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Psychic Blogs

I decided to address the issue of this incredibly hot weather that much of the U.S. has been facing. I know that I have been sick because of it, and I imagine that others have also. Aside from physical health, in excessively hot weather we also have to be aware of mental health.

We are apt to lose our patience with co-workers, clients, friends and family. When you feel this coming on, take a time out – even if it means leaving the room for a few minutes. Deal with the issue at hand, and not with your reaction to the weather.

Be sure and keep yourself hydrated – drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you choose to exercise, be sure to do so in the cooler morning or evening hours. The time that it might take to rearrange your schedule will be well worth it!

Make sure that children and older people around you are kept cool. Take them somewhere that is suitable – for seniors, it might be the library, a senior center or a church that is open for this specific purpose during the hot weather. For children, you might want to take them to a beach, a lake, or a pool, where they can play in the water and cool down. Check your local radio and TV resources to see what is available in your community.

On a more serious note – hot weather brings tempers to the breaking point, and if you are in an abusive relationship, it may take its toll. Our readers are here 24/7 to talk to you, to help you, and to provide toll free numbers that you can call for help.

One last note – please do not leave your animals in your vehicle for any amount of time at all. Trucks and cars heat up very quickly, and you could seriously injure, or even lose, your best friend.

Post by Bonnie at 7/28/2009 3:24:01 PM

Ghost Whisperer – ReCap – Season 4, Episode 13 – Body of Water – air date 7/24/09.
In this episode a mass grave is found in a local lake – the town is haunted by bodies that refuse to cross over. Melinda is haunted by her own worst fear – Nicole and Sam have been spending a lot of time together – so much so that she takes a week off from work, and asks Melinda if she can stay with her to be near Sam.

Meanwhile, a group of teenagers are camping in the woods, and one of the girls decided to go swimming in the lake. She sense the presence of a spirit, and becomes frightened. Melinda and Eli go to the lake, because they believe that there may be spirits there. They meet a troubled spirit – Ed Hathaway. Hathaway is angry – and tells Melissa and Eli to leave the spirits at the lake alone.

Sam is beginning to remember – but what he remembers is a memory of Jim’s – that he wanted children. Eli, who has been counseling Sam, tells him that perhaps there was someone besides Nicole.

Melinda and Eli go back to the lake – where the body count is rising! The spirits were dumped in the lake, and don’t know why. They are all carrying anger, and they don’t want to burden their families. Melinda is told that there will be a price to pay for what she can do.

Eli goes to Edwin Hathaway’s house, and tells her ab out her father’s ghost. She says that is not possible – and shows him the urn with her father’s remains on her mantle. Melinda goes to the funeral home during the night. Edwin Hathaway is there, and very angry, because he does not want his family to suffer his death all over again. He says that he was unfinished business. Melinda asks him what business is unfunished, and he says it is a who, not a what.

Melinda goes to visit Carl Seccic, the owner of the funeral home. His wife tells Melinda... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/25/2009 12:15:34 AM

The Mentalist – ReCap – Season 1, Episode 8 – The Thin Red Line – aired 7/23/09.
Jane and the CBI team are called to investigate the murder of a State’s witness in a drug trial. The victim is found in a motel room, with a second body, that of a young woman (Patrice Madigan), at his side. A very young policeman is the first person on the scene.

A nice sub-plot to this episode is that the local police and the CBI must work together. The local police are working with the premise that the drug dealer that the victim was going to testify against (Rick Carass) did the shooting. One of the two local policemen is a very arrogant, aggressive man who is very easy to dislike! The other one is the father of the young policeman that answered the call.

Jane seems to think that the girl (Patrice) may have actually been the intended victim, as she was only there to deliver some food, and she had left her baby in her car. This pits him directly against Mr. Arrogant Policeman!

Using the address found on a magazine in the female victims car, Jane pays a visit. Her roommate is home, and tells Jane that the Patrice did not work, but that she always had money. She went on to describe a man that came to see the Patrice, and the car that he drove. When asked why she did not offer to take care of the child the night before, she stated that she had been drinking, and the Patrice did not feel that her child would be safe with her. She said that Patrice was a very good mother.

Both teams act on information about the whereabouts of Rick Carass’ hideout. Jane, in the background, places a cement block in front of a gate so that it will not open. Carass runs into the gate hard enough to be knocked back onto the ground. At the end of the interrogation Jane and Teresa come to the conclusion... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/24/2009 1:22:28 PM

The Tarot Pips (numbered cards) show the action that is going on in our lives on a daily basis. Where the Major Arcana is of the Spiritual realm, the Minor Arcana are of the Physical realm. Each pip carries two types of energy – the energy of their number, and the energy of their suit.

