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Psychic Blogs

In the sky around us, the planets of the solar system are ever circling the Sun.  As they do so, from time to time pairs of them enter into clear geometrical relationships.  This is the case presently with Saturn and Pluto. 

As many readers already know, Saturn is currently in Libra astrologically, and Pluto in Capricorn.  For readers who are aware of the many complexities of sky mapping, yes, there is a difference in the way astrology maps the heavens and the way astronomy does.  Furthermore, there is a difference between the ways that western and eastern astrologies measure the skies. 

Western astrology bases its measurements on the frame of reference created by the Solstices and Equinoxes. These are natural points in the year, the effects of which are obvious and cause the seasons on our planet.  This division of the sky puts Saturn currently in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn.

Astronomy and eastern or Hindu astrology use a different system.  These two discicplines measure on the basis of stars and star groupings, and they would position  these two planets in different portions of the sky circle.

However, no matter whether we look at it through western, eastern, or astronomical perspectives, the planets Saturn and Pluto are travelling in a 90 degree or square relationship with each other during the years 2009 and 2010.  This arrangement exerts a definite effect on human psychology and earthly affairs.

Here are the dates upon which the square between these planets is exact:

November 15, 2009
January 31, 2010
August 21, 2010

If you look back to the dates in this list which are now past history, you can see for yourself what kind of influences have arisen.  This astrological square between Saturn and Pluto is really quite strong, and so it is potent for weeks around the dates of exactitude.  Therefore, it should be considered that the following periods... Read More
Post by White Owl at 3/3/2010 2:26:52 PM
I am a big fan of Louise Hay, the acclaimed author of You Can Heal Your Life. Put simply, she teaches self-empowerment through the use of positive affirmations. Currently, Hay House is offering for FREE Heal Your Life Online Course with authors such a Wayne Dwyer and Doreen Virtue. You can check it out by visiting Hooray for Louise Hay. Love her!
Post by Muse Kira at 3/3/2010 7:05:24 AM

I just read a very interesting article on the interaction between a performance artist (actually, three performance artists), the museum they were performing at, and the audience. The full article can be seen here –

It seems that the museum (P.S.I.) cut the power towards the end of performance artist Ann Liv Young's performance – citing safety considerations. The issue here seems to be that there were no safety considerations, at least as far as the audience was concerned. Young herself received deep gashes to her legs from a glass that someone had broken before her performance, but this was the only casualty.

In fact, the whole thing was to the benefit of the performer that followed, Morty Diamond. The lights were still off, but the audience would not leave. They stayed rooted to their spots, and lit his performance with their cell phones. How good does it get!

It seems there may have been an issue with Young questioning the work of the previous performer, Georgia Sagri. However, this was done under the guise of her character … in other words, as part of the show.

This is performance art,which is understood to be edgy at the... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 3/3/2010 6:49:57 AM
 “The first agreement is to be impeccable with your word. It sounds very simple, but it is very, very powerful.” Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements.  

Ruiz defines the word impeccability as follows: Impeccability means ‘without sin.’ Read More
Post by Muse Kira at 3/2/2010 1:28:56 PM
On Wednesday of the first week in March, Venus and Uranus conjoin in late Pisces.  This is an influence to watch with interest.  These two planets arrive at the same point in the zodiac at least once each year, so it's a fairly common event.  Nonetheless, it's an astrological combination that sparks action in the area of creativity and in relationships. 

Venus is the archetype or astrological power that brings us into an awareness of beauty, of comfort, of pleasantry, and of commonality.  Uranus is the archetype or astrological power that brings us into an awareness of fresh new concepts, of extraordinary ideas, of the unconventional and unusual, and of extreme genius and intuition.

Obviously, the combination of these two energies promises interesting results.  Creative artists will thrive with this energy, being inspired by bright new ideas and clever concepts.  The decorative arts appeal to all, with a lean toward the  avant-garde, the wacky, and the way out.  Organizations will be affected in such a way as to question social policies and see how more may be included.

In the relationship area, the big problem this week is the need for variety and creative engagement.  If there is boredom or a feature of repetitive action in a relationship, one or the other person is likely to rebel against it this week.  What can be done to avert problems is to deliberately invite variety into together time, such as playing different music, seeing different shows, or fixing different foods.  Anything that provides a shift from the dull normal routine will help here.

