Lilith’s World - Setting Career Goals For 2009 < Featured Column |

Lilith’s World - Setting Career Goals For 2009

14 January 2009

“I see my goals clearly, and am completely comfortable taking action on them.”

Welcome to Lilith’s world. We have talked a bit about 2009 being a year of expansion, and about releasing that which no longer serves us. Now we are in a good space to set new goals for 2009. This week we are going to be addressing career. (I hope that you are thinking about what you can do to keep your chakra system in alignment, as we talked about last week. There are many books, meditations, CD’s and DVD’s out there that are wonderful tools to work with in this area.)

We asked ourselves the following question about our career:
  • Ask yourself one question – What is my passion? What brings me my greatest joy? When you are working in a field that you are passionate about, and when your work brings you joy, the rest follows. Promotions, money, benefits – these are the small things. What are you passionate about? Follow that passion!

Does your career reflect your passion(s)? If not, then you may want to think about changing careers. Look back to where you have achieved your greatest success, and where you have experienced the most joy. The elements from these areas are elements that need to be included in your career area. If your current career can be tweaked to focus on allowing you to use your skills and abilities to follow your passion(s), then this is where you want to set your goals. Write out, step by step, how you can place yourself in a position to live your passion(s). Set a timeline, and review your results on a monthly, or perhaps quarterly, basis. If you aren’t moving in the direction that you wish to, revamp both your goals, and the steps to achieve them.

If you are already in a career field that reflects your passions, then your goals for the new year may be along the lines of what you want from your career, of where you want to be three months, six months, and a year from now. You want your goals to be specific, in terms of what you wish to accomplish. This could be in the area of attracting more clients, of having greater responsibility, expanding your job, moving up to a higher position (or making a lateral move that will place you in line for a promotion).

Define your goals, and then write down the steps that you intent to take to accomplish them. Set a time-line, and revisit your goals on a monthly, or a quarterly basis. Make sure that you are moving at the pace that you want, in the direction that you want. Don’t be afraid to tweak either your goals, or the action steps that you need to take to achieve them.

It is very important to remember that 2009 is a year of expansion. Make the best use of your skills and abilities, and of any opportunities that come your way. Our readers are here 24/7 to help you with this process.      

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are going to visit the Magic Cards of the Russian Sybil. The Five of Cups is the card that we have drawn. This is a card of emotions, and of frustration. It is very easy to focus on that which is not going well – or that which we perceive as not going well. Turn around and look for that which supports you – because it is there. Choose to be positive this week.

Next week we will be setting goals and action steps in the area of family.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and peace.

Best Wishes,

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