Psychic Blog - Tarot |

Psychic Blogs

These Indian summer mornings have been so warm I have grown into the pattern of drinking the morning coffee with the front door open so I can see the sunrise. It’s very beautiful. The new neighbor has gotten into the pattern of stopping by each morning when my door is open and asking if she can draw a Tarot card from one of my decks. I am always happy to oblige, and I am even happier watching her silently decipher what each card means. She never tells me what query is on her mind when she draws the card, and she never tells me what she understands the card to mean.

This week a peculiar thing happened. On Monday the neighbor (whom I shall call Becky) drew the Nine of Wands. On Tuesday she drew the Nine of Wands. On Wednesday we used a different deck and, you guessed it, Becky drew the Nine of Wands.

Looking at the picture on the card we see our beloved heroine/hero on the Nine of Wands has definitely been through tough times. His or her head and arm are bandaged, and they’re leaning on a crutch. This warrior has seen some battles, but they’re still standing! The boxing... Read More

Post by Patrick O'Donovan at 10/8/2010 8:33:23 PM
Tonight the New Moon will be in the sign of Leo, focusing on cerativity, and opportunities coming to us. I like to do ceremony on both New and Full Moons - the New Moon for bringing in new projects, setting out the seeds, as it were. The Full Moon is traditionally used as a time to release that which is naturally coming to a close, or that which is no longer serving us well. Because the Full Moon has such tremendous energy, I use it not only for releasing things, but for focusing on areas that I need to make headway in, and honoring the abundance that is already in my life.

Tonight I will be doing personal (i.e. individual) ceremony to place focus on something that another family member is hoping to accomplish, as well as a major change of direction in my life. I will do this in a formal fashion - creating a circle, calling in the directions etc. However, this is not necessary to do. Each of us has the ability to create lour own version of ceremony.

Ceremony is done to honor and to place intent. It shows appreciation for the forces that we are working with,  creates a "memory moment", and helps us to focus on that which we are wishing to manifest (or, in some cases, releasing).

Start by defining what you wish to do. Tonight the energy of the New Moon is focused on creativity and opportunity. Where do you need creativity in your life? What opportunities do you wish to draw to you? Fix these firmly in your mind.

Set aside a space of time when you will not be disturbed (by the phone, family members, pets etc). If you wish, place soft music in the background (instrumental only), and light a candle (this is no tnecessary, but can be used for focus). Sit in a comfortable position (preerably with your feet flat on the floor), and breathe slowly in and out. Focus on your breath, and allow your mind to empty.

Build a mental picture of that which you wish to manifest, making it as complete... Read More
Post by Bonnie at 8/9/2010 6:09:17 AM

The Tarot has many stories to tell – these are our stories – the stories that help us understand and live our lives. Card by card, they carry wisdom that we can use on a day to day basis. For me, one of the most important cards is the High Priestess. She is the key to the feminine mysteries, and to accessing our psychic/intuitive abilities.

The High Priestess is also our connection to the unconscious mind, and to dreamtime. She acts as the conduit, or gateway, for messages from Spirit. She is also our connection to our unconscious self, where we carry wisdom from our past lives and from the collective consciousness.

Her wisdom is hidden wisdom, the wisdom of the mysteries. This is the wisdom that we use to connect with Spirit and move towards enlightenment, but it is also the wisdom that we need to make informed decisions and take informed actions.

When the energy of the High Priestess is functioning well in our lives, we feel empowered. We are connected to our Higher Self, and we feel a quiet inner power throughout our lives. We have faith in ourselves, and are strongly connected to ou feminine aspects (whether we are male or female). We are able to balance our intuitive and our intellectual selves.

When the energy of the High Priestess is not functioning in our lives (or when we are simply not recognizing her energy), we do not feel so empowered. Our intellect takes precedence over our intuition (our gut feelings), an our decision making process becomes rooted in surface appearances, rather than the wisdom beneath the surface. We may become secretive, and our lives based on the superficial.

