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There is a New Moon in Virgo Wednesday September 8 at 6:30 a.m. EST (3:30 a.m. Pacific).  The Sun and Moon are conjunct and the emphasis here is on the details of life.  It is a very powerful New Moon, conferring energy in the initiation of new projects, such as new exercise programs, clutter clearing and expelling old emotions.  In Virgo, the mind attempts to create order out of disarray.  With Virgo's ruler Mercury still traveling retrograde, we must pay close attention to the details to ensure that our plans do not go awry.  New Moons are a time of initiation and new beginnings, so now is a great time to have the intention to focus on the details and create order and perfection in your life!
Post by Muse Kira at 9/8/2010 7:28:26 AM

I am your companion,
I am your helper or your biggest problem.
I will push you forward or drag you to failure,
I am at your every request and need.
Half of the things that you do you might just as well
allow to me and I will do them quickly
and correctly.
I am easily managed,
you rarley need to be firm with me.
Show me how you need something done;
after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all wonderful people and
also of all failures as well.
Those who are wonderful I have made wonderful,
those who are failures I have made failures.
I am not a machine, but I work with all
assumptions, plus the intelligence of a person.
Now you may run me for profit or
you may throw me away.
It makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me,
and I will lay the world to you.
Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?  I am called Habit.
Knowing your in control of your own destiny will allow you to choose your the best Habit

Post by Endorie at 8/26/2010 12:47:35 AM

How do you see yourself? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What role do you play in your family? What role do you play at work? Is what you see reality, or is it illusion? Most people tend to be a bit hard on themselves – they see themselves in a certain way, and the focus is usually more negative than positive. So … how do we “reinvent” ourselves in a more positive light?

The first thing that we need to do – indeed, the most important thing – is to stop, take an inventory, and recognize how exactly it is that we see ourselves. Make a list of what you feel are your strengths, and your weaknesses, and the qualities that you feel you need to develop. Are you seeing a picture of yourself from long ago – a picture that in reality you have outgrown, but in your mind is very real?

Now look at your achievements, and the skills that helped you manifest those achievements. Don’t stop at the small stuff – list every major accomplishment in your life, and the skills/abilities that it took to manifest them. These are your real strengths!

Find the common denominator in your successes, and you will have found a key to your passion in life. You will begin to see yourself, and what you can accomplish, in a different light. The “new you” is the real you that was there all along, waiting to be acknowledged!

Post by Bonnie at 8/21/2010 3:45:14 PM

The August Full Moon (on the 24th) is in the sign of Pisces. Trust is a big issue here – we will find the answers that we want/need only if we learn to trust ourselves. Once we learn to trust ourselves, and what we see in nature around us, we need to trust that there really is an overall plan, spearheaded by Spirit, and that it is ongoing, whether we see it or not.

This is a time when we will be made aware that we can limit ourselves by our own belief systems, and that these limiting beliefs hold us back from achieving our destiny. We need to own our personal story, release beliefs that no longer serve us well, and take action on those that do.

We need to gain a sense of self-confidence that comes from believing in things that support us, and then we need to take that confidence and go out into the world. We need to feel secure that the actions that we take are making the world a better place, not just for ourselves, but for those that came before us (our elderly), and those that came after us (our children and grandchildren).

We develop this kind of self-confidence by making a conscious effort to integrate all of our selves – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. We need to be able to tell the difference between reality and illusion, and remove the illusion from life. W are connected to everything, and everything is connected to us. The recent BP oil spill in the Gulf region brought this point home without a doubt. We still don’t know the total ramifications of this disaster, but we do know that we need to do all of the work that we can, on as many levels as we can, to heal the water.

What wisdom will this Full Moon bring you?

Post by Bonnie at 8/21/2010 1:29:53 PM
Anyone that knows me....knows that I LOVE quotes that inspire people.  I thought I would share the following quote with everyone here at
"One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself."
- Lucille Ball
I think it's neat that Lucille Ball said that!  It is food for thought, that's for sure =)
Post by Michael at 8/20/2010 1:05:27 AM

Self-confidence and decision making – the two seem to go hand in hand. Making and implementing decisions is the backbone for creating the life that we want. What tools do we have at our disposal to make this a more streamlined, effective process?

