Lilith’s World – Setting Personal Goals For 2009 < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Setting Personal Goals For 2009

4 February 2009

“I set my sacred space to be supportive of me, and all things
that I am passionate about.”

This week we are going to be talking about setting personal goals – something that can become lost in our effort to be responsible in other areas of our life.

These are the questions that we looked at regarding personal goals. If you have different questions, questions that are more appropriate for you and your situation, please use them. This is only meant to be a template.

  • Do I take the time to create time for myself? Do I set sacred space so that others understand and respect my boundaries? Am I following my passions? Am I taking care of my health? Do I make myself an important person in my life? Do I take the time to do things that give me joy?

The world that we live in is one of definition and responsibility. What makes our world run well can, at times, become overwhelming. Setting personal goals is a tool that helps us get a clearer picture of where we want to be in our future, and determine the actions that we need to take to get there. The process of setting goals helps us to focus, as well as motivating us to achieve those goals.

As we achieve our goals, we begin to build our self-confidence, which allows us to dream the big dreams – and live them! We learn to break our goals down into small increments that can easily be achieved. The first thing that we need to recognize is that we cannot be all things to all people. Putting our own needs first enables us to be the best person that we can be, and it also helps us to help those around us achieve their goals and dreams.

Begin by defining your passion. What really motivates you? What is the common ingredient in each of your successes? If we follow our passion as a matter of course, rather than following it only if time allows, we create a life that we are truly interested in, an one that gives us back energy, instead of draining us of energy. What is your passion, and how can you incorporate it into your life?

How do you feel about yourself? Are you happy? Are you frustrated? Are you angry? Take a pen and paper and write down how you feel about yourself. What are your emotions, and what is triggering them? Do you feel happy and successful at work, but unacknowledged at home? Conversely, do you feel overwhelmed at work? Or un-empowered? Who or what is making you feel this way, and what actions can you take to make some positive changes?

Make a list of how you would feel if you were happy, and feeling empowered. Where would you live? What kind of work would you be doing? What kind of car would you drive? What would your friends be like? What would your house look like? What is the difference between where you are now, and where you want to be? What small steps can you take to lead a life that makes you feel happy and empowered?

How do you feel health-wise? Are you tired? Is your body in pain? Do you feel a disconnect between your mind and your body? Are you eating foods that you like, that sustain you? Are you getting enough exercise? What kind of exercise interests you? Is how you feel ab out yourself holding you back? Make a list of health goals that will support the person that you want to be, and define the first small steps that will get you there.

Are you an important person in your own life? Do responsibilities at work, combined with responsibilities at home, overwhelm you? Do you recognize that basically these are responsibilities to other people? Look at both areas – work and home. Write down what your responsibilities are, and then write down what you are actually doing. I think that you will find that you are doing much more than you need to be doing. Learn to prioritize, and learn to turn projects back to the people that are really responsible for them. At work, and at home, define those tasks that can be done by others, and be willing to delegate.

Set your sacred boundaries at work, at home, with family, and with friends. By this, I mean decide what you will accept, and what you will not accept in your life. Your sacred space is your personal space, and is reflective of your personal belief system. It is also the space that you work in, and your home environment. All of these areas should reflect your personal beliefs, your personal needs, and the level at which you wish to interact with others. Once defined, this needs to be shared with the people that will be entering that space, so that they will understand your needs.

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are going to visit the Tarot. The card that has chosen to speak with us is the Queen of Pentacles. This Queen is very grounded, centered and earth based. She appreciates things that are done in an orderly, timely manner. She is a generous person, secure in her own world. Her advice to us is: “Find your center, and live from this center. Take care of your own needs, and you will be able to take care of the needs of those around you. Be generous to yourself. Nurture yourself.”

Next week we will be setting goals and action steps in the area of spirituality.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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