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Psychic Blogs

Today, April 22nd, 2010, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. What is Earth Day? A day designated world wide to honor Mother Earth, and do what we can to nurture and sustain her. This year, as in the past, work is being done at the community level to raise awareness of green issues and to make a difference in the local environment.

It is the small things that count on this day. For every person that goes to see Disneynature’s new film “Oceans” during its opening week a donation will be made to The Nature Conservancy. Through the auspices of the Nature Conservancy, individuals aer being given an opportunity to adopt a coral reef in the Bahamas to help fund ongoing work to help protect these ocean ecosystems.

The Rainforest Site offers a quick way to make a difference daily in preserving the rainforests. The Environmental Protection Agency is urging Americans to commit to five ways to green (plant a tree, recycle, compost – any five actions that we can take to green our environment).

For those that cannot get out to take an action to commit to greening, AARP has a listing entitled “Five Minute Ways To Go Green” at IPhone and FaceBook have an app where individuals can make a pledge to improve the environment entitled “Billion Acres of Green”. Go to

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lists 70 examples of business partners that are engaging in environmental stewardship at

Would you like to help within your own community? Check you newspaper, the local news, or your local library. Any one of these avenues will know what is being planned, and where help is needed. Or,... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 4/22/2010 7:57:24 AM
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -- Anais Nin
Post by Muse Kira at 4/22/2010 7:47:02 AM

What are some of the characteristics of Taurus individual? From experience, I can tell you that they do have a tendency to be stubborn! However, this can also be seen in a more positive light – as determination, backed by intense willpower. Be aware that a Taurus individual may not handle change all that well, so give them a bit of room.

Sensitivity is also a strong trait for Taurus, in that they are sensitive to the feelings of people around them. Family is very important to them.

In the year ahead, look to the social aspects of life – being out and about, and networking.

Do not be afraid to take risks, as 2010 will be a year in which opportunity and good fortune come to you rather easily. Effort that you put into life this year will be paid back a thousand fold!

Bring to a close projects that you have been working on from the past. Sometimes this will mean seeing them through to completion of some for, other times it will mean having the courage to release them from your life so that your focus can go to that which serves your goals in a more beneficial manner. This may also include a job change, and very possibly a complete career change.

Taurus, as an earth sign, tends to the practical side of things. This individual has a sense of balance in life, and tends to prefer peace, harmony and stability around them. They do well in difficult times, but can tend to cling to belief from the past.

The Taurus people in your life will have a tendency to being conservative – or at least conforming to conventions. They strive for peace and harmony, are dependable, and make good friends. Bring change slowly to them, and they will be fine!

Post by Bonnie at 4/21/2010 6:00:57 AM
In every corner of the world, there is one question that can never be definitively answered, yet stirs up equal parts passion, curiosity, self-reflection, and often wild imagination: What is God? Filmmaker Peter Rodger explores this profound, age-old query in the provocative nonfiction feature film OH MY GOD. Frustrated with religious turmoil, fanaticism, and fundamentalism, he set out on a global quest to understand why the concept of God has become politicized. The result is a stunningly beautiful film featuring inviting faces and personalities who are a touching reminder of the melting pot that we call humanity . . . and the mystery that we have given many names.  (A significant portion of any proceeds generated by this DVD will be donated to World Charities.)  Available at or view the trailer and purchase at
Post by Muse Kira at 4/19/2010 7:40:10 AM

In the Tarot, the four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) are associated with the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth). In turn, each of the elements is associated with a particular part of our life. The Major Arcana are often considered to be the fifth element – that of Ether, the element of Spirit.

The suit of Wands, associated with the element of Fire, is all about warmth, creativity, passion, purifying and healing, action, movement and adventure. Here we see our will, our drive, and spirit in the form of actions in the mundane/physical world.

The suit of Cups, associated with the element of Water, is all about intuition, the feminine, and the emotional side of life. They speak to love, friendship, the unconscious and dreamtime. Here we see the mothering/nurturing principles in action.

The suit of Swords, associated with the element of Air, is all about the mental realm, the mind, the thinking process, communications, abstract learning, and finding clarity.

The suit of Pentacles, associated with the element of Earth, is all about the physical realm, material life, health, wealth, grounding and centering ourselves. It speaks to our “safe place” in life.

In interpreting a reading, one of the first things that I do is look at the elements represented, and where they fall. Is there predominance of one element? This is where the emphasis is currently in the Seeker’s life. Are the elements balanced (i.e. are they all represented equally)? If so, the Seeker is balanced in their approach to life. Is there a missing element? From my personal point of view, a missing element is the answer to the issue being addressed. The Seeker needs in some way to bring the energy of the missing element in to manifest the solution to their problem(s).

