Lilith’s World – Setting Spiritual Goals For 2009 < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Setting Spiritual Goals For 2009

11 February 2009

“I accept universal love into my heart and into my life.”

This week we are going to be talking about setting spiritual goals – forming a connection with that which is greater than we are. And not coincidentally – this week is Valentine’s Day – the day in which we make the most emotional connection of all!

These are the questions that we looked at regarding spiritual goals. If you have different questions, questions that are more appropriate for you and your situation, please use them. This is only meant to be a template.

  • How do I connect with Spirit? Do I allow Spirit to shine through me? Do I communicate easily with Spirit? Am I able to see Spirit in all that is around me? In what ways do I honor spirit? How can I better honor Spirit?

What role does spirit play in our lives? Each of us carries that small seed of spirit within us (no matter what our religion). Our role is to communicate with spirit, to evolve our knowledge and wisdom so that we are better able to reflect spirit and honor it in our everyday life. At the same time, we need to bring balance between the spiritual and the mundane in our life. It is through spirit that we come to know ourselves, develop our belief systems, and grow both spiritually and in a mundane sense.

Our spiritual nature begins with the realization that we each have an essential spiritual base. We develop that spiritual nature so that we grow as individuals, and become closer to the One – whatever we consider that to be.

Our world does reflect the principle of “As Above, So Below”. The world of spirit is reflected in the physical world – the world of the mundane. How can we strengthen this spiritual connection? We can use the tool of prayer – whether we formally pray, do a small meditation over our morning cup of coffee, or walk in nature giving full attention to the world around us. Our connection with Mother Earth is a strong connection to spirit.

Our connection to her animals, vegetables, minerals, tree’s, flowers, waters, sky, and earth itself, as well as to our fellow man, needs to be made in a conscious manner.  In our actions, we need to be humble, and we need to show respect. In everything that we do, we need to hold conscious intent, maintain an attitude of thanksgiving and love, and allow the spirit within to shine.

What are your spiritual goals? Are you looking for a stronger connection with spirit? Are you looking for a way to express your spirituality in the physical world? Are you looking for a way to balance spirituality in your life? Are you trying to set spiritual goals in the workplace, so that your work reflects your principles and beliefs?

Maintain an attitude of being centered and grounded. Know for a fact that spirit resides within you. Know for a fact that you can reach out with your internal light and shine it into the world, to act in a conscious, focused manner to honor the spirit in all creatures, plants, minerals … in all things of this world. Know that in setting spiritual goals, you are strengthening your focus, and strengthening your connection with spirit.  

February 9th brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Leo (the first of four lunar eclipses in 2009, and the last total lunar eclipse until December 20th, 2010). A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon, which orbits around the earth, passes into the earth’s shadow. The eclipse essentially strengthens the power of the Full Moon. It is also a time when things that have been in the process of growing come to fruition. The influence of a lunar eclipse can be felt from three months before the event to up to six months after. In the sign of Leo – expect ego’s to be involved!

February14th is Valentine’s Day. There is an incredible amount of emotion attached to this day – it can be a day of great happiness, or a day of great sorrow. If we have suffered a loss on Valentine’s Day, we tend to remember that over the Valentine’s Day’s that have gone well. Taken to the extreme, we avoid even talking about Valentine’s, because it just hurts too much.  This is a very real way to deal with this day that is dedicated to romance if you have no one in your life. Place your focus on other important things in your life, so that you are not sitting alone, feeling sorry for yourself.

You may wish to celebrate the day with other single friends – plan a dinner, go to the movies, see a live theater production, go to an NBA game! Take part in an activity that will make all of you feel part of a group, and feel happy.

If you are in a relationship, look at what your internal Valentine’s agenda might be (as well as what your partner’s agenda might be). This is a day when we want to share romantic thoughts with our beloved, and have them share their romantic thoughts with us. We look for the flowers, the candy, the dinners out. Yes … Valentine’s Day has become a commercial event. And half of the population is stridently complaining about the cost of the whole thing.  (In my humble opinion – this does not let them off the hook!)

Stop and think about what is important to you. If you want to give flowers – find out what the other person really likes. If you want to give candy – give what the other person likes – which may not be chocolates! If you want to give a gift, remember that it does not have to be expensive, but it does need to show that you have given some thought to what the other person likes. If you want to do dinner, it can be a dinner out, or a dinner in. Neither has to be an expensive affair, but it does need to be something that both people will enjoy and remember.

Make this Valentine’s Day a happy memory for all concerned. And please remember – the readers of this line are available 24/7 to help you sort out your thoughts and feelings in regard to this important day. We can help you get ready for this day – and we can help you deal with unexpected events that you didn’t see coming.

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are going to visit the Tarot. The card that has chosen to speak with us is the Queen of Cups. This Queen is all about intuition, emotions, the sub-conscious, and nurturing those around her.  Her advise is: “Listen to your intuition. Become aware of your dreams, and the wisdom that they bring. Allow yourself to feel, and to know the truth.”

Next week we will be looking at intuition, and how we can develop this tool within ourselves.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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