situations from the past – whether they come from this lifetime, or from past lifetimes. We can use the qualities that we are developing within ourselves to interact with these energies, to acknowledge them, to understand them, and to incorporate them into our being. As we do this, we essentially release their hold over us, and create the necessary space to experience both a solid present and set the groundwork for a solid future.

What are you looking to create for your future? What are your big dreams? What skills and abilities will you need to make them happen? What do you need to release from your life?

This is a wonderful time for all of us. We can make major moves, major changes, and be supported by Spirit as we do so. Dream the big dreams – and take the small actions that move you forward in achieving those big dreams!

Post by Bonnie at 6/28/2010 5:17:52 AM

We all, at times, find ourselves in some very dark places. I am talking emotionally dark places here, not physical ones. We have the choice to not walk down a dark alley, to not walk the streets alone after dark, to not put ourselves in places where we don’t feel safe. Emotional dark places are very different, as we often don’t realize how we got there, or how we can put the experience behind us.

This is why we are here as readers – to help you, to the best of our ability, deal with the darker side of life. Sometimes other people act in ways that we just don’t understand, or that hurt us. Sometimes situations come up that we did not see coming. We become overwhelmed, which can lead to feeling a lack of self-esteem and depression.

The first thing you want to ask yourself is “Why am I feeling this way? Why am I feeling hurt? Where is this coming from?” We have to be brave enough to ask these questions, and we have to be brave enough to hear the answers. The answers lie in the shadows of our being – the things that we fear, whether we realize it or not. We have to face them, embrace them, and allow them to become part of us.

You may be surprised at what your shadows represent – where they originated, and how they are currently functioning in your life. The person or situation that took you to your dark place may have nothing to do with what that place means to you – it was simply the trigger that took you there.

As readers, we can help you look at your current situation, help you to put it into perspective, and help you develop actions that you can take to resolve it. We look forward to hearing from you!

Post by Bonnie at 6/24/2010 5:07:33 AM

Saturday, June 26th, brings us a unique astrological event – a Cardinal Grand Cross. For the past year or so we have been being prepared for personal growth, to take our place as individuals and walk our talk. We have had our worlds shaken up by the economy, and its far reaching effects into areas such as the real estate and job markets. Some of us have lost our homes, our jobs, and our savings. Even those who have been able to keep a facsimile of their lifestyle going are looking at massive changes in how the operate in both their career and personal lives.

We are all attempting to carve a secure world out of absolute chaos. Things have calmed down a bit the past few months, and life is on a more even, harmonious keel. The cardinal grand cross on the lunar eclipse will shake up our world in ways that we never imagined. We will be forced to release that which no longer serves us well. We will be looking at our shadow sides, and finding ways to incorporate and heal them.

A big thing that we are going to be asked to do is to trust our instincts. There will be more changes along the lines of natural disasters. There will be continued upheaval in the area of power struggles (political and otherwise). How we view government, and the extent that government control reaches into our lives will change. (We need to remember here that if we take away government control, that there will be a huge void if this control is not redistributed somewhere.)

As individuals, and as the human race, we will find ourselves in greater alignment with Mother Earth, and wit the cycles of life and death. We will simplify our lives, and live closer to our truths. We will be looking at honoring and implementing the nurturing/protective nature of feminine power (this applies to both men and women).

It is time for each of us to look into our own souls and see the work that needs to be done.

Post by Bonnie at 6/22/2010 3:05:19 AM
The Do's and Do Not's of a Psychic Reading
Hello Everyone,

Begin in the industry for the past 11 years. I've continued to encounter things that make me sad. Let's make one thing clear and that is, when you select a reading from a psychic remember you are calling them for a reason. We are here to empower your life and give you guidance that's all. We are not doctors, lawyers or therapists. Treat us accordingly and we will do the
same to you. Just in case you haven't gotten the jist of what I am saying here are some things that both the psychic and the client can do to ensure a great reading.