Where are the elements fitting into your life? How well are you connecting to your available energy? They are always... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 4/19/2010 6:59:26 AM

Today is Friday, and we are looking at the weekend ahead. Is there magic in your day today? What magic are you looking for in your weekend? Do we need a magic wand to create this magic? We do indeed need a magic wand – the magic wand of our creative core, combined with intent and purpose.

Think, for a moment, about what makes you happy. Is it time spent alone? Time spent with family? Time spent with a significant other? Is it pursuing your dreams –whatever they may be? Is it taking a class? Is it taking a walk? Is it listening to music? Is it writing the music? Is it dancing to the music?

We need to add magic moments to our day – every day – and we need to give ourselves permission to enjoy them. These moments can be savoring the first cup of coffee in the morning, taking a few moments to watch our children/grandchildren at play, watching a movie instead of doing the dishes (the dishes, believe me, will be there when the movie is over!), or planning a day trip (or a weekend/extended weekend) either alone or with your partner or family (or a friend).

Magic moments refresh us, recharge us, and allow us to get a better perspective on life. When I was working a 9-5 job, we had what we jokingly referred to as “mental health” days. (Some companies now actually offer days off entitled mental health days!) These were days when we called in sick because the stress had become too much. It came off of our sick leave, but it was worth it. We all knew what was going on, and no one abused it.

Where is your “magic”? How are you placing it in your life?

Post by Bonnie at 4/16/2010 9:11:54 AM
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Post by Muse Kira at 4/16/2010 8:25:06 AM

What does a New Moon signify to you? Is it something that you don’t even think about? It is something that is up in the sky, and has little relevance to your life? Or are the cycles of the moon something that you choose to work with in your life? If you choose to do so, you will know that the energy of the new moon is the energy of something new coming in. It is a time to revive what has gone stagnant (unless you choose to release it), to begin new projects, to literally plant the seeds for new things to come into your life.

What are your goals? What are the steps you need to take to reach them? What are your intentions? How are you planning to accomplish your goals? A few days before each new moon, sit down and ask yourself these questions. Your goals may have changed – they may need to be tweaked, or they may need to be released to make room for new goals.

The new moon is the time of the month when we nurture our intentions. To make this nurturing energy part of our psyche, we need to do some type of ceremony. By nature, ceremony is honoring someone or something, it marks the important times in our life so that we have a memory to hold on to.

Ceremony gives you focus, it brings you clarity, and it brings you hope. It opens your heart, as well as your mind, The ceremony that you create will be your ceremony – there are no set rules here. It can be a simple meditation, it can include candles, incense and music – whatever you wish to do is what you do.

Set aside a time for this when you know that you will not be disturbed. Write down your goals/intentions. Be very careful what you write down, because you are placing energy and intent behind this. Make sure that you phrase your intent an goals to reflect exactly what you want in life, because this is what you will be drawing to you.

You can use the new moon to fine tune your goals and intentions, to set new ones, or to reinforce... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 4/14/2010 5:57:20 AM
"In the end, the overriding factor in whether you realize your dreams is going to be you. Not the world. YOU!" - Russell Simmons from Do You!
Post by Muse Kira at 4/13/2010 7:24:17 AM
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."  Rumi
Post by Muse Kira at 4/12/2010 9:57:41 AM

Do any of you blog? You are here, so you do read blogs, but writing your own is another thing. I love blogs – they express different parts of me, and allow me to get my message across to a significant number of people. Blogs can be professional, or they can reflect personal interests. Your blog is whatever you want to make of it.

There are many free blog sites - blogspot ( and wordpress ( ) are two which offer free templates, which my non-techie self likes! You can set up associated links, put up pictures and graphics, and much more.

Your blog can be as long or short as you want it to be, and you can choose the content yourself. If you are blogging as a form of personal journal, you don’t have to be concerned with what you say, or how you say it. This is your personal journal. However, if you are sharing your blog with the public, then you want to have a topic for each blog, have something to contribute about that topic, and write in a consistent manner. In this way, readers will know what to expect, and will follow you on their RSS feeds if what you have to say is of interest to them.

The blogs on this site reflect the interest of each individual reader. They are varied both by topic and by style. We hope that you enjoy them – and that you leave us feedback, so that we know what your interests are, and what you would like to see here.