  1. When we make a decision we should spend the necessary time to get all the facts, look at the pros and cons of all of our alternatives, and be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences.
  2. Once we have made a decision, we need to implement it. If we second guess ourselves, or allow the opinions of other people to sway us, we lose our authenticity (and our self-respect).
  3. Once we have implemented a decision, we need to commit to it. Second guessing ourselves will get us nowhere.
  4. There is a difference between getting a decision right (which is a value judgment), and doing the right thing (which is living according to our own personal code of ethics). Bottom line – do the right thing!
  5. In making a decision, weigh what is going to be the most effective. There are many factors in looking for a “best” decision, and most of them are very ephemeral. The factors that indicate how effective a decision will be are much more easily defined.
  6. Go against popular thought and consider yourself first when making your decisions. This is not an ego issue, it has to do with authenticity. When you make your decisions according to your beliefs, you are acting in an authentic manner.
  7. Remember when you make decisions in any area of your life that you need to balance work/family/personal time and goals. The primary focus will fluctuate with personal needs/issues, but there always needs to be a balance.
  8. Make your own decisions, and take responsibility for them.
  9. When it becomes apparent that a decision is not working, review the issue and make another decision. If oyu let the situation go on, it will only get worse.
  10. Future... Read More
Post by Bonnie at 8/16/2010 4:02:00 AM

Joy is a big factor in our lives. Without joy, we feel lost, we feel as if there is no meaning to anything that we do. So, do we need to invent the joy in our life – perhaps pretend that it is there when it is not? Or is it really there all along, and we need to realign our thinking to recognize it?

Finding the joy in our life simply means taking the time to look around us, and appreciate what is there. It means living in the present, giving thanks for the abundance and prosperity around us, enjoying the small things in life.

Make the effort to get outside as often as possible. Take a walk, no matter how short. Note the colors, the scents, the people – note what makes up your environment, and what your reaction to it is. Become an active part of your environment.

Remember that you are the person t hat sets the tone for your environment – both at home, and at work. And that tone involves both your attitude, and the physical tings around you. Stay in the present, and react only to that which is in the present. Hold the most positive thoughts that you can – you draw people and things to you that match your thoughts, so think positive, and make the effort to interact with those around you. A smile, a compliment – these go a long way towards building trust and good relationships.

Know that you are in control of the “things” in your environment. This includes the amount of “things” that are there, how they are arranged, predominate colors – you have input into all of this. Make the effort to cut through the clutter and present an environment that is calming, relaxing, and supportive of you. Make your environment a place where you want to be, where you feel welcome, and where you can welcome others.

The joy factor – it is all around you! Accept it, allow yourself to smile, and feel t hat smile all the way through to your soul!

Post by Bonnie at 8/12/2010 5:25:09 AM

The “Celebrations of Love” oracle, by Eva M. Sakmar-Sullivan (Schiffer Books, 2009) is a beautiful deck of sixty gorgeously illustrated cards that act to engage our sixth sense – our intuition. Working with these cards is based upon the theory of the “Law of Attraction” – you will draw to you the answers that you seek, as well as the wisdom of what you need most to know.

The card backs set the tone for working with this oracle – they show a male figure standing behind a female figure, with their arms around each other. They appear as part of a tree, with what would be their lower bodies as he trunk and root of the tree. Behind them is a beautiful rainbow, with the moon in the sky above. A white dove is in front of the figures, with its wings wrapped around the tree (indicating Divine love and protection).

Each card is presented with a discussion of the energy of the card, an act that the reader can take to honor this energy, and a special message concerning why this energy was brought to the reader. For example, one of the cards is entitled “Sharing”. The figure on the card is the Light Priestess. The energy of this card is that of the celebration of myth and legend. The focus is on ancient thoughtforms, and how they rode the threads of time.

The action to be taken with “Sharing” is that of extending joy to a stranger. For the reader to take time in their day to do something nice for someone else, expecting nothing in return. The Special Message for “Sharing” is that the reader needs to stop allowing others to control their life. Send them love, and joy, and release them,and thie hold ove your life.