At the same time, however, it should be noted that the universe is likely to throw some odd curves our way this week.  The unexpected is sure to figure in.  The word for the week is surprise.  Some surprises may be very welcome.  Also we can all expect to make contact with individuals and organizations that we... Read More
Post by White Owl at 3/1/2010 2:43:20 PM

Mercury, the messenger planet, moves into Pisces on March 1st. Under the influence of Pisces, we move from the intellectual manner of dealing with life to living from the heart.

This is a time of spiritual growth, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all in Pisces, the sign of compassion and sensitivity.

Along with the power of the Full Moon, we are encouraged to listen to our intuitive self, to reconcile and release the past, and to make a true “new start” with the astrological New Year on March 20th.

Think of Mercury in Pisces as a “gentle communicator” – the soft voice, the soft touch that bring in necessary compromises and moves things forward. This is also a time to listen closely to others. Be aware that a great deal of information will be coming your way – allow it to flow through you, so that you are not overwhelmed. Things may seem a bit disorganized, but you will have the information that you need, when you need it.

Our focus now is internal, and how we relate we the external world. We are more concerned with our individual paths, and how they relate to the world around us. This is a time of wisdom and compassion. The flip side carries the energy of illusion, where we are not seeing clearly, and do not connect or function well with the real world.

Stop and see where you are – what side of the coin are you experiencing? Remember – it is your choice as to how you are going to live your life. Listen to your intuition, and act accordingly.

Post by Bonnie at 3/1/2010 4:18:46 AM
The Full Moon of late February promises big happenings because Jupiter is involved in the configuration.  The last weekend in the month will be a highpoint for everyone, with emphasis on physical and emotional adjustments recently made. 

These can work out well, particularly on Sunday around midday and early afternoon EST, when the Sun in Pisces conjoins lucky Jupiter also presently in Pisces.  This can make for good fortune in various ways, including generous gestures from others and more understanding between all persons.

One good strategy to make the most of this weekend is to focus on organization.  This Full Moon will fall in the sign of Virgo, known for its powers of categorization and ability to restore order.  Whether one needs order in the home or order in the emotions, this weekend is a good time to seek it. 

However, as with all Full Moon periods, there remains the potential for emotional over-reaction.  It's just a fact of nature that Full Moon intensifies whatever's happening. That will be the case for this upcoming weekend of late February as well. 

Even so, progress can be made in getting a grip on necessary tasks and improvements in mind and matter.  The key is to make the changes which you see are necessary to allow for more orderly and efficient living. 
Post by White Owl at 2/26/2010 2:53:01 PM

I have just been reading about empathy on the blog of one of my favorite Tarot author/teachers – James Wanless, Ph.D. (“The Voyager Tarot”). He talks about being interviewed on the use of intuition in the workplace – specifically in the interview process. (interviews would go so much better if those conducting them would listen to their intuition!). Around this time he also read a column in the newspaper on how Americans distrust the so called “power elite”.

The common denominator for him was empathy. Wanless defines empathy as the ability to know what someone else is feeling, and to use this knowledge to communicate more effectively with them.

According to the article that he read, the one quality missing from these business “hot shots” was that of empathy. They have no clue about the context of the people in their lives. They do not know what affects them, or how they are affected. And these are the people they are making money off of!

Wanless suggests that empathy is not an abstract concept – that it is all about building relationships, community, and sustainability.

Where do you see the need for empathy in your life?

Post by Bonnie at 2/25/2010 11:33:59 PM

On Sunday, February 28th, we have the Full Moon in the sign of Virgo. Under this Full Moon we are encouraged to let go of anything that inhibits us, or holds us back in any way. This includes acknowledging and quieting that little negative voice that wants to keep chattering at u in our heads. Remember – 2010 is a year in which we are setting down the foundation for the next few years, and we want that to be a solid foundation!

Other astrological aspects that make this an interesting Full Moon are the Sun conjunct Jupiter (in the sign of Pisces) and the Moon Trine Pluto (in the sign of Capricorn). Capricorn grounds and centers us, while Pisces allows us easy access to our ability to visualize what we want.

This Full Moon is a time when we will have the ability to feel self-confident, to clearly see what we wish for our future, and to restructure our lives. With this Full Moon, Pluto in Capricorn gives us the added advantage of having the resources to do things in a very significant manner.