Perhaps you will want to start your own blog somewhere. It is a wonderful way to share your wisdom, your humor, and your outlook on life. It is cathartic in that you can “write out” what pushes your buttons, which helps you get a new perspective, and helps your readers that are in the same situation.

You can also connect with other bloggers, and do guest blogs (which will increase your own audience) or place links to other blogs within your blog, or at... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 4/11/2010 6:04:40 AM
THE AGE OF LEO (circa 10,00 B.C. ~~to~~ 8,000 B.C.)

This age is characterized by the energy and creativity of human beings learning how to use their environment...Men and women lived in caves and learned to refine highly finished and polished stone implements.. The Sun, ruler of Leo... was of paramount importance to Neolithic ,New Stone Age man, or The Age of Stone. for during this era human beings acquired a limited ability to raise food (agriculture) rather than merely hunt and gather it...According to astrologers..cave paintings from this age (man's first written history)..shows a marked Leo influence... `````````````````````````````

THE AGE of CANCER (circa 8,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 6,000 B.C.) It was during this Age that human beings abandoned their caves and formed fixed dwellings aboveground, the Cancerian influence to make a home.....Mankind learned to spin and weave and make pottery... They began to grow varied crops and to domesticate animals..Moon worship and fertility rites abounded during this era. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is the sign of domesticity...fertility... and motherhood. ````````````````````````````````

THE AGE of GEMINI (circa 6,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 4,000 B.C.) This Age is marked by the development of writing (Gemini is the sign of communication)..Mankind expanded its intellectual capacities by beginning to record and to store information... The invention of the wheel made rudimentary commerce and travel possible (both ruled by Gemini)....

 ```````````````````````````````` THE AGE of TAURUS (circa 4,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 2,000 B.C.) The great Egyptian civilization...with its emphasis on cultivation of land and new technology of building (the pyramids).. echoes the influence of earthy Taurus... Both the esthetic nature of Taurus and its solidity are reflected in the beautiful art and architecture of this Age.... 
```````````````````````````` THE AGE of ARIES (circa 2,000 B.C. ~~to~~ 1 B.C.) This era... Read More
Post by Queen Isis at 4/9/2010 9:35:48 AM

April 14th brings us the New Moon in Aries, with its fiery energy. Aries carries a very high vibration, spiritual quality to it. In this welcome time of easy communication and appreciation of that which surrounds us, we will be looking for a spiritual purpose for all that we do. We will feel strongly connected to the essence of who we are – to our core values, and our core personality.

As a New Moon, we need to take the time to reflect on our lives, and the direction in which they are going. We will also need to be very careful to live in the present, so that we are aware of everything that is going on.

The Aries New Moon carries the energy of the “inner child”. The explorer, the warrior within. Good thing, because Aries is the start of the astrological new year, and we want to have strengths and options there! Our inner child also wants to come out and play, to have some fun, an to experience new things.

This new moon is a good time to release that which no longer serves us well. It is a time to listen to our intuition, to our heart, and act accordingly. The fiery energy of Aries loves a challenge, so don’t be afraid to act on your big dreams on this new moon! Understand that issues may come up in relation to self-worth and financial fears – use the Aries energy to look them in the eye and move past them. We have the power to make the changes that we need to in our lives.

Begin your walk as a spiritual warrior on this new moon! What do you need to release? What do you want to bring in? Where is your life taking you? Use the fiery energy of Aries to go where you want to go, and be what you want to be!

Post by Bonnie at 4/9/2010 6:05:13 AM
note: by fight i do not mean anything involving any form of abuse, verbal, emotional or physical, simply that if a couple is never disagreeing, then real communication is NOT HAPPENING, and thus at least one party WILL BECOME DISSATISFIED
1. Use "I" language. The word "you" causes someone to become defensive. The minute we hear "You did this" or "You did that," we feel we are being judged and our automatic human reaction is to defend our position. The moment we become defensive, communication stops.  I statments work like this, "I feel _______ when you _______, I would rather you _______, because that would make me feel ______.  example. You never pick up after yourself, I'm tired of being your servant. You are an inconsiderate slob....reaction...definitely not a positive one, they will become angry, defensive, and NO LISTENING or progress will take place. instead, in the form of an I statement: "I feel unappreciated, overwhelmed, and taken for granted when you just drop your clothes in the floor like you sometimes do.  I would rather you be considerate of the work I do to keep our home nice and remember to pick up your things, like you often do, and it always makes me feel like we are such good partners together, but I'm sure if you could remember to do it as a daily habit, i would feel less overwhelmed and I would have so much more time to enjoy your company, and our nice home together" result.....THEY ARE LISTENING, communication is OPEN! PROGRESS WILL BE MADE. remember, I statements take practice, so don't expect for it to feel natural at first.
2. No "zinging." Many of us think a little, friendly "zing" or sarcastic remark is harmless. Not so. In fact, one of the number-one indicators of underlying conflict or negativity within a relationship is increased sarcasm. There is nothing harmless about it.  Learn to replace those with positive zings, so instead of "wow, that gut makes me... Read More
Post by Daisy Lea at 4/8/2010 10:00:16 AM
"Good health begins with loving the self.  So do prosperity and love and creative self-expression."  Louise Hay from You Can Heal Your Life.
Post by Muse Kira at 4/8/2010 7:56:48 AM

