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Psychic Blogs


This July is a month of celebration. Of acknowledging that something you have been working on, be it a business or a relationship, has not got to a level where it has become pretty self-sufficient.

When we start new things we have to put conditions and structure in place so it will grow in the way in which we want it to, but once it has gotten to a certain point then it is time to re-evaluate that structure and perhaps and perhaps loosen our grips on the reins, just a little.

This month is showing that you have started to develop a relationship with this person or project to such a point where you are in in sync with it intuitively. You instinctively know when something is too much or not enough.

July is a month of relaxing your watch on something: trusting that you know that project well enough, that it can be trusted to move forward in the way you would like it to, without your needing to steer it too vigorously.

Post by Shanon Lhoure at 7/3/2012 3:45:12 PM
Father’s Day is June 17th. What does Father’s Day mean to you? It’s another special day. Whether you get together or call on the phone, it’s a great family day, bringing families closer. Any celebration of love and positive reflection is welcoming for all families. It’s sometimes a day of emotions, for some it’s love for the person who has been there all our lives, for some it’s the relationship that could have been, for some it’s a feeling of loss, absence, separation. Whatever your feelings are, let us reflect on the love, care, positive guidance and role models in all our lives and wish all Fathers a happy and blessed day.
Post by Judy at 6/7/2012 10:54:49 AM

Welcome to the May insight. This May is a month of new beginnings. Not only is summer officially here but this month is also showing itself to be a time of creative genius if we can just trust in ourselves as we may trust in others.

This month is showing that we often limit our “genius” by our own view of ourselves. We put way too much power on the head of our intellect and nowhere near enough on the ability that we all of have, of intuition and inner knowing.

We have all at some time been working on project and had a sense or a fleeting impression that we should “try something different.” Change the color, the style the focus of our project but then our intellect slams the door closed with “ no this is how we have always done it, this is how it must be done,” or “ why would you do that, it makes no sense, stay with what you know, “ and that “sense or impression” doesn't get it's day in court so to speak, it just gets shut down and we do our “creative” project the same way we always have. It really isn't even creative anymore, it is posing as creative because there are some new aspects but they are being crammed into a tried and true formula created by your mind.

And then, the dreaded thing happens! The “computer” loses your file before you can save it; a whole piece of the project is gone. The store has stopped carrying the color you were going to use; you have to change your whole color scheme: need I go on??

Your intellect goes in to “woe is me” mode as now it has to start over again. Here is a way to perhaps avoid this scenario.

This month, when you get the sense to try something different, entertain the idea for a second. Mention it to someone and let them consider it. Resist, fight even, the habit of giving into the intellect and letting it have full control over your creative project or idea.

This month, trust that something greater is at work and perhaps that idea that you had is actually a spark of brilliance... Read More

