Weekly Astrology Forecast, Dec 21, 2009 < Featured Column | PsychicPower.com

Weekly Astrology Forecast, Dec 21, 2009

White Owl
21 December 2009

This week brims with powerful astrological influences involving several planetary forces.

During the weekend of December 19 – 20, the planets Venus and Uranus move into a square relationship and Mars begins to go retrograde. This means that on these days, human relations are likely to be stressed, inner worlds may be in turmoil, and general conditions can be problematic. Tempers are on edge and irritation levels high. Some of this tension will work itself out in the setting of shopping malls and on highways. However, but among close family and friends, there are real differences which need ironing out. Brewing up mightily, there is a need to become unburdened and to express the self. This is the backdrop for the new week.

On Sunday the 20th, even greater things loom in our minds and in the world, as great Jupiter conjoins equally sizable Neptune in the sign of Aquarius. This generates a big wave of psychic influence, drawing us all toward our dreams and moving the deep psyche. Now is the time to set our major intentions which will carry us forward at least six years! Behind it all stands an Aquarian influence, which tends to cultivate an egalitarian community spirit. This can be a very positive thing for those who take the time to open themselves to the guidance of their own intuition or by paying special attention to signs from the universe.

All this coincides with the ever-powerful Solstice moment, which is always a turning point in the yearly process. In 2009, the Winter Solstice occurs on Monday, December 21, at 12:47 pm EST. At this time, the Sun will enter the sign of Capricorn, which sign is ruled by Saturn. (Hence, the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia held at this time.) Saturn tends to compress vast complex matters into a neat bundle so they can be clearly perceived, so big personal issues may be condensed into a simple formula and crystal clear understanding at this time.

The later part of the week echoes this deeply felt resonance with key issues. The Sun and Pluto merge in Capricorn on Thursday, and then the Sun interacts with Saturn by square on Friday, setting the stage for a powerful inner incentive, pushing us all to seek major goals and to apply will-power for the attaining of objectives. The weight of realization may, however, be somewhat heavy on Friday afternoon, bringing a bit of a blue moment, let down, cold and grey weather, or withdrawn feelings to December 25 events.

Finally, Mercury throws some curves at us as it goes retrograde on Saturday the 26th. Be ready to flex with changes of plans and transportation glitches. And above all, know that keeping it real is better than faking it now. More on that next week......

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