Can anyone read for themselves – whether it be the Tarot, Angel cards, Astrology, the I Ching or some other oracle? The answer to that is a resounding yes! It is a bit more difficult that reading for someone else (we can tend to either over or under-read for ourselves), but if we step back and take “third party” status (i.e. pretend that we are reading for someone else), we can use these tools in our lives.

The easiest thing to do is to start with a card a day, from whichever oracle you wish to work with. Draw a card in the morning, and jot down in a journal your thoughts about the card. You might want to choose to carry the card with your throughout the day, or perhaps just scan the card, and carry the scan with you.

At the end of the day, bring your card from that morning out and think about how its energy has played out in your day. Write in your journal how the energy of the card has been reflected in the people and issues that you have faced that day. In this way, you are bringing the energy o the card into your psyche, where it moves from mere information into the classification of “wisdom”.

You may choose to use the same oracle for a period of time, or you may choose to work with different oracles. If you work with different oracles, allow yourself to be drawn to your daily deck. You may be surprised – it may be a deck that you don’t really like, or that you don’t connect to. Know that it will be the deck that has something to say to you!

You don’t have to spend a log time on this – a few minutes will do. As you continue this practice, you will notice how your days begin to flow more smoothly, and you start to feel more self-confident.


Post by Bonnie at 4/5/2010 4:42:37 AM

I love to work with Tarot decks of varying themes. I recently ran across a blog on the Eight of Cups from the “Herbal Tarot”. This is a deck that I don’t have, but that is now going on my wish list! It follows the traditional lines of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, using herbal lore as a backdrop. It is a very gentle deck – the type of deck that I most prefer to work with.

The imagery in this deck is a bit different – instead of seeing a dark cloaked individual walking away from the cups and into the mountains, we see water, and a ship sailing away from the eight cups. In the sky over the ship we see a quarter moon. The water represents our subconscious mind, and the ship represents us.

In general, when the Eight of Cups comes into a reading w know that a situation has become stagnant, it has outlived its purpose/usefulness, and we need to release it and move on. In the traditional imagery, the figure walking into the mountains indicates higher wisdom being attained. The boat that represents the self on the waters of our unconscious also indicates higher wisdom coming to us.

The herb associated with the Eight of Cups is Gravel Root. (An image of the herb also appears on the card.) According to the companion book, Gravel Root helps to loosen emotions and feelings. If we are to accept higher wisdom, we will need to release whatever is holding us back, and be willing to expand our emotional boundaries.

An Eight of Cups moment is a turning point – a leaving behind of the past, and moving into the future. It is all about how we see things – seeing things from a new perspective. There is a need here to honor that which we have already achieved, and to be willing to move forward perhaps on a different path, or in a different manner.

Where are you in the cycle of your life? What challenges you? What sustains you? What no longer sustains you? Where do you need to move forward? What small... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 3/22/2010 9:25:17 AM

March 20th ushers in the first day of Spring, known as the Spring Equinox (or Ostara). This is the one day of the year when light and darkness achieve balance. (Another way of looking at this is that there is also a balance in yin and yang, or masculine and feminine energy.)

Spring brings with it new growth and new beginnings, in plant, animal and human life. I am sad to see winter go, but I do love the green of spring (and warmer weather!). The Spring Equinox is a time for celebrating life, and t he renewal of life. It is a time for planting seeds – literally and figuratively.

We plant the literal seeds of those vegetables, flowers and crops that we wish to see in our lives – that we literally wish to harvest. We also plant the seeds of goals that we wish to achieve, the manifestation of ideas into physical reality, This is a highly creative time, and we all need to honor the creative nature within us.