Post by Shanon Lhoure at 5/1/2012 3:16:09 PM
Sunday May 13 is Mother’s Day. A mother’s love can never be replaced. We should really honor our mothers daily but this is the one day where we can place her on the pedestal she belongs. Let’s make this day an unforgettable day for our mothers. For those of us whose mothers have passed, it can be a sad time but we can still celebrate her memory and do something special that she would have liked. Believe me she knows. Happy Mothers day to all!!!
Post by Judy at 5/1/2012 2:25:13 PM
TAROT READING VERSUS PSYCHIC READING: WHICH IS BEST? Neither one is better than the other. It really comes down to the person giving the advice and how skilled they are at their craft and what you are personally comfortable with. Some people are not comfortable with tarot cards; others like to see the cards because it helps them feel involved. Others don’t like psychics because it can seem too vague. The tarot has more structure than a psychic reading. There are layouts and meanings and archetypes to the cards that give the advisor a clear path to follow while delivering information. Much like an irrigation system directing the water to a field. Different cards and spreads are like one of those channels directing the water only they direct the information towards the answer of your question. Tarot readers often will also have intuitive and psychic abilities, but choose to use the information they derive from the cards to formulate the information into a clear picture for the client. Tarot readers will often have a favorite deck because as you spend time with the cards it becomes a working relationship and you will see that one reader will read the same cards differently from the next. That is because though the cards technically mean the same thing, the human experience of that meaning differs with each of us and as the reader develops their relationship with their deck they also develop their own language and understanding of the cards. This strongly enhances their ability to interpret the cards. Almost like a secret language between the reader and the cards themselves. Psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive and empathic readers work more with unseen as far as mainstream reality. They are able to read energy fields and have fine tuned their ability to interpret their gut instincts to where they can also see or sense different levels of information that are held in the mass consciousness. I use my own deck THE WORDS TO THE WISE ORACLE but I also read... Read More
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 3/26/2012 3:32:16 PM
WHY GET A READING? Readings, whether psychic readings, tarot readings, astrology readings etc.,are to give you insight and perceptions of situations in your life that you may not be able to see or may not know how to apply by yourself. Any reading should empower you, not make you feel powerless. It should give you information that you can then take and use or at least mull over and from there, come to a decision that is best for you. Readings are never meant to replace good old common sense or your own internal gut instincts. No reader “knows more than you do” at your core level, we just see and access information differently and often our job is to communicate it to you in a way that you can at least hear it if you can not not fully integrate it at the time. Human nature is interesting in that we “get information” for ourselves but often don’t act on it until we hear it from someone else. Shanon x1119
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 3/26/2012 3:18:45 PM
March is going to be a month where we need to start taking responsibility for our own abundance. Too often we do things that we deem to be “good things” and feel that we should be rewarded by spirit. We get put out if the person who is not as qualified gets the job, the one with less experience gets to lead or new comer gets the preferential treatment. We get angry with spirit because we feel passed over. We have done everything we should have been doing but we are not being rewarded for doing it. Often at spiritual trade shows, vendors who have paid a good amount to be at the show, get angry because they are not making their money back. They have paid their money and they are good people, spirit should automatically reward them. Not so. First of all there is not a running tab between you and spirit. And also, your abundance is a direct result of your own personal karma, not whether or not spirit loves you or notices you. We need to realize, it is only our egos that notice that we are not being “recognized” with some physical reward, not spirit. The universe doesn’t work like that. It works in energy. If you only do things to get something then you undermine yourself. You taint your efforts. Rewards come in many ways and not always on the same day that the event occurs. Many times I have worked an event and walked away deeply in the hole as far as making my money back, but I work very hard at appreciating the event, pay attention to any contacts I many make, be aware of other reasons I may be there other than to make money, and I find when I do this, eventually I will see the reason for my attending. It may be month’s later, but something always comes from it and it always amounts to more than I could have expected. So, this month be mindful that there are many other ways for us to be rewarded beyond what we think it is we should get. Remember that spirit works from the big picture, not just this one small place in time, and if... Read More
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 3/18/2012 4:12:05 PM
Sometimes we ignore our inner wisdoms..Sometimes we are always their for someone else. Sometimes we find ways of making excuses for our friends relationships. Only looking out for their heart. Sometimes we don't. Sometimes we live with no one to turn to and nothing in our pockets. Sometimes a child our own or one sitting in a shopping cart with a big smile gives us hope. Sometimes we feel like giving back. Sometimes we choose to oppose everyone. Most of the time feel nothing or a bit of something.
