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In the News

The big day is here – golfer Tiger Woods has made his public apology. No questions allowed, of course, but he did make his public apology. His statement was that he was a narcissist who needs help. I agree with the writer of the article that I read (Jay Mariotti, writing for Fan House) – it took great courage to make even this small statement. He (Woods) admitted to living a double life, and to living a lie. Well, that would actually be living several lies! I was amazed at the list of women that suddenly appeared after he crashed his car!

What we need to understand is that Wood’s issues are all too human issues, issues that any of us could be facing. Public family man and spokesperson, private adulterer. Personally, I looked at the companies who withdrew their endorsements, and wondered if they were really all that “pure”. Who were they to stand as judge and jury?

In his thirteen and one half minute speech, he admitted to his guilt. He accepted responsibility – sole responsibility. He apologized to his family and to the public for letting them down. He apologized to his wife, Elin. He apologized to the families of children that he was the role model for. He stated that he had a lot to atone for. He indicated that he had stopped living the core values that he was brought up with.

Woods is in therapy for sex addiction, has stated that he is returning to Buddhism, the religion that he grew up with, and he as made a commitment to showing better behavior on the golf course – no cursing, no throwing of golf clubs, no more prima donna behavior.

I personally wish Tiger Woods, his wife, children and family the best. I am not a golf aficionado, but I do hope that he returns to the game.

What can we learn from this personal tragedy, what lesson can we take away from all of this? I drew one card from the Tarot – the Ace of Swords. How appropriate! Aces are all about opportunity … as... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 2/19/2010 5:01:38 PM

We are in the last week before Valentine’s Day. This is probably a good time to look at how we are treating ourselves. We have to love ourselves before we can love anyone else, or before they can love us in any significant manner. Life gets crazy for all of us – maintaining home and family, maintaining career, maintaining our spirituality – and trying to keep a good balance so that we have a modicum of time for ourselves.

One very important thing that we want to do is make the effort to create and maintain a smooth, calm atmosphere around us. How do we do this? By staying grounded in the present. We can only take action in the present – the past has already happened, the future is yet to be determined. Worrying about the future is not going to make things better. Paying attention to the present – to the people and issues around us – is. Find the joy that is there in the present moment, and cherish it.

Find your passion – find what brings you joy. Bring that into your life on a daily basis, in some manner. Do not be afraid to use your skills and abilities – do not be afraid to be you!

Pay attention to your body. When I was younger, stress gave me headaches. Now stress goes straight to my stomach. Where are you feeling stress? What muscles are tightening up? What area of your body does not “feel right”? You don’t have to know the cause of the energy being stuck – you just have to recognize that it is, and that because it is, you are having physical symptoms.

There is an easy way to get the energy moving in your body. Stand straight, arms at your sides. Take a deep breath, and then exhale. Raise your arms over your head, while at the same time taking a deep breath. Exhale as you lower your arms to your side. Repeat several times, until you start to feel more relaxed.

Stay in the present, find your joy, keep your body energy flowing – and you will fnd your life flowing!

Post by Bonnie at 2/8/2010 6:41:50 AM

We may at times questions the amount of time that we spend on the Internet, in forums, or on social networking sites (Twitter, Face Book, My Space). But there are times when we know that we are where we need to be, doing what we need to be. On one of my social networking sites there is a Canadian lady that posts. She and her husband run a free trade company, and were very involved with Haiti even before the earthquake. She has worked very hard to help the Haitian population overcome the devastation that they are facing, and I commend her efforts (as well as her efforts to get other people involved in a significant way).

Today I am reading one of her posts on Haiti, and am overcome with awe for her understanding of the Haitian people. She is talking about the spiritual belief that sustains them – not necessarily their Christian beliefs, although that is certainly a part of Haitian culture, but the faith and pride in their culture that sustains them, and gives them the strength to work through the adversity they have been handed.

Even when not practiced as a religion, the native voudou culture is a passionate flame in the heart of the Haitian population.

May these lovely, strong hearted people find the way to rebuilding their homes, their families, their communities, and their culture.



Post by Bonnie at 2/5/2010 5:33:20 PM

Groundhog Day is here again! I love the drama – the gentleman in the formal suit, with the lovely top hat, very ceremoniously presenting a (usually) slightly over-weight ground hog – with the express purpose of finding out whether said groundhog will see his shadow! Only in America, as they say! ;-)

Where does all this take place? In the small Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney. The ground hog is known as Punxutawney Phil. What Phil is going to do is predict the weather. (Go Phil!) In a rock concert type atmosphere (lots of music and entertainment).