Esoterically, the number three represents the union of the numbers before it. It is the parts coming together to create the whole. Within the number three, we find balance and wisdom. We can see this in the various representations of three – body/mind/spirit, past/present/future, creation/preservation/destruction, thought/feeling/emotion etc. The number three carries the quality of connection – we are all connected, and it is through this connection that we grow.

The number three in the Tarot is connected with the Empress, the Hanged Man, and the Three’s of each suit. The Empress is all about abundance, fertility and creativity (creation). She is generally shown as being pregnant – which we can think of as being pregnant with promise. The Hanged Man is all about creation in his own way – he is in a state of suspended time. He is in a state of “being”, rather than a state of “doing”. When he lets go of what no longer serves him well, he will create a new life for himself.

The Three of Wands carries the quality of creation and wholeness, as well as the elemental energy of Fire. Here passion is the driving force. When this comes up in a reading, there is the sense of internal power that the Seeker feels. Progress comes through working with others.

The Three of Cups carries the quality of creation and wholeness, as well as the elemental energy of Water. The emotional self is allowed to flow, the heart is opened, as well as the intuitive, psychic self. Here we see the expression of love, joy and happiness. This is a time of celebration.

The Three of Swords carries the quality of creation and... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/21/2009 5:52:59 AM

“The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”, by Deepak Chopra (Amber-Allen Publishing), is a book that I have worked with on and off for several years. In this book, Chopra distills his teachings into seven principles that can be applied to any part of our life to create success. I loved the number seven, and the fact that the seven chapters were short enough that they could be read and meditated on at the rate of one a day. And yes, when the next week came around, I started over again! Something new learned each time.

The seven principles are:

  1. The Law of Pure Potentiality.
  2. The Law of Giving and Receiving.
  3. The Law of Karma or Cause and Effect
  4. The Law of Least Effort
  5. The Law of Intention and Desire
  6. The Law of Detachment
  7. The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life

In his introduction, Chopra notes that in working with these Laws we gain the ability to create unlimited wealth with effortless ease, and to experience success in every endeavor. I love how he defines success – as the continued expansion of happiness progressive realization of worthy goals. Success is not defined by our paycheck! “Success is the ability to fulfill our desires with effortless ease.” (Deepak Chopra)

We are the co-creators of our lives, in unison with Universe. Spirit lies at the source of all of life’s achievements. “With the knowledge and practice of the seven spiritual laws, we align with nature’s intelligence, and our dreams and desires are easily fulfilled. When we understand these laws, and apply them in our lives, anything we want can be created.

My thought is that if you take the wisdom from your psychic reading, and apply these principles, your life will change forever!

Post by Bonnie at 7/20/2009 3:28:50 PM

There will be a total solar eclipse on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009. It is the second of three eclipses this summer (the first being a lunar eclipse on July 7th, the second being the solar eclipse on July 22nd, and the third being a lunar eclipse on August 6th), which is rare in and of itself. It will be the longest eclipse in the 21st century, lasting six minutes and thirty-nine seconds. As far as personally viewing it, that will only be possible for those living in a narrow corridor running through northern India, eastern Nepal, southern China and the Pacific ocean. Energetically, of course, the entire planet is affected by this energy.

Eclipses in general are all about change – a total eclipse talks about releasing the past and walking through the door to the future - endings and new beginnings. This eclipse occurs in the last part of Cancer, just before the Sun enters Leo. Metaphysically speaking, we are being given the opportunity to learn the lessons associated with Cancer. How this fits into the major changes that this planet is undergoing ecologically, and the major changes that humankind is undergoing with the economic crisis, is undoubtedly part of the lessons that we are to learn from Cancer.

With Cancer we are talking about the archetypes of nurturing and intuitive (psychic) wisdom. We need to nurture ourselves, as well as others in our life. There needs to be a sense of balance there. Another aspect of this eclipse is that we need to allow others to nurture us. We need to open our hearts and accept that nurturing.

It is time to take a look at your life – at who and what you are nurturing, and how you feel about that. If we spend too much time nurturing others, and do not spend time nurturing ourselves, then we are out of balance. If we are willing to nurture others, but do not allow ourselves to receive nurturing energy from others, then we are... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/20/2009 3:38:09 AM

The uses that Tarot can be put to are limitless. On Friday evening we lost a major cog in our history – Walter Cronkite. He was more than a reporter, more than an evening anchor (and I was surprised to find out from a special that CBS ran on him this am that he was the very first evening anchor to have a thirty minute news program, and that he invented the word anchor in its application to providing the news).

Walter Cronkite was very much a part of our daily lives “back in the day”. There were only three basic TV channels, and most homes did watch CBS news because of him. I wonder (as did one of the commentators on the special this am) whether all of the options that we have now broadened our horizons or simply diluted them (my words, not his).