The DO'S (For The Client)

1.Be Prepared for the reading you are about to receive. Clear your mind from as much junk as you can. This for some can be hard but it is very worth it. You will be amazed at the results of your reading if you do this. To Put It Plainly:Relax

2.Have Your Question/Questions Ready:Whenever you select a reading from a psychic from whatever network you choose to call,
make sure you have your question/questions ready. More importantly make sure that they make sense. Think long and hard about them before calling a psychic because stupid questions warrant stupid answers.

3. Be Specif: When you speak with an advisor remember you are building a relationship. So it's very important for us as psychics to be able be open with you. When you get a reading make sure to open your mouth and talk to us about why you're calling. You wouldn't go to a doctor and say 'I'm sick-fix me' Of course you wouldn't, you would tell the doctor what is wrong with you and they would go from there and hopefully you will no longer be sick. To Put It Plainly-Open Your Mouth!

4. Understand Freewill: Another thing that can help you as a client is understanding free will. If you contact a psychic and they predict the outcome of a situation. They are giving you just that-a prediction. Life can change at the blink of an eye. In Other... Read More
Post by Psychic Leo at 6/21/2010 5:04:22 PM

Summer Solstice (the first day of summer) happens on June 21st, 2010. This is the longest day – and the shortest night – of the year. Different cultures celebrate the Summer Solstice in different ways. The Celtic culture celebrates with dancing and bonfires (to increase the energy of the sun). The Chinese honor Li, their Goddess of Light. In the Druidic culture the Summer Solstice is celebrated as the wedding of Heaven and Earth.

In England thousands will gather at Stonehenge to welcome the sunrise.

The time between spring planting and all harvest has been seen since ancient times as a time to celebrate the earth, the feminine principle, and the light (Sun). The celebration of light is also why bonfires are lit – not only to honor the Sun, but in some cultures as a form of divination – finding truth in the flames. This is a time of renewal and great potential.

Some of the symbols connected with the summer solstice are bonfires (which represent he light and warmth of the sun, and our consciousness, as well as our passionate nature), Salamanders (which represent he elemental nature of Fire), the Oak tree (seen as a holder or vessel for sacred knowledge), daisies (symbolic of youth and innocence), bees and honey (the first full moon in June is known as the Honey Moon).

This is also a time for gathering magical herbs- especially St John’s Wort (at midnight on the Solstice), and for lovers. It is also a time for celebrating water, as it nourishes the crops and encourages them to grow).

Celebrate the Summer Solstice in your own way. Honor the light that shines in your life, the gift of light and warmth that surrounds each of us. What are you thankful for? In what ways can you give back to the Universe for the nourishment and support it has given you? Light a bonfire (safely, please!), or a candle (again, safely please!) and meditate on the flames as they reach skyward!

Post by Bonnie at 6/19/2010 3:34:56 PM
Chasing A Cloudy Rainbow

Hello Readers,

How are you? I hope well. The subject that I am about to write is not only a touchy subject but one that I have been going back and forth with for a while. The things that I may say might offend some of you but I am not here to help you lick your wounds, I am here to help you become empowered. In this blog writing I am going to talk about one man who not until recently have made me really do a lot of inner work within myself and have also made me confront a lot of my own inner demons. Which is never, ever easy. I am not going to mention his name because that would be rude, I will mention the lessons that I learned, what it taught me and continues to teach me. Now, the guy that had the honor to grace himself into my life was a person I'll call Mr. A I met Mr. A through my best friend with whom he worked with. The first time I met him I must admit I thought he was cute, kinda like Jack Black but better looking with piercing blue eyes. Mr. A and I hit it off well and became what I call party buds. We would only see each other through the occasional party that my friends and I would throw or if my best friend needed a ride from work. Anyway, as time went on we would hang out and have a few drinks and then we would make out. Sounds great right? There was only one actually, two  problems. He was straight and I was gay and two he wasn't into me as I was into him. In my head as we kissed, he was a great kisser. I saw or rather thought in my nutty brain that he and I could have a life together, that soon he would admit to himself and to me his feelings and we would be very happy and content. Thankfully, that never happened and the reason I am grateful for this is because, I have realized that Mr. A and I are on completely different paths with our lives  It never occurred to me that Mr. A was simply experimenting and drunk. Meanwhile, I 'm still hoping that he and I are going to have that deep connection. You... Read More
Post by Psychic Leo at 6/17/2010 4:07:39 PM

In the US, the third Sunday in June (June 20th for 2010) is the day set aside to celebrate fathers and fatherhood. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers, making the third Sunday in June Father’s Day. In 1972 President Richard Nixon signed the proclamation into law.

