Lilith’s World – Setting Family Goals for 2009 < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Setting Family Goals for 2009

21 January 2009

“My relationships are a reflection of myself – they are filled with love and light,
shining and strong.”

Welcome to Lilith’s world.  This week we are going to be talking about setting goals in the area of family – which can mean biological family, friends that act as family, as well as our business family (co-workers).

These are the questions that we looked at addressing. If you have different questions, questions that are more appropriate for you and your situation, please use them. This is only a template.

  • How do I feel about my family? How do they feel about me? What are my expectations? What are their expectations? Do I have a good connection with my family? Are there any specific situations/individuals that I need to step away from for my own good? What can I do to foster better communications with and within my family? How can I encourage family members (remember that family includes biological family, partner/spouse, friends, and your “business” family) to support each other better? How can I encourage common goals?

This week we are going to be setting goals in the area of family. Look over your answers to the above questions – what area(s) of family relationship are most important for you to work on? Is there an imbalance of power (in other words, a power struggle with one person imposing their will on others)? Are personal expectations at opposite ends of the spectrum? Is there an inability to communicate well?  

Goals for your family should be set by the family as a group. Each person needs to start out by defining their own sacred space – what they will and will not accept in their life. Then they need to be able to communicate this to the people around them.

Communications issues would most likely come next. Is each person able to articulate how they feel – and are the others listening? One thing to watch here is when and where issues are being discussed. The time and place need to be acceptable to all parties, so that everyone feels as comfortable as they can. One goal here could be an agreement to mirror back what you hear the other person saying.

Recognize when a situation is toxic, and be willing to walk away. This includes interacting with biological family members. If the person is not able to interact with you in a healthy manner, then your goal needs to be to have limited (or no) contact with them.

Each individual will have their own expectations in any given circumstance. With goal planning, a family looks at each of these expectations, and makes an attempt to form a goal for the family that takes everyone’s expectations into account.    

Remember, one of the functions of our readers, who are here 24/7, is to help our callers look at the issues in their life, define new goals and form action steps to achieving those goals.

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are going to visit the Tarot. The Queen of Cups steps forward to address us. (How appropriate for a week in which we are addressing family, as this Queen is one of the “mother” archetypes in the deck.) “Look around you. Open your heart – choose to see the best in everyone, from all parts of Gaia’s world.  Open your arms – show compassion. Take good care of yourself, and those that you are responsible for. Listen to your dreams – they have information that you need to know.”

Next week we will be setting goals and action steps in the area of finances.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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