I decided to do a three-card reading on Mr. Cronkite, to see what his affect on our lives really was. I thought that this would be a good example of how Tarot can be used to help interpret events (current and past), and put them into perspective.

I defined the positions as:

  1. On a conscious level how did Walter Cronkite affect our lives?
  2. On a sub-conscious level how did Walter Cronkite affect our lives?
  3. What is Walter Cronkite’s legacy?

The cards drawn were: The Hierophant, Death, Three of Wands

I find it interesting that two out of three cards are Major Arcana (spiritual). Mr. Cronkite was very much a part of the spirit – the soul – of this country.

The Hierophant – Death – Three of Wands

On a conscious level, Mr. Cronkite was very much the middle America “everyman”. He was our conscience, he held his beliefs sacred and had a very strong work ethic. He was who he was – hard working, ethical, wanting control over his work, and verification of every story before he... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/18/2009 2:07:07 PM

Ghost Whisperer - ReCap - Season 4, Episode 10 – Ball & Chain – air date 7/17/09.
In this episode Melinda helps a ghost (Tammy) come to terms with her death, and her marriage, so that she can cross over. Sam (the man that Melinda’s husband Jim entered rather than crossing over) discovers that he has an engagement ring in his possession – and has no memory at all of the woman.

Melinda meets a ghost (Tammy) at the Farmer’s Market – a woman who seems perfectly normal, but does not realize that she has died. She has this urge to go home to her family – husband and children. When Melinda goes to the woman’s (former) home, she meets her husband (or the person that she thinks is the ghost’s husband). His story is that his wife was bi-polar, and used to disappear for several days at a time. He reported her missing, and has since remarried.

There is quite an interesting scene where the ghost wife goes to the cleaners to pick up her husband’s shirt. They can’t see or hear her, so she is ignored. In retribution, she sets the mechanism that brings the cloths around on super-fast! Melinda catches her and makes her stop.

Meanwhile, Melinda’s friend searches the area that Tammy last remembers being. He finds her body in a car, with a hose attached to the pipe. It appears that she committed suicide – but what about the rope burns on the ghost’s (Tammy’s) wrists?

Tammy appears in Melinda’s living room – wanting to know a bout herself, and her family. Melinda tells her that often spirits are afraid of remembering their physical life.

It appears that Tammy also has another identity – a husband and children that she supposedly left six years ago. Her husband believes that she had an affair with the electrician and left with him.

Melinda goes to see Roger (Tammy’s second... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/18/2009 12:03:18 AM

Theme decks are very much a part of the Tarot world. Within the genre of theme decks is a specific sub-genre that I really enjoy – that of Tarot decks based on literature. One example of this would be Diane Wilkes’ “Jane Austen Tarot”, another would be Robert M. Place’s just released “The Vampire Tarot”.

Very different decks, but both very high quality. Place is an internationally known visionary artist, author and illustrator. Conducts Tarot classes, workshops and symposiums, and has appeared on the Discovery Channel series “Strictly Supernatural”, as well as on the Learning Channel and A&E.

In “The Vampire Tarot”, Place brings together the world of Tarot and the world of vampire myth and legend. A point that he makes early in his companion book is that the mythology of the vampire addresses the same concerns about mortality and the nature of the soul that the Tarot addresses (The Tarot Major Arcana are traditionally seen as the “Fool’s Journey”, or sometimes as the “Hero’s Journey.)

The background for this deck rests heavily on Bram Stocker’s book “Dracula”, and on the people that surrounded Stoker at that time. In fact, the Court cards are all named after people and literary figures from this time period that were connected with Bram Stoker, such as Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla (the vampire at the center of Le Fanu’s novel of the same name), Tarot designer Pamela Colman Smith, Sir Henry Irving, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Ellen Terry and Lord Byron.

A deck such as this makes it very easy to apply the Tarot to everyday living, and yet to also see the higher metaphysical/spiritual applications. I don’t think that you will find anyone that is better versed in my and symbology/imagery that Robert Place.

If you wish to see more of his work, go to

Post by Bonnie at 7/17/2009 12:58:26 PM

The Listener – ReCap – Season 1, Episode 107 – Iris – air date 7/16/09. In this episode Toby comes across a young faith healer by the name of Iris – they are called to the scene of an accident – a baby falling out of a window. As they make their way through the crowd to the baby, Toby and Oz see a young girl walk over to the baby, hold her hands over it, and then walk away. What Toby sees (that Oz doesn’t) is the golden aura emanating from Iris’ hands and surrounding the baby. Taken to the hospital to be checked out, the baby is fine.

Prior to this Toby and Oz were called to the scene of a jumper – a homeless man teetering on the precipice of a tall building. It turns out that Toby and Oz know the man, and that all he wants is a bed and some food for a few days. They get him admitted to the hospital.