What changes do you wish to make in your life? What actions can you take to start the process of making those changes? What resources do you have available? Do not be afraid to think large, to make your vision the most expansive snapshot of life that you can, and to go after it, knowing that you are deserving of the efforts that you put in!

Post by Bonnie at 2/24/2010 3:55:00 AM

The Tarot card The Moon is quite interesting, in that it carries the dualities of our tamed and untamed sides. In the traditional Rider-Waite version of the card we see the dog, representing the tame side of ourselves, and the wolf, representing our untamed side. The Moon also carries the dual qualities of grounded ness and illusion.

In a reading, the Moon can indicate an awakening of psychic abilities, or an active dreamtime. The Seeker is being asked to be aware of the content of their dreams, and to realize that the images and symbols carry messages for them. It is also a time to look at what is real and what is illusion in the Seeker’s life. It is a time of creativity, and listening to one’s intuition.

Look to the cycles that may be repeating in your life. What do you need to know about them? How are you reacting to them? What changes do you need to make? What around you may be secretive in nature? Who around you may be deceiving you? Are you deceiving yourself?

Working with the Moon, and the cycles of the Moon (especially the New Moon, the time of beginnings, and the Full Moon, the time of bringing things together and of endings) connects us with our psychic nature, our intuitive/creative abilities, and our ability to see life as it really is.

Post by Bonnie at 2/23/2010 2:43:25 AM

Transparency … learning to deal with life … this is one of the hardest things that we have to do. Transparency is more than the latest political buzz word … it is living by our beliefs, allowing others to see what our beliefs are, and clearly setting out our boundaries.

One of the ways that transparency comes into play is when we are dealing with the actions of others. We view the actions of others through our own lens of perception … our own life experiences, and the boundaries that we set for ourselves through our personal belief systems. We choose how we are going to react to the actions of others … in doing this, we have some say in how their actions are going to affect us.

The first thing that we want to do is know that another person’s actions are their responsibility … they have nothing to do with us. Each person makes the decision to do what they do … we are not responsible for their actions, or the consequences of their actions. So we start out by taking a deep breath. Then we take another one.

If someone has taken an action that affects us in some way, then we do need to speak up. We need to tell them how their action affected us, and how we feel about it. We need to do this in a calm voice – not from a center of anger.

We are being transparent in that we are allowing others to know how we see them, and how we see their actions. This is not a judgmental act … it is living an authentic life … living life with our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies in balance.

Have other peoples actions affected your life? What did you do about that? How did you address it? Did you make them understand how you felt about what they did? Were you able to do so in a loving, rather than an angry manner?

Be transparent … come from a point of peace and unconditional love … and you will begin to see positive changes in your life!

Post by Bonnie at 2/21/2010 7:30:11 AM

The big day is here – golfer Tiger Woods has made his public apology. No questions allowed, of course, but he did make his public apology. His statement was that he was a narcissist who needs help. I agree with the writer of the article that I read (Jay Mariotti, writing for Fan House) – it took great courage to make even this small statement. He (Woods) admitted to living a double life, and to living a lie. Well, that would actually be living several lies! I was amazed at the list of women that suddenly appeared after he crashed his car!

What we need to understand is that Wood’s issues are all too human issues, issues that any of us could be facing. Public family man and spokesperson, private adulterer. Personally, I looked at the companies who withdrew their endorsements, and wondered if they were really all that “pure”. Who were they to stand as judge and jury?

In his thirteen and one half minute speech, he admitted to his guilt. He accepted responsibility – sole responsibility. He apologized to his family and to the public for letting them down. He apologized to his wife, Elin. He apologized to the families of children that he was the role model for. He stated that he had a lot to atone for. He indicated that he had stopped living the core values that he was brought up with.

Woods is in therapy for sex addiction, has stated that he is returning to Buddhism, the religion that he grew up with, and he as made a commitment to showing better behavior on the golf course – no cursing, no throwing of golf clubs, no more prima donna behavior.

I personally wish Tiger Woods, his wife, children and family the best. I am not a golf aficionado, but I do hope that he returns to the game.

