Lilith's World - Personal Empowerment: Sowing the Seeds of Spring < Featured Column |

Lilith's World - Personal Empowerment: Nurturing the Seeds of Spring

15 April 2009

“The actions that I take support my life purpose and help me grow as a person.”

This week we are going to be looking at the actions that we can take to support the energy seeds that we planted in our life last week. We divided our life into segments, and noted what supported us, what wasn’t working, and what was functioning as an obstacle to achieving our goals. We then defined action steps that we could take to achieve those goals.  

Let’s take a look at a few life segments, and see what goals we have listed, and what actions we can take to support/achieve those goals. The first segment that I am going to address is that of career. If you are a stay at home mom (or dad), then look at this as your career, and define your goals accordingly.

If you are currently not working, then look at what career field you would like to be in, and the steps that you can take to entering it. This could include such things as researching the field to see what the educational requirements are, speaking to people working in the field, checking out internship opportunities, and checking out possible local (or distant, if you are willing to move), job openings. Make sure that your resume is up to date, professional in appearance, and keyed to each individual potential employer.

If you are currently working, then more than likely you are setting goals in several areas, such as responsibility/promotion, financial, and business relationship. Go through each area, and list the goals that you wish to achieve. Allow this process to flow. By the time you have written down all of your goals, you will begin to see where the areas overlap. Place your goals in the most appropriate area, mark out goals that may be duplicating each other, and prioritize what is left.

Now you are ready to speak to your supervisor/manager. Make an appointment to do this, and let them know what the appointment concerns, so they are able to be prepared also. Note that you do not have to wait until your review to do this. Go over your list several times in the days before your appointment so that you will know what you want to ask. Present your goals, and ask for input. Ask how your goals fit in with what the company needs, and how mutual goals can be worked out. Listen to the feedback, and take notes. This is especially important if your supervisor/manager has a viewpoint about your work that is … well, very different from your own. At the end of your appointment, you will be well on your way to fine-tuning your goals, and achieving them. A second step here is to check in with your supervisor/manager every so often, just to make sure that you are on track.

The next area I am going to address is finance. This involves both career and home, as money generally comes in from career (unless one is independently wealthy, and then you don’t need my advice!), and goes out through home and things related to the home environment.  Making sure that you are being paid a wage that is commiserate with others at your level in your industry is something that comes under career goals. Here we are talking about rent/mortgages, car loans/upkeep, personal loans, credit cards, personal expenses, medical, savings and retirement. The scariest thing here is setting down the various categories, and then writing in the numbers. Once that is done, go take a break – have some coffee, watch a movie, or even sleep on it.

Set down reasonable goals, making sure that the money coming in goes to these goals. Figure in holidays, birthdays, and vacations.  Review your spending at intervals (i.e. every three months) to make sure that your money is going where it is supposed to go. In areas that you are not able to meet your goal, ask yourself why. Have you set your goal too high? If so, refigure your spending to more realistically reflect your finances. Perhaps that IRA will have to wait until the credit cards are paid off, or perhaps your next vacation can be spent at home, enjoying what is offered locally. If the money is there, and you are spending it on other things, ask yourself why. What are you afraid of? Is this a pattern learned from your family?   Allow yourself to acknowledge and address your financial shadows.

One last life segment, and we will call it a day. This one is in the area of relationship – which covers family relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships. (Business relationships, including mentoring, would be included in the career segment of your life.) What you need to look at here is what it takes to make you happy. How can you bring a balance to each relationship in your life so that you are being supportive of each other? What brings you your greatest joy, and how can you get that from your relationships? How well do you communicate in your relationships? How confident are you in your relationship decisions? I advise doing the same thing here that you do with your other life segments – periodically review where you are with your relationship goals, and make sure that they are in line with your life purpose.

Defining your goals, defining the steps you are going to take to achieve them, tracking your goals to make sure that they are still in alignment with who you are, and with your life purpose – this is all a process, and you are in control of that process! Remember that our readers are available 24/7 to help you at any step along the way.

Each week, we are going to hear from the voice of one of our oracle allies. This week we are visiting the Tarot. The archetype that wishes to speak is that of the Fool. He advises us that in these times of financial uncertainty we need to still the voices in our head, and listen to our intuition. We need to be willing to take informed risk, and to be healthy enough to pick ourselves up if we fall. We need to live our innocence, and gather experiences that will help us be all that we can be.

Next week we will be discussing forgiveness, and the important part that it plays in our lives.

May your week be filled with joy and peace. Wishing each of you a Happy Easter!

Best Wishes,

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