Lilith’s World – Empowerment With Color < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Empowerment With Color

11 March 2009

“My world is filled with the color of Joy.”
This week we are going to talk about color, and how color can empower our lives. The purpose behind empowering ourselves is to take responsibility for our lives – for the decisions that we make, and the actions that we take. In doing this, we free ourselves from our own self-imposed limitations, and take charge of our own destiny.

What place does color have in empowerment? Color is vibration, and vibration has the power to affect our lives. Each color carries its own personal vibration, and its own personal properties. When we choose to wear and surround ourselves with colors that harmonize with our own energy field, we find ourselves energized. We don’t have to work so hard to accomplish our goals, and a feeling of lightness and happiness surrounds us.

Dark, muddy colors reflect fear, anxiety, and lack of clarity. Bright, clear colors reflect clarity of thought and a positive attitude. Dark colors can be used to balance lighter colors, but used alone they have a tendency to drain ones energy and draw negativity to the individual.

Colors in the lavender and purple spectrum reflect spirituality, intuition, and higher knowledge. Green colors reflect fertility, new beginnings, and personal growth. I just purchased software to track my collection of books and decks. The individual who developed the program did so with the intent of personal use only. She only made it available to the general public when asked to by people who had sent the program. The background and icons are done in a floral pattern of green and purple – soft colors that make the program easy to work with over long periods of time (I have a lot of books and decks!).

Gradients of blue reflect communications, healing, and hope. It is not unusual for someone giving a presentation, or appearing before the public as a speaker, to wear blue predominately. Gradients of pink reflect the various levels of love (from self-love to the love of another), as well as a connection to the heart and positive feelings. Yellow speaks of harmony and confidence. Think of a bright yellow kitchen, and the warmth and good feelings that are generated there. White is generally considered to be the color of spirituality, of protection and psychic ability. We surround ourselves with white light to protect ourselves, and we burn white candles for the same purpose. Black represents our unconscious, and the unknown in general. Black velvet is one of my favorite materials for bags for my Tarot and non-Tarot decks. The color red is associated with power and action. Red used as an accessory is often used when an individual needs to boost their self-confidence when interacting with another individual, or group of individuals. Too much red will come off as aggressive, and send the wrong message.

The system that regulates the energy moving through our bodies is our chakra system. The seven main chakra’s are each associated with a specific color: the root, or base chakra, is associated with the color red; the sacral, or spleen chakra is associated with the color orange; the solar plexis chakra is associated with the color yellow; the heart chakra is associated with the color green; the throat chakra is associated with the color blue; the brow, or third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo; the crown chakra is associated with the color violet or white. When a chakra’s color is cloudy, it is not functioning properly. Balanced can be brought about with the appropriate use of color.

We are surrounded by color – the colors that we wear, and the colors of our environment. The art of Feng Shui works with color from the point of its yin and yang qualities, and the emotions that specific colors generate in us. Think about how we choose the cloths that we are going to wear. We may not realize it, but we often choose them based on their predominate colors. If we need courage to deal with a project at work, we may choose bright colors, especially red. If we are going in to lobby for a promotion, we might include blue as a main color, or as a strong accessory.

In the home, we need to look at the purpose of each room, and how we are using color. It might be a tad bit difficult to keep the peace in a bright red living room, but a softer room color with red throw pillows would carry a more balanced energy, and still keep the creative spark of red alive. Yin colors encourage relaxation, healing and harmony.  Colors in the yin family include blue, black, purple and white. Yang colors are more active, and tend to motivate. Colors in the yang family include yellow, orange, brown, red and maroon.

If there is a trick to using color, it is to remain in the present, to not allow your mind to wander. Note the colors around you, and note your reaction to them. Do you get along better with your co-workers when you steer away from too much red? Is family life more peaceful with red as an accent color, and good use made of warm colors such as orange, brown, and yellow? Always remember – the vibration of the colors around you affects the vibration of your own aura. Use color consciously, and well.

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are visiting the Animal Medicine Cards, and speaking with Butterfly. Butterfly carries the energy of transformation. She asks us to look at where we are in the cycle of life. Are we in a place of new beginnings? Are we setting down roots? Are we nurturing those roots? Are we bringing some things to an end? Are we in the quiet time between endings and new beginnings? Each place is separate and different, and we need to honor them as such.

Next week we will be looking at how to use Feng Shui to bring balance to the energy in our lives.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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Personal Empowerment – Feng Shui and Spirit

Implementing The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction: An Introduction

The Chakra System