The gift the High Priestess brings to us is that of awakening our own latent, hidden powers. She encourages us to listen to our intuition, to open up all of our senses, and to trust what we see/hear/feel.

Where is the energy of the High Priestess in your life? Is it where you want it to be? What do you need to... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 8/4/2010 3:38:15 AM

Summer is a lovely time - the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, we are out on our patio's bbq'ing, planning vacations, picnics and just plain family time together. I decided to do a reading on how to make the best use of summer's slower flow.

                         The Energy of Summer

1. What do we need to know about summer?
2. How can we best incorporate this into our life?
3. What is the summer of 2010 bringing to us?

The cards that I drew were: (1) the Six of Swords, (2) the Knight of Cups, (3) the Knight of Pentacles. Whew - what a lot of actiont his summer with those Knights!

What we need to know about this summer is that each of us will be going on a journey of personal growth. This is helped along, as it were, by the recent lunar and solar eclipses. Jolts of energy that acted to push us out of our "safe zones" and redirect our lives. This is a time of transition, and we will be seeing things through a new, fresh perspective.

How can we best incorporate this energy into our lives? By allowing ourselves to follow our dreams, to manifest our visions and to pay attention to our dreams, and to our intuitive thoughts.

What is the summer of 2010 bringing to us? We are being told that we will have the opportunity to take the wisdom that has come to us and put it to use in a practical way in the real world. Teaching what we know, in some way sharing what we have learned. Working to create that "safe place" in our lives.

What a wonderful summer we have ahead of us! Enjoy!


Post by Bonnie at 7/19/2010 4:28:53 AM

The Aces in the Tarot are cards of potential – potential to work with the energy that is inherent in each of the suits. Aces indicate new beginnings, opportunities that are coming to the Seeker, and the pure energy of each element.

The Ace of Wands carries the elemental energy of Fire. It is all about career, creativity, passion, mindfulness and will. It is the desire for self-growth. The flip side of this Ace shows the Seeker experiencing delays, lack of opportunity, frustration, feeling powerless and power struggles.

The Ace of Cups carries the elemental energy of Water. It is all about intuition, emotions, love and relationship, emotional connections, nurturing and socializing. The flip side of this Ace shows a lack of connection with ones emotions, love that is not reciprocated, lack of love, feelings of insecurity, and not trusting ones intuition.

The Ace of Swords carries the elemental energy of Air. It is all about communications, mental focus, analysis, getting to the truth of an issue, and the use of logical, rational thinking. The flip side of this Ace shows misplaced aggression, lack of logic, a pessimistic attitude, loss of power, and an unwillingness to stand up for ones self, or to fight,

The Ace of Pentacles carries the elemental energy of Earth, It is all about the physical plane, material issues, work, grounding of energy, finances, home, family and resources. The flip side of this Ace shows greed, hoarding, fear of loss, money being paid out, mistrust of opportunities and too much attention to the material things of life.

Always remember that these are cards of potential. To activate their potential, the Seeker needs to take some form of action. The more informed and focused their actions, the better the manner in which the energy will manifest in their lives.

Build it, and they will come!

Post by Bonnie at 7/5/2010 5:23:27 AM

When a disaster strikes, we are all shocked. Then we try to move ourselves to whatever action we can take. Right now we are facing an environmental disaster – the BP oil spill n the Gulf, the loss of innocent lives, and the vast, seemingly never ending, ecological repercussions. I decided to do a reading on this, to put all of this into some kind of perspective.