Toby goes to talk to Iris, because he feels that she may be someone that has abilities similar to his, and he wants to know her. When he asks her what she does, and how she does it, she tells him that she holds her hands over people and allows God to work through her. She takes no credit – she feels that she is there to be a channel for the energy of Spirit.

Iris’ Uncle come up and hustles her away from Toby. (Her parents are dead, and her Uncle is her guardian.) Toby gets a flash of someone wanting to kill Iris. He goes back and talks to the Uncle, who basically blows him off.

Back at the hospital, the homeless man has been diagnosed with acute liver problems.

Toby does some checking on Iris and her Uncle, and... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/17/2009 12:17:23 PM

Aromatherapy is a wonderful tool that can be used easily in conjunction with psychic readings. Aromatherapy acts to heal in a psychological as well as a physical sense. Think of the times that you have taken flowers to someone that was sick or recovering from surgery or an illness. The color and scent associated with the flowers, as well as the intent in giving them, all acted as an aid to the healing process.

The process of aromatherapy works through the use of essential plant oils. These oils are diluted and then used to help promote balance and promote health in the body and the mind. The psychological response of the individual using the oils is as important as the physical response. (I often use Geranium, Eucalyptus and Lavender straight from the bottle – i.e. undiluted – just to breathe in the scent.)

The following is a short listing of essential oils, and their general qualities:

Chamomile: Chamomile is used to help with relaxation, and in connection with allergies.

Clary Sage: Clary Sage can be used with asthma, to help reduce stress, with muscle aches and with insomnia.

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus can be used for arthritis, a well as for respiratory problems and boosting the immune system.

Geranium: Geranium can be used for balancing the skin, for relaxation, and as an antidepressant.

Lavender: Lavender can be used for relaxation, as an antidepressant and in the treatment of wounds.

Peppermint: Peppermint can be used for headaches, muscle aches and digestive disorders.

Rosemary: Rosemary can be used for mental stimulation, and to boost the immune and digestive systems.

Ylang Ylang: Ylang Ylang can be used for relaxation and as an antidepressant.

The essential oils can be used in many ways: in candles, as a mist, as... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/15/2009 6:21:16 AM

The Tarot Pips (numbered cards) show the action that is going on in our lives on a daily basis. Where the Major Arcana is of the Spiritual realm, the Minor Arcana are of the Physical realm. Each pip carries two types of energy – the energy of their number, and the energy of their suit.

The Two’s in the Tarot have to do with duality, and with balance. The Ace’s are potential, and are essentially undirected. In the Two’s, we see this energy directed into the physical world. The energy of the Two’s can also be connected with that of the High Priestess, which carries the number II (Two) in the Major Arcana.

The Two of Wands has to do with creative, fiery energy. It is all about passion and focus. It is also a card of expansion, of vision, and of taking informed risks.

The Two of Cups has to do with emotional, intuitive energy. It is also about attraction, and the willingness to compromise. Here we see the aura of partnership, whether it be romantic or business in nature.

The Two of Swords has to do with communication, and the mental realm. Here we are talking about balance and compromise (of a temporary nature). In a reading, the Seeker may have found themselves in the “middle” of something. It can also indicate indecision, and the need to be impartial. It is a time to listen to your internal voice – the voice of intuition.

The Two of Pentacles has to do with bringing balance to work, finances, and the material side of life. It is all about being resourceful and willing to adapt to circumstances.

In a reading, the Two’s represent a test in life – the test of having to make a choice. The choice in the suit of Wands is whether or not to act on a sudden passion that has come to you. In the suit of Cups it is choosing whether or not to recognize a deep heart connection in your life, and to act on it. In the suit of Swords the choice is whether you want to know the... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/15/2009 3:59:03 AM

The Listener – Recap – Season 1 Episode 6 – Foggy Notion – Air date 7/09/09.
In this episode Toby helps Kim Chu, a blind violinist, solve her brother’s murder. (Her brother was murdered, in front of her, along with several other people, in the Chinatown district.)

Kim Chu and her brother are very traditional people. In one scene, we see the shrine that Kim Chu has set up to honor her brother, and to help him on his way into the afterworld. She seems to not want Toby’s help in solving her brother’s murder, and claims to know nothing about it.

However, someone is after her, and he won’t give up. And then we have a big-time player in Chinatown who keeps saying that he knows nothing. However, he seems to eb the person that sent someone after Kim Chu.

In a big scene towards the end of the show we see the bad guy breaking into Kim Chu’s apartment. She keeps saying that she does not know what he wants, but finally gets scared enough to tell him that the paper he wants is in her violin. He walks over, smashes the violin, and takes out the paper.