Is this because of our own Reflection???
Is this what I Ignore???
Ask yourself is this me!!!
Stand Up, Get Up, and Change Yourself
Stay Blessed
Post by Endorie at 3/5/2012 9:51:20 AM
People claim they do many things in the name of love. Love gets a bad wrap when it comes to people who enable. I believe those that enable, intellectually believe that they are taking their actions from love, but emotionally it is about control. Enabling is not a selfless act but a selfish act. It is all about what the enabler needs, and nothing of what their “victim” needs. Yes, I said victim, because those who are targeted by enablers are victims. They get their lives stolen just like a murder victim, the only difference is they are still breathing. But they still have had their lives stolen from them. Their connection to spirit is high jacked by someone who doesn't believe there is a higher purpose to life and only they can save them. Enablers are predators. I know that seems like a hard thing to say, but it is true. They are drawn to people with low self esteem, or personality traits that lends them to taking the 'easy path.” Perfect pray for enablers. In many cases, enablers groom their victims over time, especially in close relationships, like lovers or family, by saving the day so many times that the person doesn't notice that they are losing their personal power. Enablers have lost their faith in a “greater power.” They have somehow had their personal experience with a greater source stolen from them. Somewhere in their lives they have felt like a failure, and inside still do, and the only way their can validate their lives is to “save others,” only the saving requires that the other person lose their life. You simply can't save someone who is empowered and doesn't need saving. It is imperative to the enabler that the person they target never gets a sense of their own power by their own means. They may become empowered by a direct result of the enablers actions, but at some point that will slip away and the cycle will start again. Enabler's personal disconnect from spirit causes them to believe that those they target need them. That... Read More
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 2/13/2012 10:21:58 PM
How often have we seen someone doing something that is obviously harming them and think that they need to change but we just dismiss it as if “we know” that they never will be able to. They have been that way for so long they will never change. Really? Are you sure they are the only problem in this equasion? What about your inability to invest any energy in the possibility for them to change? Change is not easy, for any of us and in order to change we need to set the stage so we can be successful and one of the first things we need to do is to get away from all those that “love us” because often that very love is a big part of the problem because whether they know it or not, it is conditional.. They love ‘us” in the way that they know us and are often not able to love us if we are different. This was something I had always known and it became even more amplified for me when I adopted a special needs dog. She was born with a brain condition that left her deaf and very sensitive and compulsive which was playing out in negative ways. When I took her on she was extremely fear aggressive, chronic spinning and barking and was believed she could never be out of a crate for any period of time. Six months later: she no longer lives in a crate, no longer spins insanely in one spot as she used to, only barks when she is playing and her fear aggression is down from a 12 out of 10 to a 3. Does she still have the ability to digress? Absolutely, I have seen her do it, but I also noticed that when she did it she was either stressed because she was integrating a new situation of someone was handling her who knew her from before and were still fearful of her, or perhaps, for her. Either way, their fear and in-ability to let her be who she is now, even though they have seen the change in her, triggered her insecurities, which she will probably always have, or she regressed to being aggressive. So, when I look at this whole situation and I consider with... Read More
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 1/12/2012 2:22:32 PM
WOMAN’S POWER One thing I remember so profoundly is when I was coming from a life as a professional wrestler and moving into a life of a spiritualist, was a day when I was sitting around at a metaphysical center with some witches, psychics, astrologers and numerologists and healers. I became aware as I looked around this room at the indescribable power these women possessed. None are large framed or particularly tall. Nor were they menacing, well not in that moment. They would seem like your regular gals if you saw them on the street, but sitting here in the metaphysical store with full permission to be who they were they were brimming over with this unfathomable power and I couldn’t help but think back to the times my father would abuse my mom, sis and me. Maybe he sensed this power. Maybe at times it rose up in something we said or did, or perhaps in our very way of being submissive, that he was fearful of our ability to stand up to him, silently. And, maybe, though our physical forms wept, were bruised and screamed out, maybe from where he was, he could sense this power, this unspeakable power. A power that he knew he did not and could not possess. This power that thrives within every woman. That can rise up and we can walk away from the abuse. We grab up our children and walk out. Maybe men who abuse sense this power and know that they can not beat it. They cannot claim it as their own. How frightening it must be to see someone half your size but yet still has an essence about them that screams out through their stillness, “You can’t beat me. You can kill this body but I will be born stronger and I will be born wiser next time we meet, it will be different.” Feeling that power in the room, I would have been scared if I were a man that needed to abuse women to feel in control of my life. If I had been someone that needed to name something, to make it tangible so I could kill it or capture it. Within these women, and within myself... Read More