What can we learn from this personal tragedy, what lesson can we take away from all of this? I drew one card from the Tarot – the Ace of Swords. How appropriate! Aces are all about opportunity … as... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 2/19/2010 5:01:38 PM

We all need to practice expressing ourselves creatively. I was going through some things the other day and found a journal from 2005. What a gift! I got to read about all kinds of things that I had forgotten about – classes that I took, readings that I did for myself, places that I went. What I wanted to do, what I did, what I didn’t do – it was all there.

We need to reach into and explore our creative centers, to take risks, to move away from the serious side of life a bit, and stretch ourselves. When we journal the creative things that we do we leave a trail for the future – bright “remembrances” of all that we can do and be.

We can redecorate our homes, write blogs, be den mothers, work with the PTA, write stories, paint … the list is endless, and fascinating, all of the things that we can do and be. Our energy is never wasted when we are creating!

What have you created lately? What do you want to create? Go and do it! Live the moment, take the risk, and be happy!

Post by Bonnie at 2/19/2010 4:04:37 PM

Is there a secret to achieving our goals? Is the Tarot part of that secret? Through the use of archetypes of the Tarot, we get a clearer picture of ourselves, those around us, and any issues that we are dealing with. We gain an image of ourselves, as we stand each moment in time. We can use this wisdom to fine tune our self image, to bring it into alignment with the goals that we wish to achieve.

How many times have we started out with a clear goal, followed our instincts, taken the necessary actions … yet still fallen short of achieving what we set out to achieve? Hindsight will tell us that this most often happens because our image of who we are, and what we can accomplish, is not in line with that which we wish to accomplish. In other words, the negative self-speak kicks in … the “I am not worthy.”, or “I am not smart enough.”, or “What was I thinking!”

Our self image controls what we do (what we allow ourselves to do). When we fine tune (alter) that self image, we alter what we are capable of doing. We open up our self imposed boundaries … and the sky becomes the limit!

The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot each carry archetypal qualities – qualities that are common to each of us. Whenever we want to take control of our self image – to effect a change in our self image – we can go to the Major Arcana and choose the card that most appeals to us – the one that carries the energy that we wish to embody.

Place this card where you will see it several times a day – or carry it with you. (You can also choose to scan the card, and carry the scan with you.) Become part of the card, and the energy that it carries. See yourself successful at using the energy carried by the card. Journal your thoughts – make the experience as real as possible. The longer that you do this, the more you will see the energy manifesting in your life, and the more success you will... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 2/17/2010 7:27:46 AM

On Saturday, February 13th, we see the New Moon in Aquarius. I cannot help but think of the “Age of Aquarius”, and its lightheartedness. Aquarius is what is termed a fixed Air sign, and it represents collective energy or group consciousness – that of ideas, groups of people, or even mankind as a whole. This is wonderful energy for setting new beginnings, which is the role of the New Moon.

This particular Aquarius New Moon is conjoined with the healing energy of Chiron, which put the focus into helping those around us in any way that we can. The fixed nature of Aquarius indicates that our focus will be fixed on certain archetypal ideas or goals, such as Justice, Peace, and Love.

The is the best time of the year to plant the seeds that will benefit all of us in the future, not just each of us as individuals. Aquarius takes the energy of Capricorn and moves it out into the world. This is a time to look at our values, at the beliefs that we embody on a day to day basis, and see if they still hold true. What needs to be tweaked? What no longer serves us well, and needs to be released?

What kind of future would you like to see for your community? For your country? For the world at large? What seeds can you plant that will enable that future?

© February 2010

Post by Bonnie at 2/12/2010 2:37:36 PM

Greetings Everyone,

Recently I worked with a very successful woman who had just filed for a divorce. Apparently she had spent thousands and thousands of dollars on therapy and marriage counseling that didn’t seem to get anywhere and decided divorce was the only viable option.

When I started my session with her I told her that divorce was not necessary because she and her husband still loved each other but that there was a power struggle that was keeping them divided.

A great deal of my work is helping clients get to the root of their subconscious blocks, issues, and thought patterns. While working with this particular client we discovered an angry child within that was causing her to perceive her husband from a misguided perspective.

At around the age of seven or eight, this client had experienced a situation with her parents that had led her unconsciously to believe that she was not important. Some fifty some years later, she has a wealthy husband who is financially supporting a ne’er-do-well sibling and for some reason it is driving her mad with deep seated anger.

