Lilith’s World – Working With Crystals < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World – Working With Crystals

25 February 2009

“I honor my connection with my crystal allies.”

This week we are going to be talking about crystals, and how they can act as an allie, and a tool of empowerment. A loose definition of a crystal is a mineral whose structure is arranged in a geometrically precise pattern of atoms held together by shared electrons. Crystals hold a vibrational energy pattern that is strong and consistent, which makes them excellent tools of empowerment and very easy to work with.

Crystals work because they do hold a specific vibrational pattern, a pattern that can be cleared, grounded, and set with intent (programmed). Crystals also hold memories, which is beneficial for many types of work. On an energetic level, crystals can be used to unblock both psychic and physical energy (and can be used effectively in chakra balancing). Crystals can be used to calm energy down, or to raise it (depending on the intent and the specific crystals used).

Crystal use in not a “New Age” phenomenon, it goes very deeply into history. They have been found in graves and barrows that have been excavated in Europe, the Middle East, Russia, and Egypt. They were found in the form of beads and other forms of adornment, but they were also carved in the form of animals (most likely totem animals).  

Crystals can help us release negative thought forms/patterns, and they can help us to create positive ones. They can also be used to help us meditate. Color and vibration are just two aspects of crystals that give them power. The color pink connects us with our heart chakra, with peaceful thoughts, and with healing. The color blue helps us communicate better. The color purple helps us to connect with spirit. The color white acts as spiritual protection, and to purify.

I want you to be able to walk away from reading this column and actually be able to “do”  something with our crystal allies. I thought that meditation might be a good place to start. Meditating with crystals can be done on an individual basis, or within a group setting.  The first thing that you want to decide is if your meditation is going to be for a specific purpose (i.e. on a specific topic/issue), or more open and general.

Clear quartz crystals can be used to assist in focusing for your meditation, and they also carry the added bonus of grounding, centering and protecting. They can be used alone, or in conjunction with one or more other crystals. Some of the crystals you might want to work with would be rose quartz crystal (connection to the heart, and healing), agate (for good luck), Blue Lace (for transformation and healing), Moonstone (balance emotions), Amazonite (prosperity), Amethyst (recalling dreams), Black Obsidian (brings light to that which is hidden), Azurite (communications, understanding), Blue Calcite (ease pain), Charoite (transformation), Citrine (mental and emotional clarity), Coral (diplomacy, inner peace), Dolomite (sooths hurt and loneliness), Emerald (abundance, peace, harmony),  Garnet (faith, love, devotion, trust), Hawk’s Eye/Falcon’s Eye (vision, insight, psychic awareness). My advice would be to decide what you want to accomplish during your meditation, and then go online and do a search for appropriate crystals. For example, if you wanted to open your psychic awareness, you might put the following into the search engine: crystals psychic awareness.

Set your sacred space for meditation – find an area where you will be undisturbed (by people and phones!). Light a candle if you want to, or play soft music in the background. You may place the crystals that you are working with in front of you, or you may choose to hold them in your hands. Place yourself in a comfortable position (sitting in a chair, or on the floor, or even lying down). Slowly empty your mind. If you are meditating on a specific topic/issue, place that intent. Focus either on your breath, or on your third eye area (the space between your eyebrows).

Allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into your meditation. Note the symbols that come to you. Acknowledge them, and then release them. If a person comes into your meditation, ask them if they wish to speak with you. Note: Use your own intuition here. People can be symbols at times, they can represent parts of ourselves, or they can represent actual people in our lives.

Stay with your meditation until you feel that it is time to come back. Allow yourself to come back to consciousness slowly. Write down your impressions immediately – as with wisdom from dreams, the information will fade very fast. Move your arms and legs, and stretch vigorously (to make sure that you come completely back to consciousness). If you worked with a candle, make sure that the candle is out before you leave the room.

Above all – have fun with this! Crystals are powerful allies, and can help us accomplish many things.

On the 24th we have the New Moon in Pisces. The New Moon is a time of fresh starts, of new beginnings. In the sign of Pisces, we are looking at new beginnings under the altruistic, idealistic, dreamy energy of Pisces. This is a good time to listen to your dreams – but also be sure to follow through on them! Do not be afraid to take that “leap of faith” and place your focus and energy on a project that you may not quite see the entire scope of at this time. Allow your creativity to come to the forefront, and try to see things from others perspective, as well as your own. Be willing to share your dreams!   

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are visiting the I Ching. The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese text that has been in use for over 5,000 years, functioning as a tool to help in decision making, and predicting the future. It is based on bringing balance to opposites, and the acceptance of change. The voice that wishes to speak is that of Hexagram 46 (Sheng - Pushing Upward). “Prepare yourself for the new growth in springtime. Prosperity will come if you are willing to make the effort to promote yourself, and your work. It is important to remain both tolerant and flexible. It is your will that makes things happen.”

Next week we will be looking at crystals and healing.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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