Lilith’s World – Living With Psychic Phenomenon Part I < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Living With Psychic Phenomenon Part I

18 March 2009

“I remain present and open to all of life’s experiences.”

This week we are going to be talking about psychic phenomenon – what it is, and how it appears in our life. One example is that of channeling.

What is channeling? On one level it is a trance like state that mediums use to contact spirits. The medium acts as a channel through which the spirit speaks. Everyone has some level of this ability – to some it comes naturally, while others need to spend time developing it. An individual need to essentially “step aside” and allow another entity to communicate through them. This can be in the form of audible speech, or it can be done through automatic writing.  Channeling can be done to communicate with those who have crossed over, to obtain information, or as part of a healing process. It can happen spontaneously, but more often an individual will channel with the intent of asking specific questions, or contacting a specific entity.

Another example of psychic phenomenon would be clairaudience. This is another ability that we all have, to a greater or lesser degree. It is also something that can be developed. In clairaudience the individual hears sounds, music or voices that are not audible to the human ear, and are not connected with any other individual that may be in the room with them. Clairaudience can happen in an altered state, as channeling is, but it can also happen, as they say, when least expected! Pay close attention to the information that comes to you in this manner – it is almost always information that you need to have to help yourself, or someone close to you. An individual who experiences clairaudient sounds is considered to be highly developed spiritually, and highly sensitive.

Clairsentience is another form of psychic phenomenon, and refers to gaining a psychic, or intuitive impression of someone or something through the five senses. This is the gut feeling that we all get, with no logical reason. The more we pay attention to our gut feelings, the more often we will experience them, and the stronger they will be. I would advise keeping a small notebook handy to jot down these “Aha!” moments to refer back to. If this is something that you would like to work with, begin by making an effort to stay focused on the present. Not the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Note your reaction to people and things. You may have a strong sense of who someone is the moment you shake their hand. If you sense that this is a person with an agenda, and not someone that would be good to deal with, then allow yourself to accept that gut feeling, and limit future contact with them.

Clairvoyance is yet another form of psychic phenomenon. It is the ability to “see clearly”, and is often referred to as extra-sensory perception (ESP), or remote viewing. This is an ability that we all have, to a greater or lesser extent, and an ability that can be developed. A clairvoyant has the ability to see things that are at a distance, and in places that they have never been before. This is one of the psychic abilities that has been put to use for government work, in differing capacities. Clairvoyance is associated with a high degree of spiritual development, and can be applied to past, present and future timelines.

Déjà vu can also be considered a type of psychic phenomenon. Most of us have experienced this – where something that is happening seems to be something that has happened in our past. We know exactly what is going to happen next, yet we have no reason for this “knowing”.

Divination is a form of psychic phenomenon, in that it involves such things as foretelling the future, and finding answers for present problems. Tools such as Astrology, Tarot and the I Ching are often used as gateways for information, with their images acting as universal archetypes.

Dowsing, quite often used to find water, is a form of psychic phenomenon that can also be used to locate animals, people, or lost items. It is also something that can be taught to anyone.

Ghosts are a type of psychic phenomenon where the spirit of someone who has crossed over returns to the physical world in a non-physical manner. They may make you aware of them through the sense of a slight breeze, when no windows are open, or the sense of someone standing behind you. They can also appear as movement that is seen from the corner of the eye. When you turn to see who or what is there – you see nothing. Ghosts can appear when they have been unable to completely cut their ties to the physical world, or when they are strongly attached emotionally to a person, place or thing. They may also appear to give a message to someone, and then not appear again. Ghosts often appear in a time of crisis.

As you can see, psychic phenomenon are not rare, unusual occurrences.  They can happen at any time, to anyone. Next week we are going to address more psychic phenomenon, and how they can be handled. At the least we want to understand them, at the best we want to be able to work with them. They are part of our lives, and we need to accept and honor them.

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are visiting the Earth Voices cards. The voice that is speaking today is that of Snake. Many of us are afraid of Snake – largely because we don’t understand Snake. However, if Harry Potter can speak to snakes, so can we! Snake speaks of change, of shedding his skin and being “reborn”. Snake asks us to become one with earth – to be present in the moment, to walk in the trees, to drink the water, to acknowledge Mother Gaia in our hearts and in our lives.

Next week we will be continuing to look at various psychic phenomenon, and how they show up unexpectedly in our lives. Stay tuned!

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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