Father’s Day is a time when we honor our fathers, and those men in our lives that act in the manner that a father would, whether they are a blood relation or not. Our fathers have a great influence on our lives our lives – during our growing up years, and on into adulthood. Whatever our relationship with them, we honor them out of respect.

The celebration of Father’s Day is less about the gifts that we give than the time that we spend with our fathers. It is about family, time spent together, and family dinners – with our father’s favorite food taking pride of place on the menu!

For those of us that have lost our fathers, it is a time of remembrance. To go through family photo’s, and see through the years all the times that our father was there for us. To light a candle and say a prayer of thanks. To go for a walk somewhere that is dear to us, and allow our memories to come. Perhaps to go to the cemetery, clean the headstone and leave flowers, or perhaps a poem or letter.

However we choose to celebrate this day, we need to do so from our hearts. We need to set aside past hurts, to take time out from our busy schedules and honor one of the major influences in our life. We need to understand that our fathers did the best that they possibly could have done, given their circumstances.

The very best thing that we can do is live our lives to honor our fathers. To reflect the wisdom that they gave us in the most positive, most useful manner.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers out there!

Post by Bonnie at 6/15/2010 1:40:22 AM

Let’s talk about intuition for a moment. Intuition is many things – it is that tiny voice in the back of our head that will not go away, it is that immediate feeling, walking into a room, that something is either “good” or “bad”. It is signs and images that keep coming up during the day – perhaps even extending into dreamtime. It is the feeling that we must “do something”, without knowing why.

Many lives are saved by listening to and acting on these feelings. If you are about to get on a plane (or any mode of transportation), and feel strongly that you should not do that, then rebook for another flight. Something is wrong, and you are not meant to be part of that wrong.

Intuition can also be the “Aha!” experience that we have in waking hours, or the precognitive vision of an event that is yet to happen. It is someone coming into your thoughts, only to pick up the phone – and there they are! It is having someone come into your thoughts, only to find out that at the time they did, they were in crisis. It is that sense of déjà vu – knowing with a certainty that you have been somewhere, or done something before.

Why do we want to develop our intuition? Because intuitive thoughts come from spirit. They are meant to help us live better lives, to become whole people, and to interact better with all of the forms of life around us. It is our connection to our sub-conscious, which is where all of our answers lie.

What is one way that anyone can develop their intuition? By taking our problems/issues into dreamtime. Take whatever issue/problem you need help with a solution on, and form a short, concise question a bout it. Hold that question n your mind as you go to sleep. You will receive an answer in the form of a dream. Immediately upon waking, write down your dream so that you do not forget it.

All of our answers are already within us – we simply need to access them!

Post by Bonnie at 6/10/2010 6:38:19 AM

Most of know what our Sun signs are, even if we know nothing else about astrology. There is another factor that is easy to remember, and that says a lot about a person, and how the react to the people and issues around them, and that is the Element connected with their sign. The Elements are Fire, Water, Air and Earth. They are associated with the Sun signs as follows:

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

The Fire signs are pure power, pure energy, very charismatic, with somewhat of an ego. The Water signs are highly intuitive, very connected with their emotions, keep somewhat to themselves, and are quite compassionate. The Air signs function very much in the mental realm, are intellectual and communicate well. The Earth signs are very grounded and centered, very practical people with an interest in the material world.

Combining the qualities of the element associated with a sign, and the qualities of the sign itself, gives a more balanced look at an individual. Whether you are trying to understand yourself, a family member, a friend, a co-worker or a significant other, this information allows you to stand in their shoes – to see why they make the decisions that they make, to see what is important to them, to see what they need from you, and what they have to offer to you.

