Power Predictions - January 25-31, 2010 | PsychicPower.com

Power Predictions - January 25-31, 2010

White Owl
25 January 2010

This week promises to be full of drama and major happenings. The Moon barrels toward full phase this week, gaining in visible size and brightness every day as it increasingly turns its illuminated side to our view. As the Lady of Night thus shines her power ever more strongly over the dark expanse of sky, the same becomes true in our human experiences.

Thus, much comes to light and to clear recognition this week. What has been secret and hidden now emerges into the light of perception, whether in regard to our own inner processes or to our interactions with the world. The whole shebang hits a high point late on Friday night and early Saturday morning, for the exact moment of Full Moon occurs at 1:18 am EST on Saturday, January 30.

Leading into that moment, the week promises important revelations and developments.

On Monday and Tuesday, talk circulates and brings information we have been seeking. The rumor mill is especially active and even dependable between noon Monday (EST) and 1 am Tuesday (EST). Expect to connect with people in the know who will want to share valuable tid-bits of information during that period. Keep your ears up and eyes open, for there will be much to learn.

But then, stand back; fireworks explode late on Tuesday night and early on Wednesday morning. At this time, the planets Venus and Mars will be in exact opposition as viewed from the vantage point of Earth. This arrangement tends to emphasize powerful romantic and sexual attractions, but it also stirs up heated differences of opinion right at the same time. Furthermore, the waxing Moon makes a 90 degree arc (or square) to wild-card Uranus late on Wednesday night, which arrangement tends to intensify feelings and bring emotional pressure to a breaking point. Taken altogether, this means that appetites for interaction will be voracious, but people can be very much on edge even so. Take care to be cautious if out and about, for tempers are likely to be easily set off anytime from Tuesday around sunset to Wednesday around sunrise.

Wednesday night brings the high-powered excitement of late Tuesday right down to a standstill when the Moon interacts with the prevailing Saturn-Pluto square, which was described in last week’s predictions. Very difficult matters are likely to surface right at the end of the workday on Wednesday, bringing up discussions of serious matters such as budget strains, substantive personnel tensions, and general malaise connected to old policies that do nothing but hamper individual initiative. If not at work, we may experience a sense of inertia, blockage, frustration, and despair on the late afternoon of Wednesday, as though nothing is ever going to work.

Actually, it will. Soon, in fact by noon on Thursday (EST), improvements shall have presented themselves and we will feel there are solutions for our issues. But just about then, we go on a wild ride of energies as the Sun and Mars move into exact opposition as seen from Earth, making late Thursday and the entire day of Friday fraught with strong potential for ego-based confrontations with others. Arguments, confrontations, run-ins, contentions, and altercations are likely to take place where individuals congregate but do not exercise self-control. Then the Full Moon boils the whole mess over into a complete frothing melee by Saturday.

Behind all this stands the Saturn-Pluto square, another exact episode of which we will experience on Sunday afternoon. Readers may remember from last week’s post that this arrangement indicates that there are, within individuals, society, and even the planet itself, forces for change that have been building up for a long time. This week’s high drama is about feeling all that and trying to find a way to respond to it meaningfully. No matter who we are or where we may be located, this is the question.

Look for innovative answers to this big question to arrive within a few hours of the Full Moon moment. It’s nature’s way of getting our attention and providing us with creative solutions. And this month, the drama surrounding revelation is likely to be well worth the price of admission.

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