I shared with this client my intuitive perception that her husband’s actions were triggering the anger of the child within and that she was repeating the same power struggle dynamics of what had happened as a child with her parents.

It took her a few weeks of processing our session together and some deep self reflection and then she called me to announce that she had called off the divorce and that she and her husband were deeply in love again.

What had happened as a child was a simple yet profound event. The client at around eight years old had to move with her parents because the family moved to a new city. She was so furious and didn’t want to move and begged and begged that they not move.

Of course a little girl doesn’t have the understanding about why... Read More

Post by Dana Marie at 2/9/2010 10:45:27 AM

We are in the last week before Valentine’s Day. This is probably a good time to look at how we are treating ourselves. We have to love ourselves before we can love anyone else, or before they can love us in any significant manner. Life gets crazy for all of us – maintaining home and family, maintaining career, maintaining our spirituality – and trying to keep a good balance so that we have a modicum of time for ourselves.

One very important thing that we want to do is make the effort to create and maintain a smooth, calm atmosphere around us. How do we do this? By staying grounded in the present. We can only take action in the present – the past has already happened, the future is yet to be determined. Worrying about the future is not going to make things better. Paying attention to the present – to the people and issues around us – is. Find the joy that is there in the present moment, and cherish it.

Find your passion – find what brings you joy. Bring that into your life on a daily basis, in some manner. Do not be afraid to use your skills and abilities – do not be afraid to be you!

Pay attention to your body. When I was younger, stress gave me headaches. Now stress goes straight to my stomach. Where are you feeling stress? What muscles are tightening up? What area of your body does not “feel right”? You don’t have to know the cause of the energy being stuck – you just have to recognize that it is, and that because it is, you are having physical symptoms.

There is an easy way to get the energy moving in your body. Stand straight, arms at your sides. Take a deep breath, and then exhale. Raise your arms over your head, while at the same time taking a deep breath. Exhale as you lower your arms to your side. Repeat several times, until you start to feel more relaxed.

Stay in the present, find your joy, keep your body energy flowing – and you will fnd your life flowing!

Post by Bonnie at 2/8/2010 6:41:50 AM

We may at times questions the amount of time that we spend on the Internet, in forums, or on social networking sites (Twitter, Face Book, My Space). But there are times when we know that we are where we need to be, doing what we need to be. On one of my social networking sites there is a Canadian lady that posts. She and her husband run a free trade company, and were very involved with Haiti even before the earthquake. She has worked very hard to help the Haitian population overcome the devastation that they are facing, and I commend her efforts (as well as her efforts to get other people involved in a significant way).

Today I am reading one of her posts on Haiti, and am overcome with awe for her understanding of the Haitian people. She is talking about the spiritual belief that sustains them – not necessarily their Christian beliefs, although that is certainly a part of Haitian culture, but the faith and pride in their culture that sustains them, and gives them the strength to work through the adversity they have been handed.

Even when not practiced as a religion, the native voudou culture is a passionate flame in the heart of the Haitian population.

May these lovely, strong hearted people find the way to rebuilding their homes, their families, their communities, and their culture.



Post by Bonnie at 2/5/2010 5:33:20 PM

Groundhog Day is here again! I love the drama – the gentleman in the formal suit, with the lovely top hat, very ceremoniously presenting a (usually) slightly over-weight ground hog – with the express purpose of finding out whether said groundhog will see his shadow! Only in America, as they say! ;-)

Where does all this take place? In the small Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney. The ground hog is known as Punxutawney Phil. What Phil is going to do is predict the weather. (Go Phil!) In a rock concert type atmosphere (lots of music and entertainment).

If Phil emerges from his temporary burrow (a simulated tree stump), and sees his shadow, tradition has it that we will have six more eeks of winter weather here in the US. However, if Phil emerges from his temporary burrow and does not see his shadow, then spring temperatures are close.

Some say that Phil allegedly “speaks” to his human caretakers, known as the Inner Circle, and that they translate his forecast for the world to hear. I carry on conversations with my cats – why shouldn’t Phil’s caretakers be able to speak with him too! ;-)

This year, Phil is going to text his message! To sign up, text "groundhog" to 247365. Phil really is quite the dude – he even has a Face Book page! (

Post by Bonnie at 2/2/2010 3:48:48 AM

I decided to do a Tarot reading for the month of February. The deck that I used is the very lovely and unique “Sakki-Sakki Tarot”, by Monicka Clio Sakki. With Valentine’s Day (as well as Chinese New Year’s) being the over-riding influences this month, let’s see what the Tarot has to say about life!