How we express the elemental quality of our Sun sign is a determining factor in how we live our life. Expect a Fire person to make decisions quickly and move on – the have no patience with extended processes. Fire signs are impatient by nature, and can tend to be self-centered. Fire signs deal with the world in a very physical manner. Water signs are going to be living by their emotions – making decisions is highly emotion for them. They are also highly intuitive, and have active dreamtimes.

An Air sign could appear to be a cold person at times, as they live... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 6/9/2010 7:22:25 AM

When a disaster strikes, we are all shocked. Then we try to move ourselves to whatever action we can take. Right now we are facing an environmental disaster – the BP oil spill n the Gulf, the loss of innocent lives, and the vast, seemingly never ending, ecological repercussions. I decided to do a reading on this, to put all of this into some kind of perspective.

For those who would like to view the cards as I am viewing them, the deck that I am using is the “Touchstone Tarot” (by Kat Black). Scans of the cards can be seen at

  1. What do we know about this disaster? Temperance
  2. What don’t we know about this disaster? Eight of Wands
  3. What do we need to know about this disaster? Seven of Wands
  4. What actions can we take to help? Hermit

What we know about this disaster is that the “life” of this planet … our environment … is out of balance. How we see our environment, and how we interact with it, is in a state of disconnect. The is a time of walking the middle path, of looking at the larger picture of life as we know it and acting accordingly. Temperance is thought of as a healing card in the Tarot. Healing can be gentle, or it can be seen as a trial by fire. Humankind allowed itself to get out of control, so we are now facing the “trial by fire”.

What we don’t know about this disaster, what is not on a conscious level for us at this time, is that things are going to be happening very quickly. We do not have time to ponder any issues here – we have waited too long already! We need to take swift action to see any form of significant, effective results.

What we need to know a bout this disaster is that we need to stand our ground and protect what is ours. I see this as meaning that the companies responsible for this accident need to be held responsible on all levels, that our government needs to be held... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 6/5/2010 5:42:33 AM

When I think of what is the most important area of my home, in terms of feng shui, I think about my front door. This is literally where everything enters the house, so I want it to be as strong as I can make it. I want to provide a welcome environment for abundance, blessings, harmony and prosperity. It is through this literal and figurative doorway that we fine-tune the vibration of the energy that enters our home.

Go outside, and view your front door from the street. Is the path to your front door clear? If there are stepping stone, make sure that they are flat, so no one will trip. Move/remove anything that appears to block or constrict the flow of energy to your door. If you have plants on your porch, make sure that they do not block the view of the door, and that they are not “crowding” the space.

Make sure that the front yard in the area of your front door is well maintained, and that it is not a repository for toys, bikes, shoes and any of life’s other necessities. There is a place for these things, but it is not on your front porch. Do any repairs that need to be done. Make sure that your porch is bright and clean – paint it, if necessary.

For a light touch, you might want to think about adding wind chimes, sun catchers, or mobiles of some type (just make sure that they do not take over the porch). You might want to add small statues of some kind – they are there to greet your guests, as well as to protect the house and its occupants from any sort of negativity. These statues can usually be found in any garden or plant store. Hold the statue(s) in your hands before you place them, and think about the energy that you want them to portray. Send that energy into them, and then place them where you would like them to be.

Even if you live in an apartment, or a rented house, do the best that you can to make your front door and doorway hospitable to you and your guests. Intention is a very important, and a very real thing.... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 6/2/2010 9:29:20 AM

Memorial Day is celebrated in the United States on the last Monday in May.  For 2010 that is May 31st.  (The date was changed from May 30th to the last Monday in May in 1968 through the Uniform Holidays Bill, which moved three holidays – Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, and Veterans to Monday’s, in order to create three day weekends.) It is a federal holiday (formerly known as Decoration Day) honoring U.S. men and women who have died in service of their country. It was first enacted to honor the Union soldiers of the American Civil War, and was expanded after World War I.

The gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery are graced with American flags during the Memorial Day holiday. Many families and communities follow this custom for their own family members and friends, decorating graves in local cemeteries with small American flags.