For those who would like to view the cards as I am viewing them, the deck that I am using is the “Touchstone Tarot” (by Kat Black). Scans of the cards can be seen at

  1. What do we know about this disaster? Temperance
  2. What don’t we know about this disaster? Eight of Wands
  3. What do we need to know about this disaster? Seven of Wands
  4. What actions can we take to help? Hermit

What we know about this disaster is that the “life” of this planet … our environment … is out of balance. How we see our environment, and how we interact with it, is in a state of disconnect. The is a time of walking the middle path, of looking at the larger picture of life as we know it and acting accordingly. Temperance is thought of as a healing card in the Tarot. Healing can be gentle, or it can be seen as a trial by fire. Humankind allowed itself to get out of control, so we are now facing the “trial by fire”.

What we don’t know about this disaster, what is not on a conscious level for us at this time, is that things are going to be happening very quickly. We do not have time to ponder any issues here – we have waited too long already! We need to take swift action to see any form of significant, effective results.

What we need to know a bout this disaster is that we need to stand our ground and protect what is ours. I see this as meaning that the companies responsible for this accident need to be held responsible on all levels, that our government needs to be held... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 6/5/2010 5:42:33 AM

How can you make your reading work for you? The following three things will help you to take control of your reading, understand your reading better, and walk away with a sense of what actions you need to take to resolve your issue/situation.

  1. Write down a list of questions before you make the call to your reader. Phrase your questions as succinctly as you can, and try to avoid question that elicit a yes or no answer. “Does John love me?” will not elicit as much information as “How does John feel about me?” If you don’t have specific questions, simply define the specific area, issue or situation that you would like your reading to cover.
  2. Ask questions during your reading. If your reader prefers that you ask questions after they have read for you, then write your questions down as they come to you, and ask them once your reader is finished.
  3. After all of your questions have been answered, ask your reader to summarize what they have just told you. From that summary, ask them to help you pick one or two areas that you can take an action in. Then ask them to help you decide what the best action might be.

Try and form a good connection with your reader. They are there to help you, and they have a lot of different tools, from Tarot, to Astrology, Angels, Guides, psychic abilities, affirmations and more to offer. Let them know what skills they offer that you are comfortable working with, and together you can form a plan for your personal empowerment!

Post by Bonnie at 5/3/2010 8:05:35 PM

In the Tarot, the four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) are associated with the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth). In turn, each of the elements is associated with a particular part of our life. The Major Arcana are often considered to be the fifth element – that of Ether, the element of Spirit.

The suit of Wands, associated with the element of Fire, is all about warmth, creativity, passion, purifying and healing, action, movement and adventure. Here we see our will, our drive, and spirit in the form of actions in the mundane/physical world.

The suit of Cups, associated with the element of Water, is all about intuition, the feminine, and the emotional side of life. They speak to love, friendship, the unconscious and dreamtime. Here we see the mothering/nurturing principles in action.

The suit of Swords, associated with the element of Air, is all about the mental realm, the mind, the thinking process, communications, abstract learning, and finding clarity.

The suit of Pentacles, associated with the element of Earth, is all about the physical realm, material life, health, wealth, grounding and centering ourselves. It speaks to our “safe place” in life.

In interpreting a reading, one of the first things that I do is look at the elements represented, and where they fall. Is there predominance of one element? This is where the emphasis is currently in the Seeker’s life. Are the elements balanced (i.e. are they all represented equally)? If so, the Seeker is balanced in their approach to life. Is there a missing element? From my personal point of view, a missing element is the answer to the issue being addressed. The Seeker needs in some way to bring the energy of the missing element in to manifest the solution to their problem(s).

Where are the elements fitting into your life? How well are you connecting to your available energy? They are always... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 4/19/2010 6:59:26 AM

Can anyone read for themselves – whether it be the Tarot, Angel cards, Astrology, the I Ching or some other oracle? The answer to that is a resounding yes! It is a bit more difficult that reading for someone else (we can tend to either over or under-read for ourselves), but if we step back and take “third party” status (i.e. pretend that we are reading for someone else), we can use these tools in our lives.

The easiest thing to do is to start with a card a day, from whichever oracle you wish to work with. Draw a card in the morning, and jot down in a journal your thoughts about the card. You might want to choose to carry the card with your throughout the day, or perhaps just scan the card, and carry the scan with you.

