Lilith’s World – Living With Psychic Phenomenon Part II < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Living With Psychic Phenomenon Part II

1 April 2009

“I honor my connection with universal wisdom.”

How many psychic phenomenon from last week did you recognize in your life? Probably quite a few – you just didn’t know what to call them. This week we are going to continue talking about psychic phenomenon – what it is, and how it appears in our life, starting with intuition. Intuition is that gut feeling that tells us something that we have no basis for knowing. It is an instant understanding of a person or situation without having put forth any effort to do so. Intuition is on of those things that grows stronger the more that we use it – and it can be used any time, any place. Acknowledging, accepting and acting on our intuition will move our lives along in the right direction with very little thought or effort.

Dreaming in and of itself is a psychic phenomenon, but lucid dreaming is in a completely separate category. In a lucid dream, the dreamer knows that they are dreaming. Why is this important? If an individual knows that they are dreaming, they can act in the dream to change the end result, to resolve the conflict within the dream. Lucid dreams can occur on their own, or an individual can go into dreamtime with the intent to have a lucid dream.

A near death experience is a form of psychic phenomenon where an individual leaves their body (during surgery, some type of accident, or a serious illness) and is able to view themselves (their physical body) from afar. The individual also sees a bright white light, at the end of a tunnel. Sometimes they will see the form of a spirit, sometimes not. Often an individual will return to their body in a jolt. The consistent memories of those who have had near death experiences are seeing their own bodies from a distance, and approaching the white light.

Out of body experiences, often termed astral travel, are not unusual. They occur generally spontaneously while an individual is sleeping, with the spiritual body leaving the physical body to travel on its own.  It is possible to develop the ability to have an out of body experience at will. In the case of a spontaneous out of body experience (OBE), an individual may become so alarmed that they jolt themselves back into their body. The individual may experience a sense of floating, and may find themselves in a distant location from where they began.

Precognition is a form of extra sensory perception that involves knowing what is going to happen before it happens – i.e. having knowledge of the future. This often comes out in dreamtime, when our waking mind is shut down and out of the way. In some individuals, precognition can bring about intense emotions. With precognition you definitely know that something is going to happen, where with premonition you simply have a feeling that something may happen.  

Scrying is a form of divination involving gazing into a crystal ball, mirror, or body of water with the intent of seeing images, or visions. The key to being able to scry is to relax the body and the mind, and to allow your sight to go slightly out of focus.

An entirely different level of psychic phenomenon, and one that has been dealt with on several different television shows, is that of haunting. The haunting can be of an individual, or it can be focused on a location, or building. Signs of haunting can be footsteps heard when there is no physical person there to be making them, objects that move of their own volition – or fly off the wall. You may smell strange perfume in the air – or the odor of a cigarette or cigar, when no one is smoking. Items may disappear, only to reappear in a different location. You may hear music playing, when no music is actually being played. Lights may turn on and off on their own, or animals may start exhibiting strange behavior. Another sign of haunting (or ghost activity) is a cold area in a building that should not be cold.

Why do hauntings happen? They may be related to a spirit (or spirits) that cannot seem to let go of a specific building or piece of land, or they may be related to a specific individual in the physical world that a spirit feels they have unfinished business with.

What do you do if you feel that you are in a house that is being haunted – or if you feel that you yourself is being haunted? The first thing that you want to do is look for rational explanations. Hauntings really are very rare occurrences. Have another person stay in the building with you, and see if they experience the same things that you are experiencing. Keep a journal of what is happening, and when it is happening. If you are convinced that you are experiencing a haunting, then call in an expert to help you resolve whatever issue(s) the entity doing the haunting has so that they can move on. (It could be that they are merely spirits that are “stuck” in the physical world.

At all times, remember that you are in charge, and that you always have options.     

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are visiting the Tarot. The card doing the talking is the Ten of Swords. It is easy to see this card as a bearer of bad tidings, but I think that he has a positive message for us. He asks that we remain focused on the present, and be aware of all that is going on around us. When our minds wander, bring them back to the present. In this manner we will not be overwhelmed, or blindsided by life’s experiences.

Next week we will be taking a look at what actions we need to take to make this spring a solid foundation for the rest of the year.

On a personal note – if you are a late night (11 pm PST) TV person, look for “Bones” on Tuesday nights. It is a forensic science type of show, with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships. Great fun, and less draining that watching more than one episode of “House” in a row!

May your week be filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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