  1. What is our focus for February? Death – The energy here is one of letting go of that which no longer serves us well, and moving forward. It is a form of transformation. We need to be aware of the ways in which we are resisting this change, and allow it to happen.
  2. What energy do we have to call on in the month of February? Ten of Rods – We do have the energy to overcome obstacles and get the work done. The trick is to not allow the work to be done to overwhelm us.
  3. What do we know about February? Page of Coins – What we know about February is that it is a month when we need to focus and concentrate on our finances, to listen to the messages that come to us.
  4. What do we not know about February (what is hidden)? Two of Coins – What is hidden about the month of February is that we will be juggling resources (and perhaps paths) in our lives. Don’t allow this to sneak up on you!
  5. What do we need to know about February? The Magician – We need to know that we have the power, and the resources, to make it through this month unscathed.

These are the energies that we are working with this month. Look at where they fit into your life, and impliment them accordingly. Above all – have fun with this!



Ext 1212

Post by Bonnie at 2/1/2010 7:35:03 AM

Today (Friday, January 29th) the Full Moon appears in Leo/Aquarius. The energy of a Full Moon generally follows the energy of the New Moon before it in which areas of life need to be addressed. Security is one of the issues that the New Moon in Capricorn on January 15th was concerned with – where in your life you felt secure, and how to find security within yourself.

The progression into Leo takes the edge off, as Leo exudes confidence, along with an awareness of self. Security issues can be addressed, and what isn’t working for you released. Aquarius references our place in community, our sense of personal freedom, and how we express ourselves.

It is not unusual when we are dealing with security issues, and trying to find creative expression of self, to be jolted back to the time/issue that we identify as being the place where we lost part of ourselves, part of our identity, part of our freedom. When that happens – and it could very well happen during this Full Moon period – allow your mind to slow down and ask yourself how you feel about what happened.

Even if you don’t understand why it happened, how do you feel about your loss of security, your loss of self? Mentally send love and acceptance to that time period/issue, releasing negative feelings and making room for healing.

This Full Moon allows us to recapture our feeling about who we are and what we are all about, allowing us to love and appreciate ourselves and our creative abilities. Through the auspices of Aquarius we take that feeling into our local, national and global communities.

This is a time to learn to be the best of who you are – soar like an Eagle, share your wisdom, and know that your actions will benefit not only you but the larger community around you.



Post by Bonnie at 1/29/2010 12:08:53 PM


Q. Do planets really go backwards?

No. But the illusion has tremendous power. Imagine driving down the highway and another car is in the process of passing you. For an instant or two you are likely to feel the sensation of your own car standing still – and then the sensation of moving backwards. That’s what happens when one planet passes another; the slower planet has the general effect and feeling of backward motion.

Q. What makes a Mars retrograde different from others, say Mercury retrograde?

For one thing it doesn’t happen as often as Mercury which tracks in reverse three times a year. With Mars, we experience its retro action just once every two years and a couple of months. So we lack experience in handling this kind of energy, and then even more seldom in a fire sign like this one. We forget what happened last time. It’s happening in Leo, so imagine trying to drag a lion backwards by it’s tail. There’s going to be quite a fuss. This is, after all the War planet.

Mars is the go-go-go planet and likes to go faster and faster. That makes a difference, too, in the irritability factor. Usually Mars races through a single sign in about two months, moving 2 degrees per day. You can’t walk across the room for a glass of water without using your in-born Mars energy. It’s the git-‘r-done planet, on temporary leave with permission to procrastinate.

And the entire retro period lasts a long time – 2-1/2 months this year. That’s in the middle of a 6+-month passage through Leo.

Q. Ok. So what’s the big deal about it happening in Leo?

Sign of Royalty, Loyalty, Child-like Pleasure and especially Competitive Games . . . any planet or luminary (Sun & Moon) in that sign insists on lots of attention, getting its own way and... Read More

Post by Stormy at 1/27/2010 4:10:40 PM

On Friday, January 30th, we experience a Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius. In general, Full Moons are seen as times when the energy that we have been putting into our lives and our projects comes to completion and shows results. It is also an advantageous time for releasing things that have either run their course, or are no longer serving us well.