At the end of the day, bring your card from that morning out and think about how its energy has played out in your day. Write in your journal how the energy of the card has been reflected in the people and issues that you have faced that day. In this way, you are bringing the energy o the card into your psyche, where it moves from mere information into the classification of “wisdom”.

You may choose to use the same oracle for a period of time, or you may choose to work with different oracles. If you work with different oracles, allow yourself to be drawn to your daily deck. You may be surprised – it may be a deck that you don’t really like, or that you don’t connect to. Know that it will be the deck that has something to say to you!

You don’t have to spend a log time on this – a few minutes will do. As you continue this practice, you will notice how your days begin to flow more smoothly, and you start to feel more self-confident.


Post by Bonnie at 4/5/2010 4:42:37 AM

I love to work with Tarot decks of varying themes. I recently ran across a blog on the Eight of Cups from the “Herbal Tarot”. This is a deck that I don’t have, but that is now going on my wish list! It follows the traditional lines of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, using herbal lore as a backdrop. It is a very gentle deck – the type of deck that I most prefer to work with.

The imagery in this deck is a bit different – instead of seeing a dark cloaked individual walking away from the cups and into the mountains, we see water, and a ship sailing away from the eight cups. In the sky over the ship we see a quarter moon. The water represents our subconscious mind, and the ship represents us.

In general, when the Eight of Cups comes into a reading w know that a situation has become stagnant, it has outlived its purpose/usefulness, and we need to release it and move on. In the traditional imagery, the figure walking into the mountains indicates higher wisdom being attained. The boat that represents the self on the waters of our unconscious also indicates higher wisdom coming to us.

The herb associated with the Eight of Cups is Gravel Root. (An image of the herb also appears on the card.) According to the companion book, Gravel Root helps to loosen emotions and feelings. If we are to accept higher wisdom, we will need to release whatever is holding us back, and be willing to expand our emotional boundaries.

An Eight of Cups moment is a turning point – a leaving behind of the past, and moving into the future. It is all about how we see things – seeing things from a new perspective. There is a need here to honor that which we have already achieved, and to be willing to move forward perhaps on a different path, or in a different manner.

Where are you in the cycle of your life? What challenges you? What sustains you? What no longer sustains you? Where do you need to move forward? What small... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 3/22/2010 9:25:17 AM

Saint Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. I love the green shamrocks, the corned beef and cabbage, and the general sense of joy and … well, mischief! It began as a Christian holiday, and became an official feast day in the early 1600’s. The lines have been blurred somewhat over the years, and now it is seen as a celebration of Irish culture.

The story of Saint Patrick is an interesting one. Born to a wealthy family in Roman Britain, he was kidnapped into slavery and sent to Ireland. He escaped, returned to Britan and studied to be a priest. In 432 he returned to Ireland, as a Bishop, to save the Irish people. He became the champion of Irish Christianity.

Today we know St Patrick’s day as shamrocks (and shamrock shaped cakes and cookies), green beer, the serving of corned beef and cabbage, and parades. It is a day of lightness and celebration.

If you have Irish ancestry, this is a good day to connect with it. If you are not Irish, it is still very easy to get caught up in the celebration and sharing of food and drink. It is a time to put our worries aside and honor life.

I drew a card from the Tarot to see what this Saint Patrick’s day means for us. I drew the Six of Pentacles. Considering the role that Saint Patrick played with the Irish people, this is a very representative card. It speaks of balance, of sharing of our resources, of being sensitive to other peoples needs.

Who are you sharing your prosperity with? Who are you mentoring? Who are you being mentored by? In what way can you be more sensitive to those around you?