If Phil emerges from his temporary burrow (a simulated tree stump), and sees his shadow, tradition has it that we will have six more eeks of winter weather here in the US. However, if Phil emerges from his temporary burrow and does not see his shadow, then spring temperatures are close.

Some say that Phil allegedly “speaks” to his human caretakers, known as the Inner Circle, and that they translate his forecast for the world to hear. I carry on conversations with my cats – why shouldn’t Phil’s caretakers be able to speak with him too! ;-)

This year, Phil is going to text his message! To sign up, text "groundhog" to 247365. Phil really is quite the dude – he even has a Face Book page! (

Post by Bonnie at 2/2/2010 3:48:48 AM

Nadya “Octomom” Suleman – The Mom Who Just Can’t Stop

Birth Date: 7/11/1965
Birth Time: 9:59 pm
Birth Place: Fullerton, California

Monday, January 11, 2010

We don’t need professional psychics, Tarot consultants or astrologers to give us most of the hot truth about Nadya Suleman. We don’t need intuition to agree that Octomom is more than a little quirky, immature and self-involved or that on the mental/emotional plane she’s got a loose wing. And she’s back in the news again as I write, talking about having more babies.

First let’s review the facts.

All 14 children have the same sperm donor via in-vitro implantation; her eggs and his sperm created embryos in the laboratory. One was implanted for the first child, the rest frozen, then thawed out for babies 2 through 14. Purportedly the “friend” donor is actually an ex-boyfriend who’s not at all pleased about her doing all this behind his back. We can’t really blame him for laying low. He didn’t even know she had all those embryos frozen for future pregnancies.

You may remember that with the first six (6) kids all seven of them were all living with Octomom’s mother. Nadya had no job, but did get a disability settlement from a work-related accident, plus on-going government assistance for three of the older children who have special needs such as autism.

So, let’s take a look at her astrological birth chart and find out what’s really going on here. Jane Valez-Mitchell on her show Issues came closest to the astro-truth. Jane, a 14-years-sober recovering alcoholic, tends to be super-intuitive about addiction problems. One night on her show Jane blurted out, “Is this woman addicted to babies, or what?!!” She’s the only news reporter who got that close to the actual situation. No, Jane, she’s not addicted to babies – exactly. It’s way more complicated than... Read More

Post by Stormy at 1/21/2010 12:48:45 PM

Willy Wonka, meet the Dalai Lama: The latest ingredient to infuse dark chocolate is the goodwill of meditating monks, which is said to lift one's mood above and beyond the usual bliss.

Intentional chocolate, a Los Angeles–based company, uses an electronic device that supposedly "records" the good intentions of meditating Buddhist monks and broadcasts them into a room where its confections are stored. According to a 2007 study, coauthored by company founder Jim Walsh and published in the journal Explore, eating one ounce of the candy per day boosted positive mood and energy levels by an average of 67 percent after three days.  Participants reported decreased stress, greater calmness, enhanced focus, and improved general well-being. As a way to give back, the company donates 50% of net profits to a different charity each season.  To learn more about Intentional Chocolate, check out
Post by Muse Kira at 12/12/2009 9:56:02 AM

Friday the 13th. Yes, today is Friday the 13th. For many people – even some who may not want to admit it – this is a very anxiety filled day. This year we had three Friday the 13th’s – in February, March, and now November. That won’t happen again until the year 2015.

Why the anxiety? Thirteen is considered to be an unlucky luck number in some cultures – to the point that the 13th floor may be excluded in high rise buildings (you go from the 12th floor to the 14th floor, and pretend all is well!). Something that I did not know was that Friday itself is considered to be unluck in some cultures. There is even a name for the fear of Friday the 13th - paraskevidekatriaphobia.

How do you view Friday the 13th? There really is nothing inherently unlucky about Friday the 13th – it is all in how we view it. If you truly are fearful, then common sense says to stay home on that day. Find a pleasant activity to occupy your day, and you will be fine.

Other common sense things would be to not travel on that day if the superstition bothers you, to not schedule meetings or any other important activities on that day, and to try and keep your daily routine just that – as routine as possible.

Always remember that we are here 24/7 to talk you through exceptional times like this!

Post by Lilith at 11/13/2009 9:57:48 AM