Each New or Full Moon takes on the focus and characteristics of the sign that it is in. This Full Moon is in the sign of Leo/Aquarius – Leo brings us creative expression, while Aquarius brings us a real sense of group consciousness. So – perhaps we get to play creatively as a group? ;-)

Before we start playing, we want to remember that this Full Moon follows January 15th New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Capricorn – the serious little person that does the behind the scenes work that makes the world turn. As a community, what questions do we want to look at on this Full Moon? We might want to ask ourselves how our purpose fits into the collective community. We might want to look at how that collective community is evolving, and what part we may have played in that evolution. What are your responses, just off the top of your head?

Keep in mind that the Moon represents our unconscious, intuitive self. It is through this unconscious center that we connect we our creativity, find our joy, and grow and expand our lives. The Moon in lovely, creative Leo allows us to open up to our creative nature, to acknowledge our personal power and, leaving the Cappie seriousness behind, make time to play.

Through Aquarius we are being asked to look at our collective consciousness. Several things come immediately to mind here – (1) the devastation in Haiti, and the need for a global “coming together” of nations and their resources to rebuild this country and... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 1/27/2010 2:35:53 AM

Oracles are not only for personal divination – they can also be used for look at events past, present and future. Today I am going to look at the situation in Haiti through the lens of the Tarot. The deck that I am using is the “Alchemical Tarot: Renewed”, by Robert M. Place.

While the direct source of the devastation in Haiti was due to the earthquake (7.1 on the Richter scale), Haiti was prime for the chaos that ensued. Buildings fell (those that were not well constructed, as well as those that were), hospitals and schools were among the casualties, and there was no organized relief effort locally, and all communications were down. Haiti has an extremely poor economy, with a large percentage of its people going without food, water or other necessities on a regular basis.

Relief efforts began immediately from around the world – country after country readied to send supplies, equipment, food and water, and rescue teams. The difficulty began with the airport – the tower was down, and there was no way to get relief planes in. Quickly the US set up – literally set up! – a card table on the tarmac, and airmen were guiding planes in “by hand”. Once landed, there was a problem with where to park the planes, as this is a small airport, and where to unload them. Then there were issues getting the supplies through to the people.

What do we need to know about this disaster? What can we as individuals take away and apply to our lives, to our way of living? I asked the Tarot the following questions:

  • What do we need to know about why this earthquake occurred? (Note – this does not reference the physical reasons for the earthquake, but the spiritual ones.)

Five of Coins – This is a card that indicates poverty and chaos, which is what Haiti was experiencing. There was a missing... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 1/25/2010 2:34:29 AM

“Real Steps To Enlightenment – Dynamic Tools to Create Change”, by Amy Elizabeth Garcia (Llewellyn Worldwide) is a compassionate, highly readable book that addresses our connection with the Divine, and the need to maintain this connection for personal development. Garcia is a Reiki Master who receives guidance from her Angels and her Healing Guides, as she channels the Christ Force energy.

The foundation of this book is that each of us has the ability to design our own unique spiritual practice – one that works for us, and helps us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to Spirit. It is addressed to those that are a bit overwhelmed by the many teachings out there that promise to lead to enlightenment. Each chapter in this book addresses a life lesson, such as Purpose, Joy, Trust, Release, Gratitude, Patience, Celebration, Clarity, or Healing.

Garcia breaks the journey to personal enlightenment into small, workable steps, with a real-life application of the tools that she has discovered on her journey. During the writing of this book Garcia was in contact with an entity from the causal plane by the name of Jahallah. This entity came from a plane where all spiritual lessons have been completed, and there is no longer a need to incarnate into the physical world. These entities act as guides and teachers to those of us still on the physical plane. The information in this book is channeled information.

At the beginning of each chapter is a short quoge from a well known figure. Each chapter is broken down into four sections: Jahallah’s message, a personal story that illustrates the concepts of the message, a prayer inspired by the angels, and a section devoted to the reader. In this fourth section the reader is encouraged to write down three ways to bring the qualities of Spirit discussed nt he chapter... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 1/23/2010 1:46:34 PM