In her introduction, Sakmar-Sullivan notes that we need to live each moment in appreciation of and gratitude for all the Creator has given us. Part of what the Creator has gifted us with is oracles such as this that help us to ground and center ourselves, and live in accordance with Divine principles. Go into your day with... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 8/11/2010 3:17:43 AM
Tonight the New Moon will be in the sign of Leo, focusing on cerativity, and opportunities coming to us. I like to do ceremony on both New and Full Moons - the New Moon for bringing in new projects, setting out the seeds, as it were. The Full Moon is traditionally used as a time to release that which is naturally coming to a close, or that which is no longer serving us well. Because the Full Moon has such tremendous energy, I use it not only for releasing things, but for focusing on areas that I need to make headway in, and honoring the abundance that is already in my life.

Tonight I will be doing personal (i.e. individual) ceremony to place focus on something that another family member is hoping to accomplish, as well as a major change of direction in my life. I will do this in a formal fashion - creating a circle, calling in the directions etc. However, this is not necessary to do. Each of us has the ability to create lour own version of ceremony.

Ceremony is done to honor and to place intent. It shows appreciation for the forces that we are working with,  creates a "memory moment", and helps us to focus on that which we are wishing to manifest (or, in some cases, releasing).

Start by defining what you wish to do. Tonight the energy of the New Moon is focused on creativity and opportunity. Where do you need creativity in your life? What opportunities do you wish to draw to you? Fix these firmly in your mind.

Set aside a space of time when you will not be disturbed (by the phone, family members, pets etc). If you wish, place soft music in the background (instrumental only), and light a candle (this is no tnecessary, but can be used for focus). Sit in a comfortable position (preerably with your feet flat on the floor), and breathe slowly in and out. Focus on your breath, and allow your mind to empty.

Build a mental picture of that which you wish to manifest, making it as complete... Read More
Post by Bonnie at 8/9/2010 6:09:17 AM
Knowing When To Say ‘No’

Hello Readers,

 How are you? I hope well. I want to talk to you about something that I know everyone has a hard time with, especially in the relationship spectrum of life. That is knowing when to speak up and declare NO to a situation that you know is not only bad for you but unhealthy. Oftentimes we enter into relationships knowing in the backs of our minds that it is not the best thing for us. For many, we do not give up on the situation for the fear of begin alone or failure. What we don’t realize is that giving up is actually a strength. When you come to a point where saying no is the best thing you can say, it says to that situation that you’ve done everything you can do in your own power and now you just have to walk away.  Take for instance, you and your special someone have been together for a while and despite everything, you cannot get him to truly show affection. You’ve tried to get him to talk, flowered him with more  affection and nothing works. That’s when you may come to the decision that you have to say no. Say no to someone not showing their feelings, not talking and no to not begin loved the way you deserve. We all have gone through this believe me, I know I have. Saying no is a part of life. We just have to figure out when and why we’re saying no. Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Ask yourself, When should you say no?, What are you saying no to? and Why are you saying no? Think about it.

Love, Leo

Post by Psychic Leo at 8/6/2010 12:33:21 PM

Mercury will be retrograde from August 20th, 2010 to September 12th, 2010, in the sign of Virgo. Specific days to be wary of are August 20th through August 29th, and September 8th through September 12th. (Note: The reason for this is that these are the days when Mercury is moving at its slowest.)

Mercury retrogrades are all about communications of all types, anything mechanical, and travel. During this time it is best to double check everything, especially in the area of communications. Make sure that you are saying what you intend to say, that your intended audience has understood what you have to say, and that you fully understand communications that are coming to you from others.

The gift that Mercury brings to us is t he ability to see through fresh eyes, and to adjust our thoughts, our attitudes, and even the direction that we are moving in. In essence, it is a time of retrospection, when we reconnect with reality in a new way. This is in part because Mercury retrograde forces us to revisit unresolved issues from the past.

In the sign of Virgo, Mercury retrograde takes us nt a time of introspection. What we are “reviewing”, in essence, is internal to us, rather than existing in the external world. All of the mutable signs – Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces – will be undergoing a very trying period of “head over heart” (intellect over emotions).

