The Chakra System
29 July 2009
“As I calm my mind, I heal my body.”

The chakra system consists of seven centers of spinning wheels of energy located along our spine that process the energy in our body. (The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel.)
The first chakra is the
Root Chakra, and is located at the base of our spine. It is associated with the color red, and the element of earth. This is where we carry our sense of self-preservation, our survival instincts, and the ability to ground and center ourselves. Health, prosperity, our sense of security and our sense of self come from this chakra.
The second chakra is the
Sacral Chakra, and is located about two inches below our navel. It is associated with the color orange, and the element of water. This is the chakra that governs our emotions, and our sexuality. Here we connect to others through feeling and desire, and here we form our emotional identity.
The third chakra is the
Solar Plexus Chakra, and it is located at the solar plexus. It is associated with the color yellow, and the element of fire. The Solar Plexus chakra governs personal power, our will, and our sense of autonomy (our Ego identity). This is the chakra that brings us energy, and relates to inner growth.
The fourth chakra is the
Heart Chakra, and is located at the heart. It is associated with the color green, and the element of air. The Heart Chakra governs love, and is where opposites within us are integrated (such as mind/body, male/female, and persona/shadow). This is also where we experience compassion.
The fifth chakra is the
Throat Chakra, and is located at the throat. It is associated with the color blue, and sound (ether). This chakra governs both communication and creativity. Through the Throat Chakra we experience the world through the vibration of sound.
The sixth chakra is the Brow, or
Third Eye Chakra, and is located in the middle of our forehead. It is associated with the color indigo, and light. The Third Eye Chakra governs our ability to see – both physically and psychically (intuitively). Here is where our archetypal identity lies, and here is where we open our connection to Spirit.
The seventh chakra is the
Crown Chakra, and is located directly above our head. It is associated with the color purple (or white), and thought. Here we relate to consciousness as pure awareness.
Why do we want to become aware of our chakra system? Because when it is open, aligned and balanced, our energy flows and we experience good health! When there is a problem within one chakra, that problem has the ability to affect the flow of energy to each of the other chakras. We need to “check in” with our chakras on a periodic basis and make sure that they are functioning at a high level. If we do not do this, we leave ourselves open to dis-ease and ill health.
The chakra system was written about in the Vedic texts, as well as being an integral part of ancient Chinese medicine (such as acupuncture). Looking at the chakras from a scientific viewpoint, we see that the major parts of our endocrine system correspond with the seven primary chakras. Each chakra interact with and controls specific emotional, physical and psychological functions.
Anyone can choose to work with their chakra system, no matter what their religious or cultural beliefs. Knowledge of the chakra system can empower you. It can also help you to heal – but it does not take the place of a physicians advice. The two work hand in hand.
One method of aligning and balancing your chakras is through meditation. A vey simple meditation will do – find a quiet, comfortable place to sit, allow the chatter in your mind to quiet down, and place your attention on your breathing. When you meditate on a consistent basis, you strengthen your ability to focus, you release your emotions with greater ease and release the stress in your body. A side benefit – you also lower you blood pressure!
Begin by breathing in and out, slowly and deeply, pausing between inhalation and exhalation. Allow your lungs to take in the amount of air that is right for them. Your focus remains on your breathing – in and out, in and out. Do this for as little or as long as you want to. Each day you will feel better and better. You will begin to notice small changes in your life – in your ability to think clearly, to focus, to make decisions, and in how you react to others.
One reason that you will see change on all levels is that you are healing on all levels – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Another reason is the subtle life force energy (chi)that connects all living and non-living things. When a change is made at one point, it affects everything that connects with that point.
Take a moment each day to meditate – if only for a few minutes. You will find yourself feeling more positive, all levels of health will be better, and you will find yourself reacting differently to the stress points in your life.
Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we
are talking to the Alchemical Tarot Renewed, by Robert M. Place. The voice that wishes to be heard is that of t he Knight of Staffs (Wands). He stands there in his armor, his right hand in his hip, his left hand holding a staff that is flaming on one end. Knights are the “action” people in the Court cards. This Knight acts in a determined, creative manner. His message for us is that we need to be one the move, actively searching for creative opportunities, especially those connected with our careers. Do not over-think … act!
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