Just about this time Toby shows up. The bad guy attacks Kim Chu, who stabs him with a kitchen knife. The paper contains a shipping container number – a container that houses illegal immigrants. The container has to be found immediately – the weather has been very hot, and the illegal immigrants have very little chance of survival.

They do find the container, and the immigrants are alive – dehydrated, but alive. And there is enough evidence to indict the big-time player!

Kim Chu takes her brother’s ashes back to their home country, to be placed next to those of their parents. She is not going to return to Canada.

This show is very well written, and addresses topics that are current and meaningful, without becoming pedantic. (Now – can... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/12/2009 8:38:24 AM

Relationship issues are something that we all need to address at different points in our life. At different times, different types of relationships may come into the picture. Today we are going to be talking about business relationships. Even someone who is running their own business and calling all of their own shots still needs to form working relationships with other people.

The Seeker in this reading has as their goal the manifestation of a win/win working relationship with another person that clearly is concerned only with their own agenda. For the Seeker to achieve their goals, they will need to help the other person achieve theirs.

The question we are working with here is:

What do I need to know about “X” to create a mutually beneficial business relationship?

The positions in the reading are defined as:

  1. What is important to the Seeker in this relationship?
  2. What is important to the other person in this relationship?
  3. What is important to both people in this relationship?

The cards drawn were: Ten of Wands, King of Cups, Three of Wands

Ten of Wands – King of Cups – Three of Wands

It is very important to the Seeker that everyone pull their own weight, that they take responsibility for their own work, and not try to foist is off on the Seeker. What the Seeker wishes to avoid is being overloaded with work, being overwhelmed with the responsibility of getting the job done.

In a word, it is important for the other person in the relationship to be liked. They want to be considered the “good guy”, and will do what it takes to put themselves in that position. They are very good at controlling their emotions, and can be sensitive and compassionate.

It is important to both individuals in this relationship that they form a... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/9/2009 2:20:37 AM

Who are the Ladies in the Tarot? There are many female archetypes, but when I think of the Ladies of the Tarot I think of the four Queens. They are the nurturing, creative aspects of each of the suits, and function through the elemental quality of that suit. In a reading they can represent an inner aspect of t he Seeker (whether the Seeker is male or female), they can represent a person in the Seeker’s life, or they can represent something in the Seeker’s external environment. The Court Cards carry two aspects of elemental energy – that of their title, and that of their suit. For the title of Queen the elemental energy is Water.

When the Queen’s appear in a reading, it is generally a time in the Seeker’s life when they are manifesting and nurturing something that is important to them.

The Queen of Wands is Water of Fire. When this Queen appears in a reading, the Seeker is more than likely dealing with progression within their career, and placing the focus of their energy on their career and on making use of their leadership qualities. This Queen is very committed to her goals, and works hard to achieve them.

The Queen of Cups is Water of Water. When this Queen appears in a reading, the Seeker is either focused on family, and nurturing family, on nurturing a specific relationship, or on developing their psychic (intuitive) abilities. This Queen lives in the land of emotions!

The Queen of Swords is Water of Air. When this Queen appears in a reading, the Seeker is developing their ability to communicate in some manner. This Queen is very analytical, and can come across as the original “Ice Queen”.

The Queen of Pentacles is Water of Earth. When this Queen appears in a reading, the Seeker is placing the focus of their energy on the material things in their life, or on their work or home environment. This Queen is quite down to earth – the original “Earth... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/8/2009 4:02:35 AM

What function do Spirit Guides play in our life? How are they different from our Higher Self? How can we communicate with our Spirit Guides? Spirit Guides are energetic bodies that act as representatives of Spirit, and they are with us literally to act as guides. They are not here, however, to make our decisions for us. We can have many different Spirit Guides during a lifetime. They may stay with us for a specific issue, or for a specific time period. Or they may choose to stay with us our entire lifetime.

Our Spirit Guides come to us with a vast amount of wisdom, gained over several lifetimes. They can be viewed as Angels that have lived physical lifetimes. They are here to teach us, and to help us heal. Because they are spiritual in nature, they have a higher frequency than we do here on the physical plane.

Communication with our Spirit Guides can be through telepathy, through images and archetypes, and can happen during meditation, journeying, dreamtime, or in our waking hours. Generally it is not during our waking hours, as the mind is still functioning, and can act as a barrier to spiritual communications. When the mind is quiet, the messages have an easier time coming through. One thought is that what we consider “synchronicities” in life may be experiences that were set up by our Spirit Guides to help us learn.