This is a time to be tying up loose ends, rather than making efforts at new beginnings. Look at the areas of your life that are coming to a close, or at projects that are ending. What needs to be done to finish them well? What projects are not going as planned? Are they worth fine tuning, or do they need to be scrapped so that something else can take their place? Are all of your efforts in align with your current goals? If not, why not?

Mercury retrograde is a great time to clean out your life, bring a... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 8/6/2010 2:47:49 AM

On August 9th, 2010 the New Moon will appear in the sign of Leo. Leo brings with it playful, creative energy. A small “time out”, as it were, from all of the other astrological “stuff” going on! New Moon’s are times in which we begin new projects, or perhaps new relationships. To add a touch of playfulness to that is a true blessing!

You might also want to look at this New Moon as being offered a doorway of time to engage in visionary work. What areas of your life are you looking to expand? What areas of your life are you looking at making changes in? Where are you looking to push the envelope a bit, and try new things?

The seeds that you choose to plant at this time will relate to whatever was released during the prior Full Moon. What did you let go of – and what do you intend to take its place? While the two may not be directly connected, something had to “give” to create the time and space for you to bring something new in.

This is a time for you to acknowledge your own personal power, to be willing to be authentic and unique in you world, and to show confidence and passion in all that you do. Follow your passions – make time for them, place focus and intent behind them. This New Moon is your allie!

Be okay with the fact that this month your attention moves away from the basic issues of life and begins to focus on the larger picture. Know that this is a time when you have not only the self-confidence, but the self-awareness to venture into new areas and new projects.

What are you going to do with the fiery energy of Leo on this New Moon?

Post by Bonnie at 8/5/2010 5:17:25 AM

The Tarot has many stories to tell – these are our stories – the stories that help us understand and live our lives. Card by card, they carry wisdom that we can use on a day to day basis. For me, one of the most important cards is the High Priestess. She is the key to the feminine mysteries, and to accessing our psychic/intuitive abilities.

The High Priestess is also our connection to the unconscious mind, and to dreamtime. She acts as the conduit, or gateway, for messages from Spirit. She is also our connection to our unconscious self, where we carry wisdom from our past lives and from the collective consciousness.

Her wisdom is hidden wisdom, the wisdom of the mysteries. This is the wisdom that we use to connect with Spirit and move towards enlightenment, but it is also the wisdom that we need to make informed decisions and take informed actions.

When the energy of the High Priestess is functioning well in our lives, we feel empowered. We are connected to our Higher Self, and we feel a quiet inner power throughout our lives. We have faith in ourselves, and are strongly connected to ou feminine aspects (whether we are male or female). We are able to balance our intuitive and our intellectual selves.

When the energy of the High Priestess is not functioning in our lives (or when we are simply not recognizing her energy), we do not feel so empowered. Our intellect takes precedence over our intuition (our gut feelings), an our decision making process becomes rooted in surface appearances, rather than the wisdom beneath the surface. We may become secretive, and our lives based on the superficial.

The gift the High Priestess brings to us is that of awakening our own latent, hidden powers. She encourages us to listen to our intuition, to open up all of our senses, and to trust what we see/hear/feel.

Where is the energy of the High Priestess in your life? Is it where you want it to be? What do you need to... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 8/4/2010 3:38:15 AM

“Wisdom of the Hidden Realms” (Hay House, 2009) is a wonderful set of oracle cards by author Colette Baron-Reid and artist Jena DellaGrottaglia. The cards act as a bridge between the physical and the spiritual worlds, allowing the reader to enter into a magical dialogue with the Divine. N doing so, the reader will tap into their own personal power, become more self-aware, and be able to fulfill their highest purpose.

Magical beings from myth and legend inhabit the world of this book. They act as allies to the reader, helping them through whatever difficulties they are facing. These allies include the Rainbow Prince, the Sun Dancers, the Alter Princess, the Dream Walker, the Lady of the Mirror, the Web Weaver, the Lady of the Gift, the Mapmaker of Destiny, and the Hungry Ghosts.