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 12/5/2011 4:18:48 PM
As we head towards the end of the year there is often mixed feelings for all of us. Many of us look to the year that’s passed as an omen of what is to come while others see it as a springboard into an exciting adventure that lies ahead, while others may feel nothing. December is calling upon us to have courage as we move into a new year. To shake off the dustings of anything that may be haunting us from this past year and truly let this be a NEW year. And though we may look to our physical world to inspire us or drive us, it can often be the thing that deflates us or misleads us. This December the guidance is to not allow yourself to be swallowed up by the collective. As many are struggling with what seems the same situation it can create the illusions that there is no way out and we are all destined to share the same fate or we are all waiting on the same “miracle” for something to change. But the month of December is about remembering that you are unique. Your life path is unique. And though you may feel swallowed up by the whole, you can still create your own outcome. You can still have a different path if you have the courage to stand up to “mass thought” and look for what you can do differently that is unique to what you bring to the table. This December is reminding us to not lose our identity as you go into the New Year, but instead have the courage to perhaps revisit ideas and people that before seemed hopeless. To realize, within disaster there is opportunity, but only for those that have maintained a true sense of themselves.
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 11/30/2011 2:14:32 PM
Over the past 2 to 3 years, more and more clients have called asking, "What do you see for my career and finances". I know a lot of people are worried about income and job prospects. I stumbled across this article online and wanted to share it with everyone. I found the article to be rather refreshing and hopeful. COPY AND PASTE THE BELOW LINK|main5|dl12|sec1_lnk2|115103
Post by Michael at 11/27/2011 4:46:30 PM
I have worked as a professional psychic for over 25 years helping people in all areas of their lives. Most people expect to see me helping others with relationship questions and love issues but are surprised how effective my gift is when it comes to business. As a psychic, I read and interpret energy. For me it as real as a written resume you may look at before you hire someone. The main difference with a written resume, you can only know what you read on that resume: it is one dimensional, for me, people’s resumes are in the form of “energy” so when I read them I get what they choose to tell me and also what they don’t tell me. I read there whole “existence” as it were. Every one can read energy at some level. For example: you choose a color you wish to paint your room with and you go to the hardware store with your color sample in hand and you start matching it to other colors to find the right match. You may think you are matching by what “looks right” but if you pay more attention, you will realize many look fine but don’t feel right, especially when you come down to the final decision. What you are doing at that point, is reading the energy of the color and unconsciously you are matching the energies of the colors you are looking at and seeing if they blend. They don’t only have to energetically blend with each other; they also need to blend with your energy and the energy of your home. That’s why many of us, myself included, have stood in front of all those color samples for seemingly hours thinking to ourselves, “this shouldn’t be this hard, I thought I wanted blue but it just doesn’t feel right.” I have been helping people find the right blend for their business’s in many ways for many years. From selecting staff to finding the right name or image for their business and doing it with a high level of accuracy, because when read correctly, energy is your truest guide because it can’t lie, it is what it is. Every state of being... Read More
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 11/21/2011 10:53:04 AM
So, November is a month of taking responsibility for our lives and the choices we are making now, in the present. It is time for us to stop blaming our past, our parents, our upbringing, our culture, our horoscope sign and instead, look to what we have to bring to the table in our lives and start creating what we want. It is true that certain things that have traveled with you to this point in time my outline how you may do certain things, but very rarely do they every say, out and out, that you can't do things. That is more our interpretation and often because it is seemingly easier to remain the same than try and create change. Just because you can't get there the same way everyone else has, does not mean you can't get there. It just means you need to be a bit more creative and open as to how you get there. Shanon Lhoure x1119
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 10/29/2011 12:25:38 PM