There are several different ways in which Memorial Day is celebrated. There is a national moment of remembrance at 3 p.m. The flag of the United States is flown at half-staff from dawn until noon, local times. Volunteers place flags on the graves at national cemeteries. Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars accept donations for poppies. This is also a time for family gatherings and picnics.

They fought for their country, they gave their lives for their country – for our country. Let's take the time on this day to offer a prayer of thanks.

Post by Bonnie at 5/27/2010 5:27:36 AM

This morning I came across the following article on 57 ancient tombs unearthed in Egypt. What I found very interesting was that most of the tombs held a wooden sarcophagus (with a mummy inside) that was ornately painted. The oldest tombs date back to 2750 BC, the period of Egypt’s first and second dynasties, with 12 of the tombs belonging to the 18th dynasty.

The mummies from the 18th dynasty as said to be covered in linen decorated with religious texts from the Book of the Dead, along with scenes featuring ancient deities.

Some of he tombs themselves were decorated with religious text that was thought by ancient Egyptians to help the dead cross over.

The tombs were unearthed at Lahoun, which is located south of Cairo. It sounded to me, reading this article, that the tombs were found largely intact, which is a feat in and of itself. This discovery will shed new light on Egypt’s ancient religions, and, in my personal opinion, may help to validate some things that have already been discovered.

There are some excellent photographs in this article on this an other sites in Egypt, including photographs of sarcophagus, the sites themselves, statues and more.

What an excellent way to look back at ancient times and see how the world evolved as it did!

Post by Bonnie at 5/24/2010 5:33:26 AM

On Thursday, May 27th, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius. As with all Full Moons, we are looking at a bringing some area of our life to a close, so that we have the space to move forward. The Moon is associated with dreamtime, with creativity, and with the connection between our conscious and our unconscious. We are strongly connected at this time to our creative nature, and to our emotional self.

The focus for a Sagittarius Full Moon is that of seeking the truth. The Archer, above all, wants to know the truth of things. This is more than the truth of justice – this is truth as seen in a spiritual light. Wisdom may come in the waking “Aha!” experience, through synchronicity, or through an increased experience in dreamtime. Pay attention to the wisdom that come to you, as well as the imagery through which it is brought. Why a certain image gain your attention? If the image repeats itself throughout the day, or throughout the week, what does this mean to you?

This is a time of intuition – listen to your intuition on a heart level. Act on you intuition.

During a full moon, we are allowed to look beyond the veil, to see what something really means, to see why it is really there. Logic gives way to intuitive/mystic impressions, and to new ways of looking at things.

What in your life are you bringing closure to? What in your life do you need to see the truth about? What in your life are you looking to define? This is the time to do all of these things. Sagittarius helps us to open our minds and see the full potential in everything.

Post by Bonnie at 5/23/2010 12:45:27 PM
"Wisdom Walk", by Sage Bennet, PhD, is a compilation of nine practices that can be used for creating peace and balance in our lives, using the foundation of the world's spiritual traditions.

* From Hinduism - Create a home alter.
* From Buddhism - Meditate and fnd peace.
* From Islam - Surrender to prayer.
* From Christianity - Forgive yourself and others.
* From Judaism - Make time fo the Sabbath.
* From Native American Spirituality - Let nature be your teacher.
* From Taoism - Go with the flow.
* From New Thought - Catch God's vision of your life.
* From All Traditions - Offer yourself in service to others.

This gentle, gracious book acts as a guide for individuals from all backgrounds to empower their own lives with basic rituals from diverse spiritual traditions. In her introduction, Bennet notes that while the reader may choose to read specific chapters that they are drawn to, the book has actually been set up so that each chapter builds on the previous one, so that the most benefit will be gained from reading the chapters in sequence.

Bennet speaks directly to the reader, using her own life as a backdrop throughout the book. She makes use of general commentary, as well as specific examples from her own life, and the lives of her students. In this manner, the reader can identify with the shadows, or issues that they might be facing when working with the energy of any given chapter. They will not feel alone.

In fact, the information in this book acts as a gateway to connect people from  various backgrounds and traditions. This book is a gift, a true blessing, in that it offers actual practices that anyone can do to connect with spirit and live an authentic life.