Each card has its title across the top, with the issues that it addresses under the title. The pictures are framed in a golden arch, and have a very mystical feel to them. They invite you into their world, which is a healing world. The “Rainbow Prince” addresses compensation and perseverance. The Sun Dancers addresses joyful activity, celebration of life, and abundance. The Dream Walker addresses dreams, the collective good, and illusions.

In her introduction, Baron-Reid advises the reader to invoke the power of the cards carefully, and use their power well. There are instructions on how to become familiar with the cards, and how to use them in a reading.

Each card is presented with an ally and a challenge position. For the Lady of the Mirror (reflection, nonjudgment), she is both ally and challenger. She asks th reader to see themselves through the actions and events in their life. She is the force of the Law of Attraction – you attract to you that which you are. Observe how you are responding to life, and alter your responses to create the life that you want.

I found these cards to be gentle, beautiful, and very easy to work with. You... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 8/2/2010 6:43:06 AM

There are many different oracles out there that we can use to empower ourselves. One of my favorites are the “Saints & Angels” oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. (Hay House, 2005). This is, by nature, a very gentle oracle. It is, in essence, wisdom from Spirit, coming through the Saints and Angels.

The messages in these cards are a comfort, as they let us know here on the physical plane that help is always available from Spirit, and that we do not walk alone (however much that may seem at times). Among the voices heard here are those of Guardian Angel, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Agnes of Rome, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Bernadette, St. Hildegard of Bingen, St. Michael (the Archangel), Mother Mary, Christ, St. Raphael (the Archangel), St. Mother Teresa, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Christopher.

The face of the cards shows a keyword at the top, with the name of the energy speaking at the bottom. In between are lovely illustrations that can act as focus for personal meditation. The companion book expands on the meaning of each of the cards.

One of the cards is entitled “Speak Your Truth”. The speaker is St. Bernadette. The companion book expands on the keyword to focus on literally speaking your truth … speaking up, and making your voice known. Give your fears and anxieties about what the reaction to your words will be over to God, St. Bernadette, and your angels. Speak in a lovng way, but speak with integrity. Heaven protects us, and guides out words as we say t hem.

What type of oracle appeals to you? Don’t be afraid to place it in your life, and turn to it in time of need.

Post by Bonnie at 7/26/2010 11:20:17 PM

The Full Moon for July 25th, 2010 is in the sign of Aquarius. One thing that we can expect from Aquarius is those “Aha!” moments – moments of inspiration that come at us out of the blue. Aquarius carries the energy of hope and promise – of compassion carried into the future.

Full Moon’s are all about endings and new beginnings – we bring to a close and release that which no longer serves us well. We ready ourselves to bring in new energy, new goals, new projects. With Aquarius, the scope is more of a collective than an individual nature. We are focusing our actions on serving humanity.

We will see fire, passion and a sense of confidence in this Full Moon. We are meant to explore our passions and our talents, and to express them in a way that is beneficial to humanity as a whole.

Be okay if the thoughts that come to you at this time seem a bit, shall we say “unique”. You may not be able to see at this time how they fit into the big picture, but if you find a way to implement them, you will see how they change the big picture for the better.

We must trust that the path we are on is leading us where we need to go. The changes coming to us are ones that will help us redefine our path for this lifetime. The ideas that come to us, and the people that we encounter, act as gateways to a new and very creative way of thinking, acting and living.

As individuals, we can choose to be open to the changes coming to us. We can surround ourselves with like-minded people, and become involved in projects that show compassion and integrity. We can make a difference, a difference that will live on into the future, creating a better, more sustainable future.

Post by Bonnie at 7/25/2010 5:16:28 AM

I love crystals – when I read in person, I have my clients hold a rose quartz crystal in their hand. This crystal will hold the essence of their reading, and is something that I gift them with at the end of the reading. Rose quartz is all about love, and heart energy.

Other crystals that can aid in healing, or simply in dealing with specific situations/issues are:

Amber: Dispelling negativity and allowing the individual to experience happiness.

Amethyst: Used for calming, it is excellent to use when meditating. It also acts as a gateway for connecting with psychic abilities.

Aquamarine: Assisting the flow of love and compassion.