How well do you trust spirit, God, or whatever you consider to be greater than yourself? You trust that source with your life every day, whether you know it or not. How many times when something has gone wrong, or fallen through you immediately presumed or felt you were being punished or passed over. . “I just get ahead and have a little bit of money and the car had to break down and take it all. It seems I am not meant to have anything!!” I know I have been there many times. But what if you chose to not feel punished or persecuted? What if you chose to say, “Thanks spirit for waiting until I had enough money to fix the car before it broke down.” You really watch out for me.” What if you did that instead? One approach shuts down the flow of energy and one opens it up. One isolates you and rejects any help that is given and other recognizes it as help and is willing be helped even more! This is a HUGE lesson. If you can make this different choice it will not only change your life, it will change who you are at your very core. The choice to be a victim comes from not feeling we are loved and not being willing to accept love. By everything and everyone in your life not just spirit. And in order to support that belief your life must “go to hell” every now and then so you can justify your belief. This October, when something goes wrong or askew in your life, instead of going “why me?” Try saying “thanks, for protecting me as there must be something I am missing for this to not happen,” “what am I missing?” “This is not working because there is something better that I am not seeing, so what is it?” Just try it for one month. And I know what I am asking is not easy. We are very attached to the world having it in for us. But this October, allow yourself to be loved not punished. And when something happens that you would normally feel punished about flip it and see it as a gift and watch it become that just that. I just finished... Read More
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 9/27/2011 7:21:12 AM
The main reason our "Guides & Angels" are within us is to influence us to make the best possible choices for our life journey.  Yet even as they often help, it takes us to accept & follow our "Vibes" before they can do any good for us.  To allow ourself to be influenced by our guides you must be willing to to flexible in mind, body and spirit. This means to get out of the self made "Rut" you have chosen to behave upon.  Change your plans, take risk once in a while.  Learn to trust the moment and be willing to go with the flow if new inspiration encourages you to do so.  Stop putting yourself in "shoulda, coulda, woulda" situations, which continue to give you lost oppotunities and intuative regrets.  If you feel a vibe have courage to act upon it.  Whether it creates change or loss.  Stop  making excuses or second guessing yourself.  Everyone has a 6th sense.  Those who choose 5 sensory seem to rigid to see and except the assistance of higher forces.  So they choose to miss their moment and live in frustration and "shoulda, coulda, woulda" situations.  Rather than being blind to situations or ignoring your guides due to fear of rejection or loss.  Start finding you by keeping an open mind.  Change your "Behavior".  Teach yourself how to not put yourself aside.  Stop resisting the Universe it strives to help you.  Accept the gifts of the Universe.  It will continue to restore "Harmony" to all concerned.  Move-on.  Have Faith.  No one is able to work against you.  Only you can work against you. Your choice and behavior shows that. Stay strong knowing you are in control of your Destiny!!! God Bless
Post by Endorie at 9/13/2011 12:30:33 AM
"Are They Building You Up, Or Cutting You Down?" . A lot of my clients call asking about relationships, over the years it has made me realize a lot about how, "healthy relationships" are and how "toxic relationships are". My clients have taught me more than they will ever know, and for that I thank you. Ok, so here it is! I feel that everyone on this earth should be very careful as to who they depend on for a, "pick me up" or "self-esteem boost". If you depend on someone who is toxic and that I call the, "invalidator". The invalidator will shower you with nice comments until you are basically dependent on them, then they will pick you apart piece by piece until they are in control. The toxic persons goal is to get you introverted and introspective so that you do not notice what is going on outside yourself. The invalidator will attempt to pull you down. The invalidator may feel that he/she worries too much, while you may appear calm and confident. When he/she can pull you down to his/her level and you start worrying more, then he/she feels, "better than" or "more worthy". The strange thing is toxic people that come into our life, are the very same ones that will be the first to help. After a bit, you will begin to worry only about what he/she thinks. Or what they will do? Whether they will be angry at you or not. This can cause you to stop looking at yourself after a while because you see so much wrong and you feel like you depend on him/her for your sense of worth. The solution to breaking free from a "toxic person" who I call the, "invalidator" is to be aware. I hope this blog has brought you knowledge and awareness to those who feel stuck in something unhealthy. To those who have found a life partner, take a moment to give gratitude to a higher power, that brought you exactly what you'd hoped for, Their is an old saying, "Nobody is worth your tears and the one that is, "won't make you cry". Psychic Michael ext. 3303
Post by Michael at 8/24/2011 10:44:09 PM
WORDS TO THE WISE for September. August was a tough month, so if you feel like you got dragged through the ringer; September is going to be a breeze! September is asking you to "take it easy on yourself." Don't expect to know everything and have all the answers. Cut yourself some slack. The solutions to your problems will come, but the more pressure you put on yourself the less you will produce. The less you will love and the less you will have to give. September is screaming "Rome Wasn't Built in A Day," and neither can all the changes you want for your life occur in a day. Trust is a huge issue for you this month. We like to see it happening right before our eyes, but that is not this September. This September you are being asked to "take your foot off the gas" just a little and let your life seemingly "idle' while all the good work you have already done starts to fall into place. Have a great September.. Shanon Lhoure x 1119
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 8/23/2011 11:45:22 AM