"Wisdom Walk", Sage Bennet, PhD., New World Library, 2007, ISBN #978-1-97731-582-7. 
Post by Bonnie at 5/19/2010 6:05:53 AM

“Time out” – We all need to learn to take little “time outs” in our schedule to reconnect with ourselves – throughout the day, and throughout the week/month. Life has a tendency to move fast – and 2010 as a year is filled with energy and intent, and is keeping a pace that is difficult at times (at least for me) to keep up with. All is good – but there is so much good to pay attention to and nurture that we can get lost in the process.

Stop where you are several times a day and take inventory. How do you feel? Are you letting stress build up? Move your shoulders, arms and legs to release it. Are you accomplishing what you set out to do, or are you getting side-tracked? Set aside blocks of time to accomplish given tasks – the e-mails and voice-mails will still be there when you can get to them. If you can take a few minutes for a short walk outside – do so. I once worked in a hospital where there was an indoor seating area with plants and trees – a wonderful space to distress for a few minutes.

Try planning short getaways – perhaps a three-day weekend to a nearby area that interests you, or that connects you with something you have a passion for. Perhaps you want to plan a dinner out for you and your family (or significant other) in the middle of the week – “just because”. Maybe a day off in the middle of the week is in order – a spa day where all of the attention is on you, and you can relax and unwind.

A time out can be whenever you want it to be – whenever you need to be refreshed and refocus. Time outs are fun – take advantage of them!


Post by Bonnie at 5/16/2010 3:31:01 PM

On Thursday, May 13th, we have a new moon in Taurus. The energy of Taurus is that of supporting seeds that have already been sown. We are all going to be looking at new projects, new directions that we may wish to go in, or opportunities that may be coming to us, an trying to decide how best to nurture them so that they manifest in the most positive manner.

With Taurus we are looking at the mundane, practical side of life. We are looking for growth with stability, growth that can be sustained, and setting down a strong foundation in our material world. Whatever you have been working on is now able to be seen in physical form.

It is very important that our goals, and the intention and focus behind these goals, are consistent and purposeful. It is at this point that we are creating the environment that our goals are manifesting in – we want it to we strong, and to be able to nourish and support our efforts. Harmony is a word well applied here – and remember, our resources may be financial, they may be material, or they may be in the area of relationship (business and personal). We need to take all of these things into consideration.

Getting results is important, as is planning for the future. All done in a very low key manner – no high drama scheduled here! Something to take into consideration at this time is that this may be a period when people show resistance to change, when they dig in their heels and refuse to budge. Be gentle with nudging them!

A Taurus New Moon is also a good time to sit back and enjoy the physical world around you – acknowledge what you have created, what you have gathered to you. Appreciate what life has to offer.

Post by Bonnie at 5/10/2010 2:15:13 PM

Wishing all mother’s out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! I am not a mother myself (except to my little fur people), but I have always enjoyed honoring this day. It is nice for me to see the women in my family – my mother, grandmothers, aunts, sister-in-law and niece – honored for their firm, steady and loving touch on the lives of the people around them.

Many memory moments are created by mothers – from the creation of holiday traditions, to guiding us through our schooling, to a general interest in how we are doing and where we are heading. The conversations are sometimes rather abrupt, as we grow up and come into our own. Then they even out into mutual respect.

For many of us boomers, we are now gong through the phase when we become parents to our parents. I think this is the most difficult phase of all – trying to determine how our parents are doing, and when to step in and offer help. I am very blessed, in that my brother, sister and I can keep close tabs on our mother, without making her feel that she does not have total control of her life.

What does this Mother’s Day mean to you? Are you nurturing your relationship with your mother (or perhaps one with your children)? Are there issues that need to be addressed … things that need to be said? Is your family getting together for dinner? Are you taking your mother out for dinner? In what way are you honoring your mother?

Relationships can be tricky things, and our relationship with our mother can be one of he trickiest. Step back so that you can see yours with fresh eyes. Look at what you can do to make things better, to make things run smoother, and to make both you and your mother happy. Each of you needs freedom to be who you are.