Aventurine: Helps in dealing with anxiety, and cleanses mental, emotional and etheric bodies.

Carnelian: Helps with memory, acts as a gateway to the creative self, and can be used for protection.

Citrine: Helps to process energy work.

Coral: Used to assist in strengthening ones emotions.

Emerald: Used to assist with both physical and emotional healing.

Fluorite: Used for grounding and concentration.

Clear Quartz: Acts to balance emotions, and protects by dispelling negative energy.

Jade: Assists with relaxation, and helps induce calmness.

Malachite: Assists with bringing in harmony.

Mother of Pearl: Assists in protection.

Picture Jasper: Excellent crystal for both emotional and psychological healing.

Snowflake Obsidian: Helps to provide balance and acts as protection.

Sodalite: Enhances communication.

Tiger Eye: Connects the individual with their own personal power. Helps to ground and center.

Post by Bonnie at 7/19/2010 5:02:25 AM

Summer is a lovely time - the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, we are out on our patio's bbq'ing, planning vacations, picnics and just plain family time together. I decided to do a reading on how to make the best use of summer's slower flow.

                         The Energy of Summer

1. What do we need to know about summer?
2. How can we best incorporate this into our life?
3. What is the summer of 2010 bringing to us?

The cards that I drew were: (1) the Six of Swords, (2) the Knight of Cups, (3) the Knight of Pentacles. Whew - what a lot of actiont his summer with those Knights!

What we need to know about this summer is that each of us will be going on a journey of personal growth. This is helped along, as it were, by the recent lunar and solar eclipses. Jolts of energy that acted to push us out of our "safe zones" and redirect our lives. This is a time of transition, and we will be seeing things through a new, fresh perspective.

How can we best incorporate this energy into our lives? By allowing ourselves to follow our dreams, to manifest our visions and to pay attention to our dreams, and to our intuitive thoughts.

What is the summer of 2010 bringing to us? We are being told that we will have the opportunity to take the wisdom that has come to us and put it to use in a practical way in the real world. Teaching what we know, in some way sharing what we have learned. Working to create that "safe place" in our lives.

What a wonderful summer we have ahead of us! Enjoy!


Post by Bonnie at 7/19/2010 4:28:53 AM

I just got done reading an excellent blog on meditation techniques related to the Tarot. I found it to be very empowering, and it started me thinking about meditation in general – why we do it, and what we get from it. Meditation is a connection with spirit – whatever form we perceive spirit to take. It allows us to take a time out – a step back, for a few moments, from the everyday concerns and pressures of life.

Meditation allows us to see our lives with greater clarity, which allows us to make better decisions, and reduces the stress we are facing. We can take this one step further and meditate on specific issues, or to manifest specific things that act to enrich our lives. We can use meditation to help us problem solve, and we can use it to help us make the changes we need to make in the best possible fashion.

Through meditation we can learn to live from our hearts, to live in a state of compassion. We can learn to experience joy and peace on a daily basis, and make it an integral part of our lives. We can also learn to access our creative center, and become the people that we are meant to be.

There are many forms of meditation – work with the ones t at appeal to you, and you will see a significant difference in your life.

· Focus on your breathing – follow your breath in and out.

· Work with a mantra of any type.

· In a darkened room, use a candle as a focal point.

· Work with meditative music.

· Taking a moment with your morning cup of coffee to admire the sunrise/sunset, the flowers in your yard, or just to watch the animal life around you.

· Taking a walk in nature – on the beach, in a park, or even around your neighborhood. The key here – pay attention the whatever crosses your path. Remain in the present.

Meditation is a wonderful tool of empowerment. Choose to empower yourself!

Post by Bonnie at 7/12/2010 3:33:35 AM

All eyes are currently on the Gulf oil spill. BP has stated that they feel that they should be able to have a solution in place by the 27th of July. I drew three cards to see what we need to know about this solution. The cards drawn, and position definitions, were:

Past: The Emperor

Present: Nine of Swords

Future: Ace of Swords

The Emperor represents, IMHO, two people: US President Obama, and BP CEO Tony Hayward. Both gentlemen have strong positions to defend, and strong organizations to keep on an even keel. Both men are authoritarian figures, strong rulers, and are able to implement the decisions that they make. Both men are responsible for the people that work under them/elected them.