Post by Bonnie at 3/16/2010 5:53:14 AM

I have just been reading about empathy on the blog of one of my favorite Tarot author/teachers – James Wanless, Ph.D. (“The Voyager Tarot”). He talks about being interviewed on the use of intuition in the workplace – specifically in the interview process. (interviews would go so much better if those conducting them would listen to their intuition!). Around this time he also read a column in the newspaper on how Americans distrust the so called “power elite”.

The common denominator for him was empathy. Wanless defines empathy as the ability to know what someone else is feeling, and to use this knowledge to communicate more effectively with them.

According to the article that he read, the one quality missing from these business “hot shots” was that of empathy. They have no clue about the context of the people in their lives. They do not know what affects them, or how they are affected. And these are the people they are making money off of!

Wanless suggests that empathy is not an abstract concept – that it is all about building relationships, community, and sustainability.

Where do you see the need for empathy in your life?

Post by Bonnie at 2/25/2010 11:33:59 PM

The Tarot card The Moon is quite interesting, in that it carries the dualities of our tamed and untamed sides. In the traditional Rider-Waite version of the card we see the dog, representing the tame side of ourselves, and the wolf, representing our untamed side. The Moon also carries the dual qualities of grounded ness and illusion.

In a reading, the Moon can indicate an awakening of psychic abilities, or an active dreamtime. The Seeker is being asked to be aware of the content of their dreams, and to realize that the images and symbols carry messages for them. It is also a time to look at what is real and what is illusion in the Seeker’s life. It is a time of creativity, and listening to one’s intuition.

Look to the cycles that may be repeating in your life. What do you need to know about them? How are you reacting to them? What changes do you need to make? What around you may be secretive in nature? Who around you may be deceiving you? Are you deceiving yourself?

Working with the Moon, and the cycles of the Moon (especially the New Moon, the time of beginnings, and the Full Moon, the time of bringing things together and of endings) connects us with our psychic nature, our intuitive/creative abilities, and our ability to see life as it really is.

Post by Bonnie at 2/23/2010 2:43:25 AM

Is there a secret to achieving our goals? Is the Tarot part of that secret? Through the use of archetypes of the Tarot, we get a clearer picture of ourselves, those around us, and any issues that we are dealing with. We gain an image of ourselves, as we stand each moment in time. We can use this wisdom to fine tune our self image, to bring it into alignment with the goals that we wish to achieve.

How many times have we started out with a clear goal, followed our instincts, taken the necessary actions … yet still fallen short of achieving what we set out to achieve? Hindsight will tell us that this most often happens because our image of who we are, and what we can accomplish, is not in line with that which we wish to accomplish. In other words, the negative self-speak kicks in … the “I am not worthy.”, or “I am not smart enough.”, or “What was I thinking!”

Our self image controls what we do (what we allow ourselves to do). When we fine tune (alter) that self image, we alter what we are capable of doing. We open up our self imposed boundaries … and the sky becomes the limit!

The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot each carry archetypal qualities – qualities that are common to each of us. Whenever we want to take control of our self image – to effect a change in our self image – we can go to the Major Arcana and choose the card that most appeals to us – the one that carries the energy that we wish to embody.

Place this card where you will see it several times a day – or carry it with you. (You can also choose to scan the card, and carry the scan with you.) Become part of the card, and the energy that it carries. See yourself successful at using the energy carried by the card. Journal your thoughts – make the experience as real as possible. The longer that you do this, the more you will see the energy manifesting in your life, and the more success you will... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 2/17/2010 7:27:46 AM

I decided to do a Tarot reading for the month of February. The deck that I used is the very lovely and unique “Sakki-Sakki Tarot”, by Monicka Clio Sakki. With Valentine’s Day (as well as Chinese New Year’s) being the over-riding influences this month, let’s see what the Tarot has to say about life!