We can actively communicate with our Spirit Guides in many ways. We can choose to use automatic writing, for instance. Take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Hold the pen or pencil in your hand, and rest your hand on the paper. Focus on your breathing until your mind quiets down. Once this has happened, you can either allow whatever information that wants to come through to come through, or you can focus on addressing a specific Spirit Guide, or on asking a specific question. If you do not start writing within a minute or two, then start drawing circles or otherwise move your pen or pencil... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/8/2009 3:29:52 AM

The Mentalist – Recap - Season 1, Episode 5 – Redwood.
In this episode, Jane and the CBI team investigate the case of two missing women – Kara Palmer and Nicole Gilbert. They were last seen at Nicole’s engagement party, which took place at a tavern named Sullivan’s. Kara’s car has been found abandoned, and the team is at the site, along with the local sheriff, one of his deputies, and a search dog. Given the scent, the dog will not move from the car. Jane asks if anyone has checked under the car. It turns out they have not! Under the car they find Kara, who has been beaten and stabbed to death.

This is not a city scene – the community is a small logging community, and the car is found abandoned on a country road. Nicole is out in the woods somewhere – and they don’t know if she is alive or dead. What Jane does notice in the car is a bloody MP3 player – plugged in – and a purse filled with Earth Pure cosmetics.

Jane goes to speak with Kara’s family. They speak well of Nicole, who has been friends with their daughter since grade school. (Did I mention that Kara is the classic “good girl” and Nicole is the classic “bad girl”?) However, Kara did not approve of Nicole’s fiancé.

Jane then interviews the search team – as he is convinced that Nicole is either dead or being held captive somewhere, and that the person who did it is on the search team. He gets no results.

Nicole is then found in a psychotic state, covered in blood and holding a bloody knife in her hand (which may be the murder weapon). At the hospital, after Nicole has been seen by a physician (who advises them not to shock her by telling her that Kara is dead), Jane blurts out that Kara is dead. Nicole gets very upset, and insists that she still can remember nothing about that night.... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/8/2009 2:13:26 AM

The Tarot Aces stand apart from the rest of the pips (numbered cards). They are pure potential in each of the suits, and express the pure energy of the element associated with each suit. They are considered to be a root force, and carry associations with the four directions and the four seasons.

The Ace of Wands carries the pure energy of the element of Fire. It is associated with the direction South, and the season Summer. Wands embody will and passion, and function in the areas of religion, philosophy and career. In a reading, the Ace of Wands indicates that the Seeker is being offered an opportunity to take action in those areas. To manifest the opportunity being offered, it must be acted on. This is an active, creative time.

The Ace of Cups carries the pure energy of the element of Water. It is associated with the direction of West, and the season Fall. Cups embody emotions, and function in the area of relationships, connection with psychic abilities and dreamtime. In a reading, the Ace of Cups indicates that the Seeker is being offered an opportunity to get to know themselves, or to get to know someone else. This is an opportunity to gain some type of wisdom. This is an emotional, highly intuitive time.

The Ace of Swords carries the pure energy of the element of Air. It is associated with the direction of East, and the season of Spring. Swords embody the mental functions, and intellect. In a reading, the Ace of Swords indicates that the Seeker is being offered an opportunity to sharpen their mind to get greater clarity about something in their life. This is a time of seeing clearly, and finding truth and justice.

The Ace of Pentacles carries the pure energy of the element of Earth. It is associated with the direction North, and the season Winter. Pentacles embody physical energy, material things, safety, home and family. In a reading, the Ace of Pentacles indicates that the Seeker is being... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/8/2009 12:44:03 AM

The four suits of the Tarot have a major association with the four elements. Generally, the correspondence is: Wands/Fire, Cups/Water, Swords/Air, Pentacles/Earth. The numbers Ace through Ten, as well as the Court Cards, carry the quality of the element they are associated with.

Fire brings the characteristics of hot and dry to the suit of Wands. It is considered to be yang (active) energy. Fire’s basic nature is to purify, destroy, and add energy and force. To the passion and will of the Wands Fire adds sexuality, and the drive to act on ones thoughts. The color associated with Wands is red. Wands are all about passion, will and career. The Elemental Creature associated with Fire, and therefore the suit of Wands, is the Salamander.

Water brings the characteristics of being cool and moist to the suit of Cups. It is considered to be heavy, receptive yin (passive) energy. Water’s basic nature is to flow and to cleanse. It is also known for healing, and for carrying the energy of love. Cups govern emotions and relationship. The color associated with Cups is blue. The Elemental Creature associated with Water, and therefore the suit of Cups, is the Undine.

Air brings the characteristics of hot and moist to the suit of Swords. It is considered to be light, yang (active) energy. Air’s basic nature is to float, to create movement, and to govern intelligence. Swords in the Tarot is the mental suit, and the suit of communication (including psychic ability). The color associated with Swords is yellow. The Elemental Creature associated with Air, and therefore the suit of Swords, is the Sylph.

