Lilith’s World – Developing Intuition < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Developing Intuition

18 February 2009

“I listen and hear the voice within me.”

This week we are going to be talking about what intuition is, and why we want to develop it. Many people do not believe in intuition. They feel that it has no scientific basis, and cannot be quantified. Even those who do believe in intuition may not be sure whether it is something that we are born with, or whether it is something that can be developed.

My personal belief is that we all have intuitive ability. Some people choose to develop it, some choose not to develop it, and some may just not see that it is there within them. As a working definition, we might want to look at intuition as something that we instinctively know, without having a rational explanation for it.

Why do we want to develop this ability? If it’s there, won’t it just work for us, automatically? To an extent, yes, it will automatically work for us. However, as with anything else that we put our focus and intention on, if we develop this ability we will have a life that runs much smoother, and we take out of the equation to some extent the mental process of logical thinking, which can in fact impede us at times by setting up boundaries, by acting as the little voice that says “Are you sure about this? Can you really do this? Don’t you need more information?”

In developing our intuition we gain access to our unconscious self, to our creative self, where solutions that do not follow the process of logical thinking originate. We can develop our intuition through working with archetypal symbols and imagery, either alone, or in conjunction with tools such as the Tarot, or other oracles, such as Astrology and the I Ching.

We can develop our intuition by paying close attention to our environment, and everything in our environment (people, animals, buildings, plants and trees, issues and actions). In order to do this, we need to remain grounded and centered, and in the present. We need to walk with nature, and we need to be aware of our reactions to everything. The closer we are to nature, and the more grounded and centered we are, the easier it is to develop our intuitive skills.

Our world is changing at a rapid pace. We are going to need to be able to react on both a logical, mental level and a creative, intuitive level if we are to maintain a sense of balance, and move closer to our goals. One tool that will help us is that of meditation. Worked with daily (or even for several short periods every day) we can learn to recognize and pay attention to our intuitive thoughts.

How does intuition show up in our life? It can come as a spontaneous thought – that “Aha!” experience that come unbidden during our waking hours. It can come in the form of a dream – either straightforward or symbolic. It can come in the form of an image that comes to us, and is often repeated until we recognize it. Or it can come in the realization, over time, that we are on the right path.

How can we recognize when intuition is coming to us? It can be our bodies reaction to a person, thing, or event. It can be an awareness that there is a change in the atmosphere around us. It can originate outside of us, or inside of us. It is a subconscious process. Colin Powell, in “My American Journey”, commented that he “used his intellect to inform his instinct”.

My thought is that we are given intuition so that we can act on it. Without action, why do we need intuition? Be willing to suspend your disbelief, and allow yourself to wander into the territory of intuition and creativity. Accept that things may be possible until you yourself have proven that they are not. Listen to the reactions that your body has to whatever is going on around you.

Keep a journal, and write down your thoughts and experiences. See if your “hunches” (your intuitive thoughts) are right, or very close to right. When intuitive thoughts start coming through, use your breath as a focus point. Hold the thoughts that are coming in, and focus on your breathing. In this way, the waking mind does not have a chance to bring in the nay Sayers that sabotage intuitive thought.

Your intuition can open up whole new worlds, if you allow it to. Take the first step on this journey!

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are visiting the Sacred Path Cards (by Jamie Sams and Linda Childers). The card that wishes to speak with us is Sweat Lodge (Purification). In the Native American culture, the Sweat Lodge acts as a place for spiritual refuge and healing.  It is here that we connect with Mother Earth, the Four Directions, heaven and earth, release that which no longer serves us well, and become whole. The advice that Sweat Lodge has for us is: “Acknowledge that which is not working in your life. Acknowledge that which is draining your energy, and leaving you empty. Be willing to let go of the negativity surrounding you so that you may heal.”

Next week we will be looking at crystals, and how they function as our allies.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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