  1. What is our focus for February? Death – The energy here is one of letting go of that which no longer serves us well, and moving forward. It is a form of transformation. We need to be aware of the ways in which we are resisting this change, and allow it to happen.
  2. What energy do we have to call on in the month of February? Ten of Rods – We do have the energy to overcome obstacles and get the work done. The trick is to not allow the work to be done to overwhelm us.
  3. What do we know about February? Page of Coins – What we know about February is that it is a month when we need to focus and concentrate on our finances, to listen to the messages that come to us.
  4. What do we not know about February (what is hidden)? Two of Coins – What is hidden about the month of February is that we will be juggling resources (and perhaps paths) in our lives. Don’t allow this to sneak up on you!
  5. What do we need to know about February? The Magician – We need to know that we have the power, and the resources, to make it through this month unscathed.

These are the energies that we are working with this month. Look at where they fit into your life, and impliment them accordingly. Above all – have fun with this!



Ext 1212

Post by Bonnie at 2/1/2010 7:35:03 AM

Oracles are not only for personal divination – they can also be used for look at events past, present and future. Today I am going to look at the situation in Haiti through the lens of the Tarot. The deck that I am using is the “Alchemical Tarot: Renewed”, by Robert M. Place.

While the direct source of the devastation in Haiti was due to the earthquake (7.1 on the Richter scale), Haiti was prime for the chaos that ensued. Buildings fell (those that were not well constructed, as well as those that were), hospitals and schools were among the casualties, and there was no organized relief effort locally, and all communications were down. Haiti has an extremely poor economy, with a large percentage of its people going without food, water or other necessities on a regular basis.

Relief efforts began immediately from around the world – country after country readied to send supplies, equipment, food and water, and rescue teams. The difficulty began with the airport – the tower was down, and there was no way to get relief planes in. Quickly the US set up – literally set up! – a card table on the tarmac, and airmen were guiding planes in “by hand”. Once landed, there was a problem with where to park the planes, as this is a small airport, and where to unload them. Then there were issues getting the supplies through to the people.

What do we need to know about this disaster? What can we as individuals take away and apply to our lives, to our way of living? I asked the Tarot the following questions:

  • What do we need to know about why this earthquake occurred? (Note – this does not reference the physical reasons for the earthquake, but the spiritual ones.)

Five of Coins – This is a card that indicates poverty and chaos, which is what Haiti was experiencing. There was a missing... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 1/25/2010 2:34:29 AM

The Tarot card for 2010 is the Empress. The Empress is all about home and family, fertility in all forms, as well as our creative nature. There is a sense of joy and prosperity, and nurturing everyone and everything that is around her. The Empress is closely connected to her emotions, and to her intuitive self. She embodies the universal archetype of the Mother, and the ultimate Feminine.

In the year of the Empress we have the opportunity to “grow” our ideas, to birth them into physical manifestation. Once they are manifested, we then nurture them and watch them grow.

What seeds are you wanting to plant? What ideas are you wanting to bring into physical manifestation? What steps are you taking to make this happen?

Know that in the coming year you will have both the confidence and the determination to present your ideas to the world, and build them into the goals that you wish to achieve. Done with love, care, and attention, what you build this year will be of a lasting nature.

Post by Bonnie at 1/4/2010 4:05:02 AM

Sometimes we come across something that we just know is “meant” for us – something that we know is gong to make a difference in our lives. This happened to me this holiday season – I came across a post on Twitter noting a sale that artist/author Lisa Hunt was having on her “Fantastical Creatures Tarot”. (Note: The deck was done in conjunction with DJ Conway.) The discount was not what was important – in fact, it really had nothing to do with my purchase of this deck. It was simply time for it to come into my life.

The deck is a traditionally structured Tarot of 78 cards, but it is a theme deck – in this case, using the background and imagery of myth and fantasy. Lisa is an incomparable artist when it comes to envisioning fantasy art – her work is what I would term "several levels deep”. Each time you look at it, you get something new from it.