What a great month August is going to be for all of us eccentric, quirky and unconventional beings!

Too often those of us who approach life in a different way from others: instead of not bringing up a subject because it might make us uncomfortable we would rather be uncomfortable to know the answer so they ask so we can move on. The one that relates more to their pet than their mate. The dreamer who literally can gain insight from their dreams. We, who wear colors to a funeral and understand why. The one who truly listens to their two year old’s opinion because they know those opinions count and only sound unrelated, it is more often we are just not tuned in enough to get it. So many of us that omit things about ourselves from conversations: pieces of ourselves that even those that love us don’t know about us because they may define us as being too different.

August celebrates you! This month is letting you know that God or the Divine or whatever name you give the greater awareness; GETS YOU.

You are not weird or strange or less than those that can fit in with stampeding herd.

Remember, a stampeding herd is a large amount of fear driven beings heading towards an unknown fate, usually to escape another unknown fate on the word of many times, of one being who has no more insight than they do.

Hey give me weird any day!

Weird enough... Read More

Post by Shanon Lhoure at 7/29/2011 1:42:44 PM


Here we are:  July and its festivities are here.  This month is about looking to what we were doing in the past that worked for us.  When I do these insights I pull two cards from my deck I created, called the Words to the Wise Oracle.  It’s not a tarot deck but a deck for inspiration.  A gentle nudge in the right direction for our focus.  The card for this month was Eastern Influence and it talks about thinking back between 3 to 5 years (give or take )  in our lives to something we were doing at that time that helped us in someway. ... Read More

Post by Shanon Lhoure at 6/20/2011 8:21:34 AM

June is the time to begin preparing to allow your goals to be accomplished. You can create balance by stopping to set them too high. If they are attainable, you will see that they begin to come to fruition.

July brings us a once-in-a-lifetime event. In fact, it happens only once every 823 years. During July 2011, there will be 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. Rare indeed!

According to Chinese legend, one must tell at least 8 other people about this event of good fortune. If you do, money will arrive within 4 days. According to Feng Shui, those who choose not to share the news of good fortune will be left without the benefits.

One could also say this is a year of good luck when it comes to abundance, as we invoke the year of 111. If you take the last two digits of the year in which you were born, then and add the age you will turn this year. It should equal 111. In fact, everyone in the world will end up with the number 111. As 111 is a number of great money luck, we can say this year is the year of money!!!

None of us have experienced this before and never will again. It is worth a try!! What this truly says to me is that it's not all about money. It is also about creating balance during this time and coming to know you are in control of your destiny! Ultimately, it's about making a choice to overcome negative habits of the past and moving forward with relationships in a positive way.

In the end, give yourself the freedom to be who you are and create create happiness, despite what has happened in the past.

God Bless you all and have a safe and happy Memorial Day!!


Post by Endorie at 5/29/2011 12:54:16 AM


By Shanon Lhoure

x 1119

Religious or spiritual beliefs are always a potent subject.  They affect all of us, both by their presence and absence, and whether we know it or not, we are always re-evaluating them and responding to them.


Every occurrence in our lives makes us question: requires us to take note in some small way, and from there, base our future decisions.


June is going to be a month of shaking out the “tried and true” beliefs and re-evaluating them against where we are now in our lives.


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Post by Shanon Lhoure at 5/21/2011 4:34:30 PM
Q.   How do I know if I am psychic?" The obvious answer, if you are having visions and/or premonitions (a feeling that something is going to happen whether it is to a certain person or a feeling that a situation is going to occur and then it does). If you meet someone for the first time and instantly get a gut feeling about that person whether it is positive or negative and then you find out later that your feeling was correct. If you have reocurring dreams that seem so real and then later that something in that dream physically takes place. If when you are around someone you can feel the energy of that person's emotions such as you can sense some anger, sadness, depression, fear, jealousy, greed (I am using these lower emotions because the lower emotions are the strongest and it will be the strongest emotions which most people will begin to perceive at first when opening up some people give up at this point but if they continue to open the higher emotions will come in as strongly as the lower). If you hear voices which are giving you messages and seem to guide you at certain times and if you are experiencing or have experienced any of the above on a somewhat consistent basis then "Yes you are Psychic".
Q:   How do I "turn off" my psychic experiences? A: You may not be able to turn them off but you can turn them down, get control over them in time. Eventually, you will come to see this as a psychic gift, rather than a psychic curse. You can use Grounding and certain tools to control your psychic growth so that you will not feel over whelmed and you can use Psychic Protection and Meditation to help to control and block the energies anytime you are feeling vulnerable or feeling over loaded Psychically.
Q:   How do I increase my psychic awareness and experiences without feeling overloaded? A: It is also difficult to "control" psychic experiences. Even the most gifted Ppsychics/Intuitives have days when they have to rest. The best... Read More
Post by Ranelle at 5/8/2011 2:14:28 AM
Just wanting to wish all of the Mothers and Mothers to be a Blessed and Happy Mothers Day God Bless you all!!!
Post by Endorie at 5/5/2011 11:23:52 PM