The Nine of Swords describes the chaos (albeit organized chaos) that the Gulf oil spill has generated. (I truly think this should have a bigger name – a “spill” is a glass of milk all over the floor – this much oil over this amount of physical area is way beyond that!) Everyone is worried – about the oil still spewing out, the damage done to the creatures of the ocean and the assorted bird populations, to the wetland areas, to the fishermen who are losing/have lost their livelihood, and to the associated businesses that may well not make it through this. Removing the oil from the ocean is not going to magically return the ocean and its inhabitants to good health. Much fear and anxiety here.

Aces are cards of opportunity. This in itself is a good sign. Aces are intellect and clear vision. They are also cards of communication. President Obama has made it clear t hat BP needs to have more than one backup plan in case the current plan does not work. BP seems to be reaching out and communicating with all individuals and agencies that can give them some help with this situation. We have to remember that this is relatively uncharted territory (underwater oil drilling), BP may have made some poor management decisions,... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/10/2010 6:09:20 AM

The New Moon appears in the sign of Cancer on Sunday, July 11th, 2010. On this day there will also be a total eclipse of the Sun. Part of the energy that a solar eclipse brings is that of letting go of things/people/issues that have been with us for some time, and are no longer serving us well. This, in turn, makes room for new beginnings. (Side note: Expect lots of energy for the FIFA World Cup on this day!)

The two signs that will feel this eclipse the most are individuals with Cancer or Capricorn rising, or those with Cancer or Capricorn as their Sun or Moon. Total renovation/transformation time here, people! Changes always begin within, but in this case they will be reflected with noticeable physical changes.

Both the internal and external changes within each of us will act as a catalyst for others to see us a bit differently, which means that we can expect changes in all levels of relationship – personal and professional. The changes in our relationships will then act as a catalyst for us to redefine what is important to us, what works for us, where our passions lie, and where we want to place our focus and commitment.

The changes that are coming with this solar eclipse will affect all areas of our life. Our reaction to them will be through our emotional self (Cancer). Because Cancer also relates to intuition and dreams, this is a time when messages that come to us in these areas will be of major importance. As with all eclipses, the caveat is “What is hidden will come to light.” The messages that come to you will bring into the light of day information that is important to the future that you are creating for yourself.

Post by Bonnie at 7/7/2010 3:42:50 AM

The Aces in the Tarot are cards of potential – potential to work with the energy that is inherent in each of the suits. Aces indicate new beginnings, opportunities that are coming to the Seeker, and the pure energy of each element.

The Ace of Wands carries the elemental energy of Fire. It is all about career, creativity, passion, mindfulness and will. It is the desire for self-growth. The flip side of this Ace shows the Seeker experiencing delays, lack of opportunity, frustration, feeling powerless and power struggles.

The Ace of Cups carries the elemental energy of Water. It is all about intuition, emotions, love and relationship, emotional connections, nurturing and socializing. The flip side of this Ace shows a lack of connection with ones emotions, love that is not reciprocated, lack of love, feelings of insecurity, and not trusting ones intuition.

The Ace of Swords carries the elemental energy of Air. It is all about communications, mental focus, analysis, getting to the truth of an issue, and the use of logical, rational thinking. The flip side of this Ace shows misplaced aggression, lack of logic, a pessimistic attitude, loss of power, and an unwillingness to stand up for ones self, or to fight,

The Ace of Pentacles carries the elemental energy of Earth, It is all about the physical plane, material issues, work, grounding of energy, finances, home, family and resources. The flip side of this Ace shows greed, hoarding, fear of loss, money being paid out, mistrust of opportunities and too much attention to the material things of life.

Always remember that these are cards of potential. To activate their potential, the Seeker needs to take some form of action. The more informed and focused their actions, the better the manner in which the energy will manifest in their lives.

Build it, and they will come!

Post by Bonnie at 7/5/2010 5:23:27 AM

Webster defines hope as “To cherish a desire with anticipation.”, and “To expect with confidence.” We often feel that we have little hope, or little encouragement in our lives. Where we will find that hope is not outside of ourselves, but within. Int hat spark of Spirit that resides within each of us, we will find hope.