What changes do you wish to make in your life? What goals do you wish to achieve? What needs to be left behind? Know that you need to dream the big dreams here, because that is the only way that you are going to manifest them in you life - to see them first, clearly, in your mind!

Today is not only the first day of Spring, but it marks the time when we move into the Astrological new year with the sign of Aries. The Aries temperament is a fiery one – they like to take the lead, and initiate projects. They are enthusiastic, full of energy, adventurous, ambitious and impulsive Wow – what a package!

They like breaking the rules, playing devil’s advocate, and generally shaking things up! Patience is not one of their virtues, and they can be a bit frank. They are also highly creative, and have both the willpower and the stamina to achieve their goals.

Post by Bonnie at 3/20/2010 12:51:26 PM

What does your kitchen have to do with wealth and prosperity? No, no … it has nothing to do with the cost of groceries! In the world of feng shui, the kitchen is the heart of the home, and the center of both health and wealth. Where does all this passionate fire come from? It comes from the stove!

The position of the stove is crucial for wealth and abundance. It should be positioned so that the person doing the cooking does not have their back to the main doorway into the kitchen. This is not always possible. One way to remedy this is to place a mirror on the back wall of the stove – high enough that people’s heads can be seen. Or you can attach a mirror to the door of the microwave, if your microwave is over the stove (which is often the case in newer homes).

It is also important to honor your kitchen by keeping it clean and in order. This is not only for health purposes, but because we want “clean” finances, and a free flow of the Qi of prosperity. Make sure that all of your burners are working, or you will be impeding your own prosperity. Adding a convex mirror above the stove will multiply the Qi by multiplying the number of burners seen.

What does your kitchen look like? Is it cluttered? Is it dirty? Do you like to cook in it? Do you like to eat in it? If not, what changes do you need to make? Small changes in this one room of your house can make big changes in your health, your attitude, and your literal abundance and prosperity!

Post by Bonnie at 3/18/2010 1:47:43 PM

Saint Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. I love the green shamrocks, the corned beef and cabbage, and the general sense of joy and … well, mischief! It began as a Christian holiday, and became an official feast day in the early 1600’s. The lines have been blurred somewhat over the years, and now it is seen as a celebration of Irish culture.

The story of Saint Patrick is an interesting one. Born to a wealthy family in Roman Britain, he was kidnapped into slavery and sent to Ireland. He escaped, returned to Britan and studied to be a priest. In 432 he returned to Ireland, as a Bishop, to save the Irish people. He became the champion of Irish Christianity.

Today we know St Patrick’s day as shamrocks (and shamrock shaped cakes and cookies), green beer, the serving of corned beef and cabbage, and parades. It is a day of lightness and celebration.

If you have Irish ancestry, this is a good day to connect with it. If you are not Irish, it is still very easy to get caught up in the celebration and sharing of food and drink. It is a time to put our worries aside and honor life.

I drew a card from the Tarot to see what this Saint Patrick’s day means for us. I drew the Six of Pentacles. Considering the role that Saint Patrick played with the Irish people, this is a very representative card. It speaks of balance, of sharing of our resources, of being sensitive to other peoples needs.

Who are you sharing your prosperity with? Who are you mentoring? Who are you being mentored by? In what way can you be more sensitive to those around you?

Post by Bonnie at 3/16/2010 5:53:14 AM

Many of the clients that I talk to on this line are making very progressive moves in their lives. This is a very exciting time for all of us – to make best use of the number three energy of 2010, so set the foundation for many years to come. I recently came across an article on hosting your own Podcast Internet Radio Show. This may not appeal to everybody, but it will, I think, to a significant portion of the visitors to this site.

It is one thing to be a guest on an Internet Podacst – this is an excellent way to get whatever you are offering out there, to gain the attention of potential customers. Hosting a Podcast allows you to get your own ideas out there, and to share with your audience the ideas of like minded people.

Setting up the shows is very easy – it is what is called a conference bridge, where the host and the person being interviewed call in to the show. One of my favorite Tarot Podcasts had one host in Canada, the other in Vermont, and the callers from all over creation! It was exciting, informative, and a great promotional and teaching tool.

Also, Podcasts are generally archived on the host site, so that listeners who are not able to hear the show live can go back and listen at a later date. The host can record the program, and then go back in and edit out background noises with programs such as Audio Acrobat. It really doesn’t take a degree in technology to record, edit and post a Podcast.

The process of creating a show for Podcasting would be the same as creating any other type of show. Choose a title that represents what you are presenting, and that will draw in an audience. The next step is to find guests that offer something positive in the area that defines the show. You will not retain listeners if your title says one thing, and your guests are talking about something completely different!