Post by Bonnie at 5/9/2010 2:14:29 AM

Yet again on Friday, May 7th, a three block area in the heart of Times Square was evacuated due to the presence of a suspicious package. (The previous evacuation was for the SUV that was left by a suspected terrorist with explosive material in it.) This time, the package contained only water bottles.

The bottles were left in a cooler in front of the Marriott Marquis Hotel at 46th and Broadway. The bomb squad was brought in, and the cooler was determined not to pose a threat.

There has been a reported thirty per cent increase in reports of suspicious packages since the SUV was found, which police say is a normal after affect.

I drew three cards on how we can look at this issue from the perspective of the Tarot:

What do we know: Three of Pentacles

What don’t we know: Judgment

What do we need to know: Five of Swords

We know that terrorist attacks can happen, and we know that we have the skills as a community, as a nation, to deal with them. We need to remain confident, and we will achieve our goal of maintaining safety.

What we don’t know, or rather, what we need to remember, is that we are all part of humankind. The distorted perceptions that drive the terrorists can be found in any culture, in any part of the world. We need to see each other as human beings, and judge actions rather than appearance. We need to retain (and strengthen) the link between our conscious and unconscious selves.

What we need to know is that if we try to set the rules of the game, our victory will be short lived. Those that we defeat will lose self-confidence and respect for themselves, and feel overwhelmed by the world that they live in. It is not to our advantage to make people feel worthless.

How do you feel about these terrorist attacks? How do you feel about the increased security, and precautions being taken because... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 5/7/2010 4:04:54 PM

We are facing a crisis of epic proportions in the aftermath of the disaster with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This comes at a time when we need to make a decision about the feasibility of off shore drilling in general. Did BP (the company behind the drilling) have adequate safety precautions in place? If not, why not?

In an article from 4/29/10 on AOL (under Daily Finance, written by Douglas McIntyre), there is an indication that the disaster could have been avoided if a remote control switch had been in place. Norway and Brazil require these switches be in place when drilling offshore in their waters. However, there are questions as to whether such a switch would have worked at that depth.

The spill is greater than anticipated, and is already affecting wild life and marine life, as well as businesses that deal with seafood. BP has taken responsibility, and stated that it would pay for the cost of cleanup. At this time, the U.S. Military is being called in to help. Why wasn’t this done sooner? Why was the material needed to assist with the cleanup stored clear up in Illinois?

The spill is reaching 5,000 barrels a day, and is past the point of being able to be burned off because the area is too large, and the resulting fire would be uncontrollable.

The impact is already being felt in the wetlands of Louisiana. The Audubon Nature Institute has its experts working to offer assistance with wildlife rehabilitation efforts. Information on how you can help can be accessed here -

This is a time for us to send prayers and healing light to this region and its inhabitants. To the marine life, the wild life, and the people living there, people who are losing their... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 5/5/2010 3:53:19 AM

How can you make your reading work for you? The following three things will help you to take control of your reading, understand your reading better, and walk away with a sense of what actions you need to take to resolve your issue/situation.

  1. Write down a list of questions before you make the call to your reader. Phrase your questions as succinctly as you can, and try to avoid question that elicit a yes or no answer. “Does John love me?” will not elicit as much information as “How does John feel about me?” If you don’t have specific questions, simply define the specific area, issue or situation that you would like your reading to cover.
  2. Ask questions during your reading. If your reader prefers that you ask questions after they have read for you, then write your questions down as they come to you, and ask them once your reader is finished.
  3. After all of your questions have been answered, ask your reader to summarize what they have just told you. From that summary, ask them to help you pick one or two areas that you can take an action in. Then ask them to help you decide what the best action might be.

Try and form a good connection with your reader. They are there to help you, and they have a lot of different tools, from Tarot, to Astrology, Angels, Guides, psychic abilities, affirmations and more to offer. Let them know what skills they offer that you are comfortable working with, and together you can form a plan for your personal empowerment!