The art is gentle, flowing, and evocative of that space between this world and “other worlds”. Mystical beings, and the stories and myths that accompany them, are the stuff that dreams are made of. For example, the Fool is the two headed serpent “Amphisnaena” from Greek legend. The Magician is the winged cat found in the legends of many cultures. He sits upright, with this front paws on his magickal wand. The Empress is the Celtic triple goddess Morrigan (who can appear as maiden, mother or crone). The Chariot consists of two winged Centaurs, flying through the night sky.

You can see this deck here:

Post by Bonnie at 12/25/2009 2:22:49 PM

The holiday season is a very special time – a time for family, a time to honor both family and religious traditions, as well as a time to close out the old year in a conscious fashion, and set a good foundation for the coming year. This has been a very difficult year for many people, with the ever present economic crisis, slow job recovery, foreclosures still and issue, and lending not up to the level that it should be. How can we make the best of this holiday season? I put this question to the Tarot.

What do we know about this holiday season?

King of Pentacles: We need to take responsibility for how we choose to both address and celebrate this holiday season. Pay attention to people and issues, and make conscious decisions. There is a sense of being grounded and centered here – this holiday season is not based on the ethereal “credit card in my hand” mentality. Reality has set in.

What are we not aware of about this holiday season?

Temperance: Temperance carries with it the energy of healing. We are being assured that the world around us really is in healing mode (i.e. recovery mode). We need to bring a sense of balance to our physical/mental/emotional/spiritual lives. All worlds need to be honored and respected.

What do we need to know about this holiday season?

Ace of Pentacles: We are being offered the opportunity to ground and center our physical world. There is potential here to achieve success in the everyday, physical/material world beyond anything that we could have imagined. If we pay attention, and act on opportunities offered, we will be successful beyond measure, on all levels.

From me to you – enjoy this holiday season, find your peace, find your joy, and celebrate the wonderful person that you are!

Happy... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 12/23/2009 6:11:46 AM

On 12/21/09 we celebrated the Winter Solstice – the shortest day and longest night of the year, and a time of rebirth and renewal. Today I drew a card from the Tarot to set the theme for the 2009 Solstice. This is the energy that will be flowing in the background as we give thanks for the abundance around us, review the past year, decide what we need to release, and define what we want to achieve during the coming months. The card that was drawn was the card of Justice.

Justice is a very literal card – it means that balance needs to be brought to the situation, whatever is not just must be rectified. Libra (symbolized by the scales of justice) is the ruler for Justice. Libra brings in some very exacting energy – balance brought about through logic, through mental effort. Fine tuning is going to have to be done on all levels – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

Before we can begin to rebirth this Solstice we are going to have to make some hard decisions, and be willing to follow through with actions. What we are trying to achieve may not manifest in the form that we desired, but it will be fair to all concerned.

Post by Bonnie at 12/22/2009 7:00:07 PM

When we look at the Tarot, and try to determine what one card might best represent Christmas, I immediately think of the Magician. In many ways I equate him with the Magi of the Christmas myth – bearing gifts, in this case the gifts of the energy of the four elements … Fire, Water, Air and Earth.

The Magician through his ability to work with the elements brings wisdom from the spirit world down to the physical world. In the imagery, we see representations of the four elements on the table in front of him. The lemniscate (figure eight) over his head represents infinity.

The Magician is where our self-confidence comes from. He is the archetype that we turn to in order to manifest our goals/desires. Here we see will and desire, and the ability to communicate.

Focus, creativity, determination, personal power, movement – all of this is contained within the Magician. In a spread, the Magician is giving the Seeker a heads up that they have these powers at their disposal, and that they can manifest that which they desire in their lives. The Seeker needs to access their potential – to recognize it, and put ti to best use.

If the Magician is poorly aspected in a spread, the Seeker needs to look for where in their lives they are being manipulated, and by whom. (Note: The energy doing the manipulating may also be the Seeker’s ego, or sense of self.

The Magician represents Christmas to me because of the gifts that he brings: self- awareness, clarity of thought, focus and intent placed behind action.