Enjoy yourself, enjoy your show, make your guests feel comfortable,... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 3/12/2010 7:17:13 AM

What place does your ascendant, perhaps better known as your “rising sign”, have in your astrological portrait? To begin with, your rising sign is defined as the sign of the zodiac that was on the Eastern horizon when you were born. Rising signs change quickly, having a two hour duration. Each of the twelve signs takes its place during a twenty-four hour period.

Your ascendant is how other people see you – it governs “first impressions”. I have my Sun and Moon in Capricorn, which can be a fairly rigid sign. However, my rising sign is Cancer, which gives people a completely different picture of me. (My ex had his Sun and Moon in Cancer, with a Capricorn rising sign.)

Here is a quick look at the twelve astrological signs as they move through the Eastern horizon:

  • Aries Rising – Here we have an outgoing, energetic personality. This person lives life to the fullest, and can be impulsive. They are ready for any and all challenges.
  • Taurus Rising – This person has a quiet, strong personality, and can be stubborn. This person exhibits a great deal of integrity.
  • Gemini Rising – This person is quite the talker! They have charming personalities, and love the social scene.
  • Cancer Rising – This is a quiet, sensitive person who has a hard time fitting into new environments. They are extremely intuitive, and very aware of the needs of those around them.
  • Leo Rising – This is a self-confident, assured person. They are the “informed” risk takers of the zodiac.
  • Virgo Rising – This person is quiet and reserved, with a high intelligence. They can tend to be perfectionists.
  • Libra Rising – These people love to see balance in their lives, and can be very persuasive. They socialize well, but not for personal gain.
  • Scorpio Rising – These people are quite intense, self-reliant and goal oriented.
  • Sagittarius Rising – These people love to be on... Read More
Post by Bonnie at 3/11/2010 10:17:47 AM
On Monday, March 8th, Mars turned direct in the sign of Leo. Mars carries very passionate energy, energy of aggression and action. This is a time when we are mandated to stop messing around and put our plans into action.

The Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius( will be the most affected. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) will get a gentle hint that the pace of their lives is picking up. The Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) will be dealing with everyday issues, and issues of a financial nature. The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) will be overjoyed to see long term plans starting to take shape.  

Mars energy addresses our self-confidence, our sense of personal power, and our ambition. Mars is the fire in our belly that gets us moving, the passion that gets us to face our challenges. Opportunities will begin showing up, and you may find that your world view, your perspective, has changed ever so slightly.  

To see what areas of your life may be affected, look back to December, 2009. (How time flies!)  What issues were you facing? What plans or projects seemed to be mired down, unable to move forward, no matter what you did? Don’t feel surprised if new ideas start show up in these areas, and things start shaping up.  

It will take Mars a few days to hit its stride, and for us to see its affect in our lives. Guess what – this is fine! Monday, March 15 (the Ides of March!) is the New Moon. Mars hits its stride just in time for us to start new projects on the New Moon!   This is not a time to hold back. Get the big projects out, and dream them even bigger. Chart your action steps, and go for it!      
Post by Bonnie at 3/10/2010 2:56:18 PM
"No one living has enough emotion and vigor to fight the inevitable and, at the same time, enough left over to create a new life.  Choose one or the other.  You can either bend with the inevitable sleet storms of life or you can resist them and break."  - Dale Carnegie from How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Post by Muse Kira at 3/10/2010 7:36:01 AM

There was an article in the “Personal Journal” section of the Wall Street Journal this morning. The headline read “New Muse: The CEO”. The sub-title talked about designers such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana and others embracing the pantsuit and “Matchy-Matchy” style for women. Now, none of these incredible designers are hanging in my closet (yet), but what we see from the major designers does drift down into “real time”.

I am an old school Capricorn who abhors “business casual”. Business is business,people! Dress accordingly! So I am more than thrilled to see well done pants suits for women making a comeback. Hand out some bonuses to these boys (and girls!)!

BTW - I did some checking – my favorite designer, Georgio Armani – has some very nice jackets, slacks and skirts that fit this category.

The new look, according to this article, and looking at the pics, is comfortable, strong and “far from body revealing” (read conservative). No shoulder pads (although I kind of liked that look!), the jackets are long, and the pants are (relatively) wide legged. These cloths are definitely wearable!

As I said – the designer version is not in my closet yet, but a more “medium priced” version certainly will be! Time to ramp things back up a bit!

I drew one card from the Tarot to see what... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 3/4/2010 10:40:46 AM