Earth brings the characteristics of cold, dry and heavy to the suit of Pentacles. It is considered to be passive, yin (passive) energy. Earth’s basic nature is to nurture, stabilize and ground. Pentacles in the Tarot is the suit of finances and material things. The color associated with Pentacles is Green. The... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/6/2009 3:23:05 PM

Setting goals is the foundation for creating the future that we want – and it is not as easy as it sounds. At least, for me it isn’t. I end up with way too many goals, and they are scattered all over the place! I have learned over time that I need to break my life down into different areas, and then form goals within those areas. You may break things down a bit differently, but I use the broad categories of career, finances, home, family and personal.

Setting and achieving goals acts as a wonderful motivator. Each small success allows us to think bigger, to dream bigger, and to expand our world in an orderly fashion. We do this by setting clearly defined, realistic goals. I like to look at the big picture of what I want to do, and then write down the smaller goals that will allow me to achieve the bigger ones.

Once I have the smaller goals lined up, I write down the steps that I need to take to achieve each goal. I give myself a realistic time period to achieve each goal in. I review my progress along the way, fine tuning as I go. If my goal has not been achieved within the set time period, I look at three things – (1) whether the goal that I am working on fits into the broader picture of my life, (2) whether I can rethink the steps that I am taking to achieve my goal, and (3) whether the goal is currently serving me well.

I have found that my overall goals have changed through time. I left one career field (that required very specific goals), and went into a completely non-related field. Then I found that I wanted to add something else into the mix – while not completely walking away from the second career field.

Developing my goals, and learning to be flexible with them, has allowed me to grow as a person, and to grow spiritually. What goals are you seeking? Are they connected with your passions in life? Do they serve you well? Don’t be afraid of change! Set new goals, dream new dreams!... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/6/2009 11:02:01 AM

The 4th of July has just passed, and I am thinking about freedom. What I think is that we take our freedom for granted. defines freedom as the state of being free, as opposed to being in confinement or being restrained physically. It is the absence of external control or regulation, and the power to determine our own actions.

Our country exemplifies a myriad of freedoms – religious freedom, political freedom, freedom of speech and perhaps the biggest freedom of all – freedom of choice. We have this freedom because as a country we encourage and defend it. Part of this process is honoring those who have defended our freedoms – sometimes at the cost of their own lives.

Every time we empower ourselves in any way, we express our ability to be free. In this way we honor those who have gone before us. At Psychic Power our primary goal is to offer tools of empowerment, tools that allow us to see more clearly, and use our freedom of choice in a more positive, constructive manner.

By developing our psychic abilities we empower ourselves to make better, more informed decisions and choices. We need to take the time to look at where we are in life, and where we want to be. We live in a country where education is available to all, and we really can do any work that we want to do.

For myself, freedom from feeling bound by the expectations of others is a huge freedom. I realized that I needed to know who I was before I could break away from these expectations. Once I was sure of who I was, I was able to develop goals that reflected the path that I was on – not the path that someone else wanted me to be on.

What freedoms are you looking for in your life? What are your passions? What are your goals? As readers, we have worked through this in our own lives. Now we are here for you, 24/7, to help you lead a life of... Read More

Post by Bonnie at 7/6/2009 10:38:10 AM

“Tails” of the Afterlife – True Stories of Ghost Pets (Peggy Schmidt, Schiffer Books), is an absolutely wonderful book that talks about our connection with our pets, and about how they can and do visit us from the afterlife. This is a very positive, uplifting, and at times funny book – and I cried my way through it! (More than likely you will too – it is that well written.)

Peggy Schmidt is a tour guide for ghost sites, and helps to research and write storied for Ghost Tours of America. The stories in this book are those of dogs, cats, horses and birds – so that we can see that the phenomenon presented is not specific to any one species. They are presented with a short explanation of the specific type of animal involved, along with a few tidbits about their personality and traits. There are many incredible pictures, but the ones that attracted me the most were presented in a lovely golden heart frame – they are just so very special!

Mixed in with the stories about beloved pets is information on communicating with our pets, and specifically on animal communicators. One thing that interested me was that our pets can tell exactly what is wrong with us physically (this is exemplified in the story of a horse that refused to left lead cantor, because he realized that his rider had a problem with her left hip that she was not aware of).

Animal communicators can do so many things that are helpful to us, and to our pets. They can help to locate missing pets, bring us guidance on health issues that our pets are facing, show us the reasons behind behavior problems, and strengthen our bonds with our pets. One thing that Schmidt talks about is our “heart” animal. This is the one pet that stays with us over an entire lifetime – even after they have crossed over. They have a greater impact on our life that any other animal ever will. I found this an interesting concept because I have experienced it myself, and was always... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/4/2009 12:00:58 PM

The Listener Recap – Lisa Says – Season 1 Episode 5 - air date 7-2-09.
In this episode, Toby and Oz (more Toby than Oz, of course!) try to intervene in the case of Daniel a young street boy that they think may be involved in a series of drugstore burglaries. Daniel is staying with an older street-wise individual that Toby thinks may be influencing him.