Post by Bonnie at 5/3/2010 8:05:35 PM
"When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the creator."
-- Mahatma Gandhi
Post by Muse Kira at 4/28/2010 8:13:51 PM

On Wednesday, April 28th we have a Full Moon in Scorpio. Full Moon energy is generally seen as a time to review and release, letting go of that which no longer serves us well and making room for new goals and projects.

The energy that Scorpio adds is that of getting to the emotional truth of people and issues. Scorpio asks us to keep ferreting through information until only what is real is left. A Scorpio Full Moon places focus on relationships – business and personal – and promises to up the intensity.

As a result, we may see things in a way that we really did not expect to, as the ability to see through masks and ruses is preeminent. This can be intimidating, or it can act to clear things up in a positive manner. There can be a lot of drama here, and definitely transformation and rebirth.

Emotions on this Full Moon will be very intense – one thing to be aware of is that feelings of betrayal may enter into the mix. Be aware of that from your own perspective, and think before you speak or act. Be aware of this when dealing with others, and listen closely to any intuitive, gut feelings that you get.

This is a time when we will have to face our demons, or our shadow sides. Why? Because this is a time when lots of truths will be falling out of the sky – whether we are looking for them or not. As a result, we have an opportunity to heal some very deep seated wounds.

Deep changes will occur with this Full Moon. What in your life needs changing? What no longer serves you well? What are you ready to release? Working with journaling and dreamtime will bring significant wisdom, and help you defne and make the changes that you need in your life.

Post by Bonnie at 4/25/2010 11:26:55 PM

One of my fondest childhood memories is of May Day (May 1st). As children, we took small May baskets to the neighbors, left them on their porches, rang the bell and ran away. This was how it was supposed to be done – an anonymous gift. It was fun to make and leave the gift, and it was fun, in turn, to receive the gifts on our doorstep.

Ancient celebrations of May Day date back to before the time of Christ. For the Druidic culture of the British Isles, May Day was connected with Beltane, and was the second most important holiday of the year. One of the customs in those times was the setting of a new fire, to honor the New Year. The Romans, when they entered the British Isles, added the worship of Flora, goddess of flowers to the celebration. Present day celebrations are more focused on lighthearted children’s activities, as opposed to honoring the fertility tradition.

The May pole is another tradition connected with May Day. Large poles are set up, with streamers coming from them. Individuals take hold of the streamer, and dance around the May pole. Sometimes the ribbons are braided around the May pole by the manner in which the dances weave in and out as they circle the pole.

On a more political note, in many countries May Day is also considered to be Labor Day, with the connotation of labor riots and other unrest.

How are you going to celebrate this May Day? You could choose to create your own May pole – either full size or a tabletop version. You could make it a family activity to create small May baskets (of spring flowers or other small tokens), to be left on neighbors doors. Or, if you live somewhere that this is a viable activity, you could invite your friends and neighbors over and light a bonfire to celebrate spring and the new year.

With May Day, we are marking a point in the calendar, a point in the year, and a point in our lives. It is a tradition that we... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 4/25/2010 6:22:40 AM
Readers of the Psychic Power web site were in the know ahead of time on an important world trend this month of April, 2010.  Even before the rise of the European air travel crisis caused by volcanic ash spewed from a glacier-covered volcano in Iceland, right here on Psychic Power these coming events were accurately described.

On April 12, predictions were posted which indicated serious travel problems due to arise for the period of April 12 - 18, 2010.  It was precisely during this period that most of Europe's air travel was halted as a result of dangerous sky conditions.

Disruptive acts of nature were specified in the April 19 predictions, which were written before that date.  Indeed, it was precisely a disruptive act of nature which caused the interruption of normal transportation procedures.  Several other recent weekly predictions have discussed the likelihood of telluric eruptions for the period of late April 2010.

Specifically, our most recent predictions showed that the period of April 19 - 21 promised glitches in travel and communication.  That's exactly the time when millions of travelers suddenly found their previous plans disrupted, with telephone lines jammed and hotels suddenly booked to overflowing.  

Predictions for general conditions are available every week from Astrologer White Owl.  Readers who check this area of our site will always have the benefit of a heads up on important trends.   
Post by White Owl at 4/23/2010 10:44:36 AM