Find the hope within you, and nourish it. Many people and/or situations will act to crush that hope – do not allow this to happen. Keep the hope for whatever you wish to see in your life alive by believing that it can happen, and by believing that you can be part of that happening.

When we have hope, we can handle anything, make our way through anything. Our hopes and our dreams are energies that need nourishing – place your focus, and your intention, on your hopes and dreams.

What are some of the ways in which we can nourish our hopes and dreams?

     1. Honor yourself – treat yourself with respect.
     2. Treat others with the respect that you would like to be treated with.    
     3. Make the conscious choice to look at situations and people in the most positive light.
     4. Listen to your heart – choose to believe that there is hope.                  
     5. Live in the present – be aware of your thoughts, words and actions in the present.
     6. Acknowledge that the thoughts, words and actions that you express in the present create your future.
     7. Align yourself with others that share the same hopes and dreams.       
     8. Know that you are the only person that needs to approve or disapprove of your words and actions.
     9. Learn to... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/4/2010 5:23:57 AM

On July 4th here in the United States we celebrate our independence from Great Britain. We are a country of, by and for the people. Our freedoms are so inherently a part of us that we take them for granted – for over 200 years it has been this way. We have the freedom to express our opinions (freedom of speech), the freedom to bear arms, the freedom to live where we want, to live how we want, and to be educated to the extent that we want. Many of our people have lost their lives fighting for these freedoms.

On this day, we will attend picnics and family gatherings, watch (or perhaps participate in) parades, and enjoy incredible displays of fireworks set off nationwide. All of this in honor of our heritage, of who we are, and what this country stands for.

I did a short reading on how we can best honor this 4th of July:

(1) Spiritual Advice – The Moon

(2) Trait that we need to develop – Queen of Wands

(3) Actions that we can take - Two of Swords

The Moon tells us that we need to look closer – that we need to see what may be deceiving us, or how we may be deceiving ourselves (or others). We are also being advised to listen to our dreams, to our intuition, and to act on them accordingly.

The trait that we need to develop within ourselves is that of independence, and of being actively involved in our communities. We need to develop our sense of self-confidence, and allow ourselves to flow with our passions.

The action that we can take to honor our independence is that of not falling into the deceptive tap of trying to define everything – to classify things, to give them a name and, essentially, to create boundaries around them. We need to be able to suspend our judgment, to lose the need for self-protection, and to look for balance in a situation, rather than seeing everything in black and white.

Wishing you all a safe, sane 4th of July, with wonderful... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/1/2010 4:35:17 AM

What’s in your dreams? It is summer – a lovely time of year, where the pace slows for a moment and we have a chance to enjoy ourselves. The suns is shining, the flowers are reflecting their bright colors and friendly nature, bodies of water are calling us, and we are given the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

We have just passed a partial lunar eclipse, and are headed for a solar eclipse. We are being asked to release attachments to the past, and use our innate/inborn skills and abilities to move into the future – a future that is perhaps a bit different than we thought it might be.

This is a time when we are being pushed to rethink our priorities, re-define our life goals, and be willing to take the (calculated) risk of pursuing them. One of the most important gifts that we have been given in this lifetime is that of dreamtime. Normally we think o dreamtime as being when we are asleep. Dreamtime can also occur when we are in a waking state, but in between full consciousness and sleep.

In dreamtime we are able to shut off the (sometimes limiting) voice of our conscious self and connect with our creative, subconscious self. This is where we receive answers to questions that trouble us during our waking hours. This is where the “Aha!” moments take place. Pay attention to your dreams, and you will be able to create a whole new world around you!

Note the images in your dream, and your reaction to them. In what manner do they relate to your waking life? What colors are predominate, and how do you feel about them? What emotions are you feeling in your dream? What message(s) is coming through to you from your dream? Listen to your intuition, to make best use of dream messages.

Take time this summer to give time to yourself, to further your wishes, your dreams, and your goals!

Post by Bonnie at 6/29/2010 5:46:07 AM