Which card in the Tarot represents Christmas to you? What place does the Magician have in your life?

Post by Bonnie at 12/14/2009 2:18:45 AM

Thanksgiving is almost here. I thought that I would do a short reading regarding what this Thanksgiving means to us. We are facing hard financial times, a difficult economy, a heavy troop commitment overseas, and the changing energies leading up to 2012. In view of this – where is the meaning in Thanksgiving?

The deck that I used was Kat Black’s “Touchstone Tarot”. I set the following positions:

  1. What we know we are thankful for. Star
  2. What we are not aware we should give thanks for. Emperor
  3. What the gift of this Thanksgiving is. Hierophant

Star Emperor Hierophant

Interesting that all of the cards draw were from the Major Arcana – the suit of Spirituality! This is an important Thanksgiving! The Star tells us that as a people we are hopeful, that we have seen some success and expect to see more soon.

What we are not aware of that we should be giving thanks for is that order and structure rules. The masculine strength here, the sense of decisiveness and competitiveness will serve us well.

The Hierophant tells us that the gift of this Thanksgiving is that of a spiritual awakening – of learning what works for us, and what does not, and conforming more to that line of thought.

I wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Post by Bonnie at 11/21/2009 3:35:29 PM

“Reclaiming The Lost Tarot” (Jerould Goodwin, Kala Purusha Publications) is anew release that should take the Tarot world by storm. It takes what may be a precarious position in claiming that the Tarot is the essence of Western occult study. It is accepted that the Tarot contains a solid esoteric foundation, but that it IS the essence of that foundation will certainly cause some serious discussion.

In this work Goodwin connects Tarot with what he terms Supreme Absolute Truth. The content here is highly esoteric – but Goodwin is very open to readers interpreting it in their own way and placing it to work in their lives. More information on this book can be seen here.

Post by Bonnie at 11/21/2009 3:03:30 PM

Tycoon Games has announced that it is working on a sequel to its Heileen game. Heileen 2 – The Hands of Fate, takes place on a mysterious island (where the characters found themselves at the end of the original game). The primary character, Heileen, comes upon a deck of Tarot cards representing the seven deadly sin and the seven heavenly virtues. She comes to realize that the cards will help her to change her dreams, and her reality.

There are more than twelve possible endings, and an enhanced quest system, making this more than just an interesting game for players!

Post by Bonnie at 10/3/2009 9:30:46 AM

I thought that it might be interesting to do a three card reading for 09/09/09. The positions are defined as follows:

  1. What we know about 09/09/09.
  2. What we need to know about 09/09/09.
  3. How the energies of 09/09/09 will affect the future.

What we know about 09/09/09: The Lovers

The energy of 09/09/09 was highly spiritual, and was about us knowing ourselves, and deepening the connection with Spirit. The energy of this “happening” is there to support us, not hurt us. If we choose to accept it, we will move to a higher vibrational level, and take on a new purpose for this lifetime (this is especially true for healers and spiritual teachers). This will be the last physical lifetime for many, many people.

What we need to know about 09/09/09: Eight of Swords

At first, we may feel as if we are hemmed in – as if we have no choices, as if there no actions that we can take to empower ourselves. There is a feeling of being bound by authority. If we allow ourselves to flow with this energy, rather than fight it, we will find t hat te energy exerted by authority will change, as well as our attitude towards the source of authority, and those who carry it out.

How the energies of 09/09/09 will affect the future: The Star

If we choose to accept the energy of 09/09/09, it will ultimately bring us hope. We will walk into our own truth, and find personal enlightenment.

Each of you should draw a card, from any oracle that you wish, with the thought that this card shows how the energy of 09/09/09 will find its way into your life. Look at the card, and note what symbols or colors stand out for you. These are the avenues that your personal wisdom will come through.

Post by Bonnie at 9/11/2009 4:33:11 PM