To add a little interest, Toby becomes concerned about Lisa, a young runaway that is staying in a youth homeless shelter. He thinks that she may have some to some harm. The woman that runs the shelter finally admits that, against her own house rules, she paid Lisa’s bus fare back home. This sets Toby off on a journey of telephone calls to try and locate Lisa’s parents, and see if she has made it home. He finally locates her mother, and no, she has not made it home!

Meanwhile, Oz is out there trying on caps, jackets, and tennis shoes, in an effort to look “cool”. It seems he has saved the life of a musician (rapper?), and wants to be like him. He even has his own demo CD’s made.

Toby’s contact in the police force is visiting a known drug dealer, who seems not to have been in trouble for over a year. This makes her think that perhaps he is having other people do the stealing for him (i.e. Danny).

Meanwhile, Lisa’s mother hits town. She wants to know where her daughter is. Toby’s police contact tries to keep him from telling the mother that he thinks Lisa may be dead. Toby, his contact and the mother go to visit Danny, just in case he knows something about Lisa that he might not be telling. Hold on to your hat – Danny IS Lisa! Lisa/Danny’s mother is in denial, but Danny insists that he has known from the age of six that he was really male.

Danny takes off from the apartment, and is yanked into a car by the drug dealer and the individual whose apartment he is living... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/3/2009 12:46:29 PM


Mentalist Recap – Red Tide – Season 1, Episode 3 – air date June 30th, 2009. The main storyline for this show is the CBI investigation of the drowning death of a teenage girl. The program starts out with Jane being Jane – he has Grace hide the keys to the van, and he attempts to find them (which he does, of course!). Then the team gets the call about the drowning victim, and they head out to the beach, with an ongoing discussion going on between Jane, Rigsby and Cho about the finding of the keys.

At the beach, there is a memorial going on with friends of the victim (Christine) holding a memorial, and throwing leis into the water. Jane talks to the group of friends, and then decides to stay on the beach (yes – in his suit!). He ends up borrowing a plastic bucket from a young girl and building a very large scale medieval castle – which, needless to say, attracts a crowd!

Back at the station, the rest of the team is looking into the background of Christine’s friends. They visit an old friend of Christine who is in jail on drug charges – she tells them the story of an older man – that Christine refers to as “Pops” – that Christine is having an affair with. And he likes 50’s music. But that is all she knows.

Detectives Lisbon and Van Pelt visit Christine’s home to talk to her father. It turns out that after her mother’s death several years before, Christine took over responsibility for her younger siblings, as her father turned to alcohol. Her father tells them about her old friend, who is now is jail, and that her new surfer friends are all from a better background, and that they are good for her. He mentions a new friend – Flipper.

Flipper turns out to have a history of violence, so they decide to go visit him. His domicile is a... Read More

Post by Lilith at 7/1/2009 4:55:31 AM

Melinda’s husband, Jim, was killed in an automobile accident. She “sees” him enter the body of another victim, who is pronounced dead, and then comes back to life. When the victim, Sam, regains consciousness, he has no memory.

Melinda is being pursued by a ghost of the driver that caused the accident. He is angry, and accusing Melinda and Jim of “stealing” Sam’s life.

Melinda locates Sam’s sister, who comes to his bedside. Sam recognizes the scent of his sister’s shampoo, but not his sister. Sam’s parents arrive, determined to take their son home with them. (The back-story here is that Sam’s parents do not have a good relationship with either of their children, as they have tried to manage their lives for them.)

Instead of going with his parents, Sam goes back to the hospital, and locates Melinda through the Antique shop that Melinda and her best friend Delia run. Melinda goes to the park to talk to Sam, where we see a flashback of Melinda and Jim in the same park.

Melinda offers Sam a place to live in her garage, and work to do. His parents find out about this, and come to visit Melinda, demanding that they let their son go with them. Sam chooses not to go with them, but to take off on his own.

Segue to Delia and her son, Ned. Melinda has been packing Jim’s things, so be given away. Ned asks for Jim’s basketball, as he and Jim used to play together. Delia assures Ned that it was fine that he bonded with Jim as a father, and allows him to keep the basketball.

After Sam leaves, Delia goes to the basketball court, looking for Ned (which is where he is supposed to be every Monday – doing a shooting practice). Ned isn’t there, and has to admit to his mother (over the phone) that Monday’s he used to play basketball with Jim. Delia turns around, and there is Sam, shooting... Read More

Post by Lilith at 6/27/2009 10:56:49 AM
